Can I get Veeky Forums's opinion of the books I have to read this semester in my critical thinking class?

Can I get Veeky Forums's opinion of the books I have to read this semester in my critical thinking class?

"Sula" - Toni Morrison
"Everyman" - Phillip Roth
"In the Lake Of The Woods" - Tim O'Brien
"The Underground Railroad" - Colson Whitehead

>inb4 muh librul agenda

My professor is a flaming liberal and I'm not concerned with his agenda. I just want to know if the books are interesting.


The professor had his name as Whiteface in the syllabus on accident. Made the entire class kek when he was going through the syllabus.

>"""critical thinking""""
>that Oprah-tier reading list

Have you ever wondered if being a "flaming liberal" ought to disqualify people from teaching students who are still basically children?

This. We need to get Breivik to teach children to redpill them to what is really going on, i.e. white genocide

It's critical thinking with literature. They had a class with nonfiction as well but I chose this one.

I know people are gonna shitpost about Morrison but Sula's great. Roth is always at least good. Haven't read the other two so I won't comment.

Since the content doesn't align with your political beliefs it's automatically discounted as a critical thinking course? You should complain to UCLA because that's where I'm taking the class this quarter.

is this the girl form transpotting?

I'll tell /pol/, hopefully they can help put this "man" out of a job. Doesn't deserve to be teaching, especially critical thinking when he's brainwashed

Have you ever been to a college? No matter how conservative you are you should expect political correctness since the student body tends to be mixed. At least if you would want to conduct your class without people getting butt hurt every day. Funny thing is, there are conservatives in my class that weren't afraid to tell him they're conservative and he respected their beliefs and asked for the same. Can you believe it? People speaking about politics and not being autistic?

underground railroad is pretty good. maybe not as good as everyone has hyped it to be but still it's well written and has an original plot.

Thank you for answering my question. I just want to know if I'm going to be bored or not.

well it depends on your reading taste but whitehead is a pretty good writer, the story doesn't have a singular genre but instead moves between historical fiction, slave story and even adventure fiction. it's not at all a lecture on white people, but focuses more on the journey of the protagonist as she moves from one city to the next.

i did find a chapter or two a bit slow, but others chapters were really good.

I'm looking forward to that and "Everyman" as well. I hear great things about Roth.


why are those of a right-wing disposition so shit at cultural endeavours ......there are exceptions, but not many

yes, diane. cute as fuck.

she was ungodly hot in that movie
more breasts in Boardwalk empire though

>While posting the masterpiece of a nazi
I see what you did there

I've never read Morrison or Whitehead, but I like Everyman and Tim O'Brien (I haven't read this specific one). Always heard good things about Whitehead. I might pick it up myself now that you reminded.

that's basically how college goes. only people who have never been or are so wound up in their own agenda think universities are some liberal brainwashing industry. those of us who have or are working on degrees know better.

Hamsun hasn't matured in his political views in Hunger.

If you wanted to post the real reactionary Hamsun holy grail of good literature, you should have posted Growth of the Soil.