Is there an antonym word for "Communication"?

Is there an antonym word for "Communication"?
They seem difficult to define.
Surely it would not be simply "Silence" - that isnt an opposite to communicating, thats just a lack of communicating.

And what about "Art"? Is there an antonym for that?
I define art as personalised communication (this is its base purpose - to transmit ideas, emotions or narratives in a unique but translatable manner).

But is it possible to have an opposite of that?




That means incorrect use of communication - not an opposite of the definition.

antonyms and opposites are not necessarily synonymous.

well you understand what im looking for here - a mirror opposite.

then why would it not be silence? excommunication carries too many semantic differences to fit better as an opposite or antonym, and without defining the specific semantic sense of communication you wish to complement, it's impossible to tell what you think "opposite" or "antonym" or "communication" mean.

If communication is distribution of information to others, wouldn't the antonym be something pertaining to inner thought? Distributing information to yourself, and yourself only?

Damn, that's hard my man.

So "Secrecy" ?

>And what about "Art"? Is there an antonym for that?
Slam Poetry

Possibly, but secrecy can be shared amongst others.
Confidentiality could be assigned as synonymous to secrecy. So, in that case it's maybe not wholly an antonym.

>there's only one antonym per word
wittgenstein really should have looked into the wealth of idiots in the word before abandoning private language

autism ?

times have changed user, but if you were using it in a psychoanalytic context, you could get away with it still.

I think we have a winner here.

I never said there wasn't in my post, only that it probably could be argued that it isn't in fact antonymous.

Can anything be completely antonymous anyway?

>completely antonymous
complementary antonyms?

Communicating = Actively spreading info to others

So mirror opposite would be... inactively not telling yourself?



The opposite of "communication" (information willed into transit) must be information unwillingly suppressed(?)

If communication is the active dissemination of information to distribute a knowable thought, concept, feeling, etc.; then I think the opposite of that would be either to actively suppress the distribution of knowledge or perhaps even to reverse the spread of information (to put the genie back in the bottle as it were).

I think you could thereby make an argument for "obfuscation". Although you could argue obfuscation is just a specific form of communication meant to hide other communications.

Old school, perhaps "babble", meaningless noise.