>reads Ghost in the Shell once
Reads Ghost in the Shell once
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good thread
>plays Deus Ex once
I always try my best, lad.
>tfw you will never watch anime with Nick Land and Barron Trump.
The manga looks better and Oshii is a better Live-Action director.
He's great here youtu.be
what is a novel like Deus Ex
ive read William Gibson, Pynchon, RAW - they don't cut the mustard
need that cold, slightly comic near-cyberpunk feel
Bleeding Edge when it was getting into The Montauk Project and all that spooky shit was probably the closest i can think of
Goethe's Faust
fuck you man. it is a good play though.... thanks for reminding me I have to read Faust Pt 2 which I hear is super dense and super weird
The 95 movie is the best kind of movie.
You turn it on for 5 minutes just to see what it's about and suddenly youre 45 minutes in and silently enraptured.
One of my favorite works, and part 2 is great. Why are you reading Pynchon and shit like that when you have that unfinished? Gods, kings and creatures from Greek mythology, homunculus and saving the HRE.
Stop wasting your time my dude.
>tfw we're so close to the collapse
want it to hurry up already
>a novel like Deus Ex
How would you define a novel like Deus Ex? Its plot was shit and predictable. Maybe you are referring to its gameplay? In that case, you may read those "choose your adventure" books.
SAC > manga > movie
Prove me wrong, Drumpftards.
You're not wrong.
SAC was and is perfection.
>Muh attacking everyone because I assume they support President Trump.
Anybody have a Batou wojak? Seems like a pretty good hybrid.
end of bleeding edge touched on some great stuff. interesting to see what Pynchon knows about.
faust pt.2 is bizarre and an entirely different work from pt.1....if pt.1 was fragmented, which is most definitely is, pt.2 is a mess
I see this thread devolved into talk about some unrelated literature.
I watched SAC first season recently and thought it was alright, but really not that interesting or deep. It seemed to have a decent little conspiricy going for the first half of the season, with the episode in the autism hospital being the best one. By the last few episodes I didn't care all to much, and the last episode was anti climactic.
At least it wasn't pseud shit like Innocence. The first movie is always gonna be the best, although I've not read of the manga.
Does tricky Nick conceive of his AI overlords like psuedo-human superintelligences, or some form of depersonalized but immensely powerful entity, like a paperclip maximizer only less banal (or maybe some sort of aggressively self-perpetuating artificial ecosystem, completely unintelligent but still finds a way to solve problems)?
I'm about to read Ghost in the Shell on TV right now
I saw the anime once. The ending was also a complete rip-off of Neuromancer.
No senpai
the second more than the first though both are more reified than necessary. he thinks we already have an "ai overlord" of sorts, namely capitalism. so the whole entity part isn't really essential
>tfw no qt wizard class hacker cyborg gf who can kick my ass
Isn't a lot of cyber punk?