The Poetry of John Green

The Poetry of John Green

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It seems to me as if Wordsworth lives again.

>tfw it's actually real

A fucking refugee family moved in next to me last week. They're already trying to get us to go to their house for a meal in order to force their culture down our throats. Luckily my dad is redpilled and told them to fuck off home.

i think the real racists are the sandpeople

You might make fun and light of this. But my city is like 50% middle eastern now.

I don't like it.


Even in tweets he's ripping everyone off

My local municipality recently arranged housing for two 'syrian' refugees.

Instead of a small worker's house, similar to the ones a third the population of my country lives in they bought a villa.
A 5000 square foot 80 year old monumental villa with traditional details such as stained glass on about half an acre of prime fertile clay land.
We burned it.

>They're already trying to get us to go to their house for a meal in order to force their culture down our throats.

That's literally just being a decent neighbor, fucking /pol/ nigger.

its obviously a joke you moron.

Whoa I say he really made me think.

Cool story bro, I'm sure /pol/ would care.



>Our interactions with inanimate objects are held to the same moral standards as our interactions with people.
>Implying that Cheerios can think, talk or have an opinion on anything

Huh? I'm not getting this at all.


>tfw no friendly foreign neighbors
You ungrateful fucker

Jheeze :/

I live in the United Arab Emirates, most of my street is Arabic now

>Implying that John Green can think, talk or have an opinion on anything

Are you a grill?

>Luckily my daddy saved me! hehe!

I also don't understand this. I would hold a bowl of delicious heart-healthy CheeriosĀ© eaten by 48 previous people to a different standard than an uneaten bowl.

The upshot is, of course, that women hold the same level of moral agency as cereal.

True story bro

White genocide averted. Whew!

>2 refugees

>"De gemeente Voorst, waar Twello onder valt, had het pand vorig jaar voor vier ton gekocht, om er maximaal veertien vluchtelingen met een verblijfsstatus te huisvesten."


Oh johnny boy good old chap.

based /r9k/

The municipality said only two were coming to stay there.

FANTASTIC bait.Genuinely laughed

Pol you are getting better, but not enough to pull one over us intellectuals. Go scream about redpilling here