>8:30 pm >weekday >borrowed mum's car at 4:30, spent the entire time driving around, drinking coffee, eating junk food, feeling bad about life, browsing Veeky Forums, optimistic about working hard tomorrow >will go to gym and then home and then lie on bed browsing Veeky Forums instead of reading
Well, that's been typical for the past year.
Instead of dropping one of the usual copy pastas, I'll just ask my questions straight up:
How do you get the motivation to do stuff and deal with stuff and risk ridicule and wasting time and energy? Hard mode: Don't just scream, "DUDE THE SUBLIME LMAO"
Thomas Martinez
Do you have any friends or anyone you interact with? I don't.
David Robinson
Veeky Forums counts, right? I never use a trip and have still been recognised because of my repetitive posting.
Leo Perez
>Veeky Forums counts, right? I hope so user. I hope so.
Ayden Anderson
Real answer is step up. You don't live in a vacuum, whatever you are thinking isn't that great once you get it down on paper. I made excuses and there's no end to those. You have no time to debate, you either do it now and work hard today or you'll never work hard. If I gave you two thousand years to sit and ponder the action you would take in the next second, no matter what you did it would be either to write the damn thing or spend the day worrying. You're a worry addict. Most people are, they don't understand the basic things are the most important, and if you want to write you should probably start by writing since it's really cheap to do these days.
Difficulty is in promotion. There is no 'motivation', if you're waiting for a certain feeling in your body to come and give you the go-ahead then you're going to be waiting a long time.
Hudson Long
How can you eat junk food and then go to the gym?
Aiden Perry
very carefully
Noah Sullivan
I don't understand. You shouldn't eat that shit at all.
Christopher Mitchell
i work as a screenwriter, so while im not a lit author, i still write. i don't make nearly enough from screenwriting (doing small projects and working my way up to something bigger in a few years) so I make my living otherwise.
i work part-time at a bar and on top of that i have a small inheritance that i use to pay part of my rent.
the thing that saved me is that as a screenwriter, i write for a director. the guy i write for is 9 years older than me, and is no longer "wasting time waiting" for his career. he (and the producers) set deadlines and push for projects to be finished.
i guess i'm like most people: i like starting projects but have a hard time following up. the flipside is that my boss (and the producers we write for) aren't like that at all: they expect to see projects through to fruition.
if it weren't for these two parties to keep me in check, i'd never finish anything. instead, i've written a handful of short films, a webseries and two features.
td;dnr: get people to keep you in check if you're a total slob.
Matthew Scott
gimme an example of something you worked on pl0x
Thomas Miller
At least we can find consolation in the fact that we'd always be alone even if we had friends.
Angel Campbell
Is that how that works?
Elijah Martinez
I don't know if I like how I feel about your facts, user.
Charles Cook
Ian Cooper
i literally can't, the first project (a short) that i've authored is being filmed this summer.
Aaron Richardson
I find first thing in the morning is the best time to get stuff done. I have to leave for work at 7, but I wake up at 5. I eat breakfast and shower from 6:30 - 7. In this time over the past uear I have taught myself Latin and am working through translating Julius Caesars bello gallico.
Jeremiah Mitchell
how the FUCK do you wake up that early? if i need to wake up earlier than noon i have to go to bed at like 11pm
James Scott
I go to bed between 10 and 11. I used to get up just in time to make it to work on time(ish). I started getting up 15 minutes earlier every week, giving myself a week to get used to the new time. Now that 2 hours before work is my favorite part of a weekday. I also don't feel stressed about wasting my time after work when I'm tired and maybe just want to watch tv.
Andrew Miller
I've always figured there are 24 hours a day. You sleep 6 hours and have 18 hours left. Now, I know you are going to say well, wait a minute, I sleep eight or nine or ten hours. Well, then, just sleep faster.
Alexander Hughes
Brandon Peterson
patrician as fuck, but what if your friends want to hang out after work? do you file out of their apartment at 9pm on the grounds that "i ought to get to bed early?"
im gonna try the "15 minutes with a week to adjust" trick.
Gavin Brooks
Nathaniel Carter
>he isn't a hegelian wizard
Isaac Ward
I'll hang out till 10. If something fun is going on I'll stay later, I'm not autistic about my routine. The next morning I might hit the snooze button. But our weekdays are usually pretty chill. I don't feel like I've missed out on much by leaving at 10.
Angel Watson
>im gonna try the "15 minutes with a week to adjust" trick. It's a good trick, but the weeks where you only have 15 and 30 minutes of free time are pretty lame. Not enough time to get anything done. I read poems and made nicer breakfasts for those weeks.