Has Scientism become the new religion?

Has Scientism become the new religion?

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We're in danger of it. The studies of the falsifiable and un- are both very important but when they seep into each other it is always a bad thing.

When the falsifiable seeps into the un-, you get Scientism and the treatment of science like a god or dogma.
When the un- seeps into the falsifiable, you end up with chakras and ghosts and "energies" and general paranormal nonsense.


Try bringing up the topic of death with a group of normies.

Count how many times someone says that "technology will prolong our lives indefinitely".

We've replaced the ideal (heaven vs a progressive world) but the ideology is still fundamentally unhealthy and life-denying. "Progress" is a meme.

Listen to Dylan Moran
I love Dylan Moran

It might, only there's a spiritual void within Scientism that'll never really satisfy people's needs.
Types like Sagan might wax poetic about how beautiful the universe is and all, but can there be true beauty if everything we see is supposedly only logical? If all follows from random chance and reason, how can you truly wonder at it? You must either feign or be delusional to proclaim spiritualism in science alone.
Science tells us we are nothing in the scheme of things. It teaches people to observe the world from an impartial, dead viewpoint. But people need to feel alive. This is becoming all too apparent in liberalism's decline today, people are realizing they need to attach more value to what they do.
Last time this happened, Jung wrote a big treaty on how humans need their cultural roots to sustain psychological health, and the nazi movement rose up in reactionary response to all this pent-up need for value.
The only true answer to all this is finding new politics, new values, new religion, all while incorporating the old. See, Nietzsche was only right in one aspect. The Old God is dead, but religion has never been so static as to die with it. Science has irrevocably exposed new things about the world, now it's time for us to start giving meaning to those things.


I will only accept trans-humanism if I know it will satisfy my hedonistic will, not because of the merits of progress or science

There's a difference between condoning something and understanding it

>Humans need to feel alive
Jesus, how old are you?

It would only be logical. Of course it sucks. But we just had a few decades of irrationalism, and these are always followed by decades of scientist bullshit throughout history.

Everyone needs to watch Dylan Moran.

Reddit would throw a bitch fit if I asked this question there.

How have we had a few decades of irrationalism? There's been nothing but acclaim for science and reason since the industrialization. Just talk to any normie.

>this is what he picks up from the entire thing
Jesus, how petty are you?
>There's a difference between condoning something and understanding it
Oh, never mind.

Don't get your panties in a bunch. You have to see the hypocrisy in your worry, do you not? You want to talk about the unfalsifiable yet center your argument on such an abstraction? It's romantic bullwark. You make grand assertions as to some innate need for spirituality in order to what? "Feel alive" ? Seek truth? You critique Sagan for waxing poetic yet you yourself are doing the exact same thing as to what science claims to tell us simply at the inverse angle.

It's funny how people just sort of adapt to whatever the current thing is without ever trying to understand it. Well, I say it's funny but I'm honestly very tired.

It went from not caring, to being frustrated, to being angry, to hate, to apathy and now to seeing them as inferior. I don't hate them anymore, I just don't see them as equals. I can't be mad at someone who doesn't know better, or is incapable of knowing better.

inb4 edgy, I'm really just tired

Maybe some day I'll finally become spiritual.

Well, not your life... Maybe something that thinks it's you.

that life extension/ singularity shit is to the nonentities subjected to late capitalism what the always postponed communist future was to the Soviet Man.

This is what the elites believe

>There's like this sub transmission zone below the 3rd dimension that's just turned over to the most horrible things - and it's trying to get over to the 3rd dimension (which is a basic level consciousness) to launch to the next levels.
>And our species is already way up in the 5th, 6th dimension consciously, our best people. But there's this big war trying to destroy humanity, because humanity has free will and there is a decision to which level we want to go to. The (((Elites))) believe they're racing using human technology, to try to take our best minds and build some type of a break-away civilization where they're going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the failed species that is man.
>The Devil, whatever you want to call it, this inter dimensional entity that gives them advanced off-world technology, the Fallen One, that's not off this world, is giving them advanced knowledge how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations.
>This is an inter-dimensional force that wants to build something that absorbs us and kills us, rather than the free will that we are given,to build something greater than us that empowers the species. There is a human counter-strike taking place to shut this off before it get fully into place, to cut off the psychic vampires that are in control of this system before humanity gets destroyed.

I understand that I am merely a collection of organisms that think they're one being. I am ok with this. I wonder at the complexity of the human body in comparison to what we have so far observed as a barren solar system. I don't need to meditate on a creator or my unknowable spirit when I can meditate on the myriad of processes that take place within my body that continue without my knowledge. On how each breath oxygenates my blood which gives life to every temporary life that makes up what I call me. Time passes and I am replaced cell by cell in all parts of my self except for the mind. The mind remains, weathered perhaps but largely unchanged compared to my organs and the skin that makes up my face. I am me because I say I am, I am me because I know I am. Knowing that this conviction is merely a pattern of neurological impulses does not diminish it's importance to me. If anything it gives me comfort that what makes me me is my physical self. I exist, and when I can no longer function, even then what I was isn't lost. It simply flows back into the world and is taken into other organisms, driving them forward through their cycle of change.

I'd say that 'progress' might be more accurate than 'scientism.' As long as we're making 'progress' everything's worth it. Never mind that aside from travel, more exciting distractions (which wouldn't be necessary if we weren't all so miserable) and dying of fewer diseases everything is just about at an all time low, we're making progress guys!

>"Progress" is a meme.

Said the man on the internet posting from a magical electronic box.

Consider the Americans, a group of people more inclined to think the earth was made mere thousands of years ago by Jesus than they are to elect someone that would take scientific findings re: climate change into consideration of their policies, and we can answer 'no'.

Hey, if it thinks it's you it will find a way. Might even be easier. Pleasure mods? I don't know, people who want to be computers must be crazy... or quadriplegics.

take your meds user

hehe, good one comrade

I said the elites believe this, not me
I have my sources

Everyone is really into their own dick, but as soon as someone else whips theirs out it's suddenly degeneracy.

b-b-but muh ideology

Didn't the Trump hire a climate change denier to the EPA? Whew lad Americans are embarassing.

Well, not everyone gets that you can have both philosophy and science. That science, real science, has nothing to do with philosophy. I would argue that philosophy is the big question, the huge question, and science is simply sorting out variables. We can't solve for x until we sort out y. It doesn't matter how we arrange the question.

If we're to take religion as the opiate of the masses then scientism has certainly co-opted a large segment of the general public - a segment that coincidentally(!) has no real nuanced understanding of scientific or philosophical issues and how they interrelate. The STEM/Humanities divide is just a meme. The positivist bogeyman this board fears so much doesn't exist. The real funny thing is that people here have never read any positivists, so they don't recognize that metaphysics was the primary target of logical positivism and this board never misses an opportunity to shit on metaphysics. The only conclusion one can draw from this is that you're arguing against something that you *think* succeeded when it actually didn't. How many people here can point to when positivism was undermined (by other analytic philosophers no less)? Keep praising your Nietzsche and your ethical quandaries about whether or not you should pull the lever, keep crying about how logic is fatal to free thought when you can't even pinpoint what "logic" is and what it's been used to demonstrate. You will never escape scientism and its associated philosophies if you can't dig yourself out of the hole you've been lying in since you first picked up "thus spake zarathustra" when you were a 16 year old fedora.

Trump is a postliterate shamanic figure, not the measured 'man of science' of the literate era. Science mutates into technics and slowly becomes indistinguishable from the ritualism of animistic man. Our reality is nothing but an endless stream of infoblasts, memes, covert and overt commodity promotion, and ritualised demagoguery. Scientism requires certain detachement from the phenomenon, and is therefore of little use in our myth-driven era of total involvement.

>opiate of the masses
I get really triggered whenever I see or hear this.

The thing is, we're already there. Most people in the west can live into their 90s if they really want to. If you go back 60 years that just wasn't the case for most of the world.

While we create more technology, the environmental world around us decays, our fertility decays, our culture decays, and soon the education of the masses will decay and they will be ruled over by singular men, until the whole west comes crashing down from barbaric Ruskies invading. Technology advances, sure, but that is not the extent of life. Progress is a meme.

'Climate Change' is cultural marxist pseudoscience, tho

William Gibson with more Lovecraft? Yes please.

Your entire post and the thought process behind it is a meme.

Then what is the extent of life?

Is your source a green little man who came in through your bathroom mirror?

Are you ready for the big enchilada?


You go

Memes can only be ideas that rely on gimmicks and have no correlation to the actualities of the world. Since all around the earth we can see ruins, peoples becoming "ruins", ruinous ideas marching themselves forward, and a wealth of books and literature that remind us of truly healthy and lush periods of the human mind that are now irrevocably closed off from us, my thought process is very far from meme-hood. Simply pronouncing that human civilization is moving upwards and forwards to some specific place is very memetic. "utopia", ουτοπία, means "no-place."


You do know that literacy is at an all time high? We only notice the idiocy because the internet lets it into our social circles. What I find most encouraging about the world of today is that people actually want to know, or at least know that they should.

Alex Jones... really now?


You're a mim user.

It includes, but is not limited to, technology. High Culture, high birth rates, patriarchal and matriarchal models, god-fearing religions, Arcadian states of environmental beauty, a sound and wholesome morale, deeply felt art forms, symbols, and complex worldviews expressed through the actions of a people are other aspects of life that cannot be grasped by scientism or technology.

As we know from today's world, literacy rates do not correspond with education or intelligence. In the urban centers of materialistic civilization, people know how to argue, know which newspapers and social media apps to consume, know what right humanitarian moral opinions to hold; but simply having literacy does not lead the masses to the conclusive systems of understanding -- does not lead them to the tinge of springtime religiosity required to maintain and rear a culture, which is the source of the life of every people. In fact, they are led more voraciously into disengaging with all education all together (netflix, entertainment, sports, sexual degeneracy, gluttony, clubs, and video games) or the active destruction of the higher culture that surrounds and births them through materialistic mass-movements on both sides of the political spectrum. None of this sterile chatter will lead to any real, long-term, education like Pythagorean schools, Brahministic culture, Scriptural scholars of the middle east, and Scholasticism accomplished for all of their respective high cultures.

That facial hair sexually assaulted me just now.

...Are you fucking stupid?
Have you never seen an image of him before? For fuck's sake, do you even know who that is?

Red pill overdose.

you don't understand then.
rationality is beauty.

of course I've seen Schoppenhauer before
calm down

It's become a new religion. It doesn't transcend anything about religion in a way that would lead me to categorize it as something else. But it does have a novel strategy, which is that its own followers don't consider it a religion, and therefore feel justified in adding it to their own faith.

besides , it's not like we move only accourdingly to reason.
we move with emotions using rational means.

You're probably right, none of us will have the memory of a scribe or the discipline of a monk. This was what was required back when knowledge was scarce and precious. When a simple fire could undo thousand of years of culture and philosophy. It was a different world.

Now we have different goals, more ambitious ones.

I was lampooning the academia of today, but feel free to continue with your righteous fury.


Thanks dude, wasnt gonna click the first link, but now checking this guy out

But now he just said something cringeworthily stupid so I am considering x'ing it out aprox. 3.7 minutes in


Alex Jones is basically the last true crusader for truth in this world. Legit, the smertist man ever, 200%

>implying Dylan Moran isn't perfect
don't you fucking dare

Ambitious ones, but culturally hollow. One should not despair over this fact, but nevertheless abstain from falling into idealistic fantasies about the state of our civilization. There is something extremely grand in multi-million dollar international oil deals and wars, massive construction operations, moon landings, world wars, and mass civil wars fought over race and resources to come. There is something grand in a Caesar's matter-of-fact dealings with hard cold reality, in maintaining order and ending the democratic madhouse with fatal, autocratic discipline. But none of it is leading anywhere but to our own winter.

It's cool though. Write poetry in your own time. Make money doing grand tasks and win the woman you love. Have children with her. Provide for them like a man. Read the past works of your culture and others. Recognizing the futility of progress alleviates one from wondering why the masses don't care about his recently composed Iambic pentameter masterpiece, or wasting time in idealistic politics. Embrace the possibilities left open to us, for there are hundreds. Just not in painting Rembrandts or establishing utopias.

Maybe I misunderstand what is meant by this, but is not this:
>Our reality is nothing but an endless stream of infoblasts, memes, covert and overt commodity promotion, and ritualised demagoguery:

The action/doing of Scientism?
Which you then say
>Scientism requires certain detachement from the phenomenon, and is therefore of little use in our myth-driven era of total involvement.

Doesnt Scientism create the era, and the phenomenon? Isnt Scientism 'the knowledge of action, and the profitable doing'?

Religion is simply flawed science.

Science is simply flawed religion.

Religion is flawed simply science.

that'll be good enough for me then

Lol stop larping

I never said anything about Utopia, my personal view is that everyone should pursue immortality. Either you try to leave a work of value, or you raise children, or you impact others in some other way. If everyone did that we'd be ok... and possibly there'd be a few narcissistic serial killers, but mostly ok.

Yeah, someone needs to take a break from apocalyptic cyber punk at least.

>they haven't read the Dialectic of Enlightement
cheers, plebs.

>I never said anything about Utopia, my personal view is that everyone should pursue immortality.
This position is a sign of decay. The only reason people want to prolong their lives is because, in the modern world, their lives are empty and unfulfilling.

how can you hate on the science though?
You, or another ubermensch, would likely eat in the same burgerking (which science created) as that science boy, and you both may live and grow and die in the same land: in what way are you so much better than them?

No, scientism is a part of secularism, and secularism is a new kind of esoterism.
It's a new mimetic framework in the same manner as greek mythology and paganism.
In reality Christianity was the next step in human evolution, and secularism is a regression.

>everything i dont like is genre fiction

The idea of having children for immortality is, as the other user said, modern. It appears in Shakespeare's sonnets for perhaps the first time in modern non-classical Europe. Children died all of the time. Immortality in this world of any sort, even through ideas, was seen as futile. Therefore you viewed immortality as a place in heaven. Immortality was not something to strive for, but a given. Striving was the virtues that would lead you to either Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell.

>As we know from today's world,
I think that might be due to the potential subconcious or not mindset that: universities, research groups, think tanks, government, companies, community planners, they handle the information gathering, the pursing knowledge, they pay to learn about subjects, the colleges are taking care of it all, we are apart of Human Society, Western Culture, America, we can go to the museum, we can go online if we want, and 'see what the gang is up to', what they discovered, what great knowledge and wisdom and custom is possible, but ehhh, had a busy day at work think I will just intoxicate myself a bit with some friends at an expensive loud place then go home and masturbate myself to sleep.

>Scientism = science

are you retarded?

Different toys, same game.

science does not and can not either answer or ask any question which is inherently meaningful and important.

science is just the method by which questions pertaining to technology are answered.

>The thing itself, the concept of thing is a mere extension of the faith in the ego as cause. And even your atom, my dear materialists and physicists — how much error, how much rudimentary psychology still resides in your atom! Not to mention the "thing-in-itself," the horrendum pudendum of metaphysicians! The "spirit as cause" mistaken for reality! And made the very measure of reality! And called God!

----Nietzsche, "Twilight of the Idols"

>any question which is inherently meaningful and important.
And neither can anything else. The end result being that science will never be demonstrated to be insufficient, because nothing will prove itself better.

religion answers questions which are inherently important and meaningful.

I understand why we will never create a utopia (because that is impossible and entropy will always creep into a system), but why won't there not be another Rembrandt?

There are great artists in every era because there will always be exceptions to perceived norms.

>Science is simply flawed religion.
>Religion is simply flawed science.

Science doesnt have Good Culture

But what you dont understand is:

Society is Science:

Culture, is, Sciences Culture

Scientism has been testing out many styles of Cultures, for different reasons, studying them, knowing them, experiments, allowing absolute naturalism occurring, great quantities of times and spaces, there are many types of cultures, and religions, people try to form their own groups, areas, industries, cultures, crews, companies, corps, teams, states, towns, families, these all exist, you are simply only merely saying "scientism as a thing a percentage of people do" is absolutely bad and should not exist and the world would be better for it? Or, they should do exactly XYZ and they and we and the world will be better for it?

>science only pertains to technology.
That's completely wrong. Many fields (biology, astronomy, etc) answer questions about other things.


Science is on the back-foot. No one particularly cares in the West, or is enthused as a society by, the concept of great Scientific advancement and achievement. The latest political strife on basically every continent from the turn of the 20th century and onwards has had the West (and certain Asian nations) focus almost entirely inward on hedonism and instant-gratification technologies which are merely innovations and not actual inventions or progressiveness.

That is not to say there is NO incredible Sciences occurring right now and that Science as a whole has been having a fantastic go as of late. I am just saying that in terms of Science taking over how people structure their morals/ethics/faith there's just not enough proof in the ebb-and-flow of Western Society right now to say that's true. On the other hand, I do believe that Individualistic Aggressive Capitalism is the new religion. Financial Independence is True Enlightenment and family/friends/coworkers are nothing but financial competition, fiscal enemies.

no they don't. those are still technology. useful things. a means to an end.

science can not answer questions whose answers are not a means to end.

Um, engineering has more to do with technology than science. Science just gives engineers more tools to work with.


Hollywoodianism is the new religion.

engineering is just the practical application of science. science discovers a technique and engineering executes it.

Sure, but just because something is futile (like living without sin) doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried.


Political correctness is the new religion.

If you were to read my entire post you would know that I wasn't referring to my life but my legacy. Doing something worthwhile.

>The idea of having children for immortality is, as the other user said, modern.

For millennia and more, having children has been inherently known as one of the most fundamentally necessary rites of life and duty, and in humankind, the extreme and upmost importance, of maybe if even a little, leaving something behind for your seed and next of kind, dynastys have been built, many, family businesses, castles, palaces, millennia, industries,


Why bother with all that when I can just commit to stoicism.

What is the 'extent of life' then?

It certainly tries to.

>are you retarded?
Of course, are you?