Does anyone have tips on writing a journal?

Does anyone have tips on writing a journal?

yeah get a journal and write in it.

I'd agree. This sounds pretty good,

Realize that it's personal

It takes most people awhile to learn how to get their mind on paper because they're so accustomed to filtering themselves around others

It may take some time of forcing yourself before you really flow out on the page

> write about your sex fantasies involving your sister
> leave somewhere where your sister will find it
> ???
> sex with your sister

Keep at it and make it a habit.

The only differance between a good journaler and a bad journaler is that the bad one stopped at some point and the good one did not.

Also experience stuff, go out on adventures.
If things dont happen to you, there is not much to write about.

I think you might land an appointment with a psyciathrist if your sister finds your fantasies.

Forget about writing the date. Time is irrelevant. Write what comes from your soul. The soul writes only what's necessary.

Use a pen, not the pen il pictured

I find this the most difficult step. Am I simply insecure with myself?

just write

there will be plenty of moments when you look back and cringe at some of your awful writing but that's part of the whole process.

stick with it and 20 years later this becomes the best window back to your soul from 2017

I like recording the date because it gives context to that period of my life when I read it years later

Probably but who cares?

settle down for at least 30-60 minutes.
start writing the first thing that comes to mind. "yesterday i went to the supermarket. i went at 8 am because my roommate finished the last of the coffee last night. i value her as a person but i can't, for the life of me, understand why she drinks coffee at night." and take it from there.

feel free to indulge! embellish, go for straight fiction when it feels right, stop making sense, who cares, it's a journal.

little by little you'll start to hone in on what you actually feel like writing.

no joke, i think journalling really helped me develop my own style.

So you want to have a diary? (desu).
It's seriously simple.
You take a pen(cil) and

Seriously, keeping a diary (DESU) is a no brainer.
I use it to keep the voices in check.
hehe, I've got schizophrenia, and I'm such a quirky person!!!

I use the voice as musii (the plural of 'muse') because without a mental illness I'm unable to write about anything.
And it's trendy! Each great person had an illness, and I'm great.
Since S-M, and M-P, that follows that S-M ergo I've got ills.

//set your mind free\\

alright, partner, I've gotta go write in my diary




Just make sure you habitually write in your diary, desu.

how do i overcome the fear that someone may read my journal? it costantly stop me from writing what i actually want to write

Write in a different language then where you live.
I live in Spain, but write my journal in German. It has the added benefit of inreasing German writing skills.

I burn the journal once its full and then start a new one.

If you need even more security keep it in a safe.

>tfw paranoid that someone will snoop through my room and read it

this happened to me once
i stopped writing a journal after that