He doesnt read nietzche

>he doesnt read nietzche
>he doesnt know the objective truths of the universe

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>he doesnt know the objective truths of the universe
The objective truth that we should exterminate Jews?

>being anti-Semitic on Veeky Forums

mom and dad would be so furious if they saw your posts here lol


>objective truths

"There are no facts, only interpretations".

Nietzsche was an antisemite, dumbass. That was the point of the post.

You didn't read a single book from him didn't you? Fucking pleb

Neechee was anti antisemit

>copying the worldview of a philosopher word for word without thinking for yourself on how he could be right or wrong or how one could improve/modify said worldview
>"objective truth"
A page 10 thread died for this.

>read Nietzsche
>the Muse finally strike me
>the truth of all of his work enter in my soul immediatly
>run out in the streets
>run for 170 miles, no fatigue cause I'm now a true Ubermensch
>reach Washington DC
>march with women (the best men are worse than the best women)
>a guy try to interview me
>he tries to use logic, but I've already overcome that: the logic proposed by him is life-denying, and completely obscurates what it means to be truly human
>"just answer me" he asks
>in my infinite widsom I direct him to the only real sourcee of truth, the only one that in history managed to be truly Dyonisiac: so much joy is expressed by those timeless words

>Nietzsche was an antisemite
But that`s wrong, you fucking imbecile.

>there's no objective truth
>that's objectively true btw
Subjectivism btfo

>user hasn't read Nietzsche and hasn't released what he just revealed about his manhood
>objective truth
he's not even copying it, stop associating schoppy with idiots.

More like went the complete opposite direction from him while copying his prose.

>Nazis used some of his terms incorrectly so he himself was a Nazi
Not surprised at the level of stupidity here anymore desu

Pls kys if you think he was an antisemite

How do I get past the impenetrable language that he uses? I picked up a collection of his works and started reading The Birth of Tragedy. I've spent a few hours on it, and am only on page 50 because I have to continuously reread paragraphs and flip back a few pages to understand his point.

Keep in mind that I don't enjoy a higher education. I'm a manual laborer.

stop reading nietzsche imo

Nietzsche is extremely easy to read. I'm pretty sure that you're having troubles only because you're not used to reading in general.

If that's the case keep reading and keep going back to understand what he's saying. Reading comprehension is a skill, and you can master it, but not without effort.
In a few months reading Nietzsche will be trivial to you, and all the effort you're putting now to understand the works will be used instead for interpreting and contemplating on what you're reading.

Keep going, mate

I actually read somewhat regularly. I get through 10-15 books a year. Nothing too intense, basic fiction like Cormac McCarthy, Bukowski or Vonnegut. I think it's more that I'm not used to the literary styles of academia.

why do people think this thing is cute?

why does this thing think Nietzsche would have given a single shit about what some sexually defective woman thought?

step up your game my dude

>what some sexually defective woman thought?
to be fair, sexually defective women are probably the ones with the best thoughts in his mind

What? Even in translation it's some of the most entertaining prose you'll ever get. It works on an entirely different level than most other prose you'll read in philosophy.

It draws one in.
Nietzsche is anti-academia in his prose. Academics especially in English demand a very autistic prose because it is more conducive to masturbatory study.

Yeah, I know I'm a fucking pleb.

lol you got punked by his brother-in-law

everyone shut up and READ NEECHY!

nietzsche went crazy and you're telling me that nigga knows shit. he probably masturbates to horse porn.

Ni Tsuh

Nietsche is much easier to read than someone like McCarthy.

Check your translation. Translations can sometimes fuck everything up.

>Check your translation
Yeah every six months or 3000 miles. You could at least tell him the right one to get (its Kaufman btw)

Set a man on fire...

Smoke a pack of Russian contraband cigarettes, it worked for me.

A single pack for a pound...

I don't miss Russia, but I miss her glorious lack of care for her citizens.

Premier? Bayron ( or was it Byron ? ) were the best contraband cigarettes though IMO.

Ashton Kietzscher??

>believing Kaufmann's whitewashing of Nietzsche
Kill yourselves, retards.

Nietzsche is the easiest philosopher to read, that's why he's simultaneously so popular and so misunderstood. If you can't into his writing style you might be retarded.

also start with the greeks etc

Ok, hol up
Are you
Are you tryna
Are you tryna tell me you're reading Knee-Chee not in German?

>believing his sister's deutsch washing

What's this from? Been seeing it spammed a lot lately

start with zarathustra

Should I read chronologically or do Zarathustra -> Beyond Good and Evil and then branch out?

Start with the Greeks.

Zarathustra last.

i still dont know what video this is from


Someone posted a mega with all her personal instagrams on it but I felt bad and deleted it. If you look in the archive you can probably find it.

I've already read the Greeks you dolt