How is he redpilled?

how is he redpilled?

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take the redpill, he isn't.

He contributed to cultural marxism by talking about nonexistent power structures and relations. If anything, the white heterosexual male is oppressed

>the white heterosexual male is oppressed
What kind of weak faggot shit is that?

Foucault was the French milo. Dude hated commies and rode based FA Hayek's free market cock

Foucault was a secret proto Nrx Paleocon. Remember, Land started out as a Foucault fanboy

>the foucault was a leftist meme
>the liberals read foucault meme
>the Veeky Forums's influx of /pol/tards who haven't read actually read foucault meme

>If anything, the white heterosexual male is oppressed

The fact you say that as if its mutually exclusive to any other forms of oppression shows you need to actually read Foucault before talking out your ass

>cultural marxism
wil this meme ever die

He deconstruct what we take for granted, be it punishment for crimes or sexual identity. Which on one hand is used by tumblrists as "proof" that binary gender roles aren't "real", because there's a village in southern mexico that does it another way, hence "our" system is just socially constructed, etc. Likewise things like social justice, equality, etc. are just as much social constructions and results of our time. Didn't really touch on much not covered by the Stirn and Neetch + some brain power. (i havent actually read Fuckalt)

He joined the French Communist Party and left it quickly enough, then sometime around the time he saw what the Polish United Workers' Party did, he grew up and discovered stoicism and classical liberalism.

A lot of readers of Marx, in the 60s, eventually stopped sucking his dick when seeing for themselves what happens when the Revolution does take over.

It's also why orthodox marxism, leninism and stalinism aren't as popular today as they used to be. Marx is no longer heralded the discoverer or inventor of the Laws of History as Engels marketed him, he is just another influential continental philosopher among many.

Foucault still left plenty of works that went to basically the exclusive benefit of crit theory, postcolonialism, feminist and queer theory.

I'm sure /pol/ can find some way to connect the idea of workers controlling the means of production with unemployed sjws communicating over networks owned privately primarily by white men


>Post-Marxists = Marxists
>Sigur Ros = Van Halen

>If anything, the white heterosexual male is oppressed
The true redpill is realizing that oppression isn't a legitimate description of any human relationship.

>cultural marxism
This term is all too common on this board now. This board has become full psued, time to abandon ship

Marxism was always a war against the proletariat, whether it's the dictatorship OVER the proletariat in the East, or a relatively more honest 60s neomarxism where the proletariat is almost openly described as the villain in the battle for hegemony.

Regardless of whether it makes historical sense, 'cultural marxism' is an incredibly effective term, as it captures the pavlovian fear reaction Joe the Plumber experiences when exposed to edgy stuff like pic related.

>backwards asian peasant nations liquidating populations in a race against global industrialization is entirely the fault of some German pamphlets, and has nothing to do with their existence as backwards asian peasant nations liquidating populations in a race against global industrialization
>/pol/ "refutes" this argument with the "watcha doin Mao?" cartoon


Horribly misread by plenty of people who claim to draw on him for political purposes. Very interesting thinker otherwise, esp for how he re-approaches power (not just as "oppression", or "coercion", as most people are content with taking his concept of power), and the way in which the subject was formed in European history

(i) Limitation of private property through progressive taxation, heavy inheritance taxes, abolition of inheritance through collateral lines (brothers, nephews, etc.) forced loans, etc.

(ii) Gradual expropriation of landowners, industrialists, railroad magnates and shipowners, partly through competition by state industry, partly directly through compensation in the form of bonds.

(iii) Confiscation of the possessions of all emigrants and rebels against the majority of the people.

(iv) Organization of labor or employment of proletarians on publicly owned land, in factories and workshops, with competition among the workers being abolished and with the factory owners, in so far as they still exist, being obliged to pay the same high wages as those paid by the state.

(v) An equal obligation on all members of society to work until such time as private property has been completely abolished. Formation of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

(vi) Centralization of money and credit in the hands of the state through a national bank with state capital, and the suppression of all private banks and bankers.

(vii) Increase in the number of national factories, workshops, railroads, ships; bringing new lands into cultivation and improvement of land already under cultivation – all in proportion to the growth of the capital and labor force at the disposal of the nation.

(viii) Education of all children, from the moment they can leave their mother’s care, in national establishments at national cost. Education and production together.

(ix) Construction, on public lands, of great palaces as communal dwellings for associated groups of citizens engaged in both industry and agriculture and combining in their way of life the advantages of urban and rural conditions while avoiding the one-sidedness and drawbacks of each.

(x) Destruction of all unhealthy and jerry-built dwellings in urban districts.

(xi) Equal inheritance rights for children born in and out of wedlock.

(xii) Concentration of all means of transportation in the hands of the nation.

and absolutely nothing about totalitarianism or the scope of establishing states, these factors are equally compatible with voluntary collectives

>ii .. partly through competition by state industry, partly directly through compensation in the form of bonds.

Leninists and Maoists just shot people this isn't helping your point

>le epic baiter from reddit
xd epic

>obligation on all members of society to work
Because you'd never worry about what happens when you go on a strike or cannot work, you and your "worker's movement", right?
>all means of transportation in the hands of the nation
Because you would never have any reason to leave the country without the nation knowing all about it, right?

It's ok, /leftypol/, I get it.

You want fully automated luxury communism, with drones delivering the goods you order from the public 3D printer right to your house, it's all extant technology, if only we didn't need bosses or to be dicks to each other, in order to use resources and equipment...

Yes yes, there is no way we can return to any kind of pre-marxian social science. Was it Weber that said it first?

But there is no need to defend these two German shitheads every single time and over every single issues.

You would argue against that shit too if you were in an Internationale, and they'd call you a reactionary bourgeois for it. You'd get imprisoned and shot during the Revolution.

Even the Frenchmen in the 60s knew better. Shush now.

It was a totalitarian project since 1847.

Any reccs on where to start on Foucault with re/ to power or slave/master dialectic and its relation to Marx's original conception of these ideas?

>obligation on all members of society to work
>"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
you're perfectly content citing Leninist shitholes and won't cite Norway whose PM and leading parties are Marxist

>Because you would never have any reason to leave the country without the nation knowing all about it, right?

get this, US surveillance is largely outsourced to private companies like Palantir, but I'm sure capitalism will fix that somehow

>You'd get imprisoned and shot during the Revolution.
lets cite backwards peasant countries rushing to industrialize yet again

btw, I'm not a Marxist, I just find most of the people who genuinely think they're fighting "cultural Marxism" are fools

>From each according to his ability
Nice slogan, but forcing people to work against their will is slavery. :^)

>to each according to his needs
You can't give according to one's needs when all that matters in terms of value of the commodity and compensation to the worker is labor. Things like (subjective) need and (objective) scarcity are never factored. Marx WTF are you doing?

>perfectly content citing Leninist shitholes
No, I'm citing Engels, completely unsurprised at the outcome.

>and won't cite Norway whose PM and leading parties are Marxist
Show me where is the Revolution in Norway, c'mon. If it's reformist and/or bourgeois it is not marxism, you make as much sense as the guldural margsism crowd.

>I'm sure capitalism will fix that somehow
I can still leave this country.

This neoliberal crap that we have today is obsessed with moving people around, and Putinian-Trumpist neofeudalist border closure doesn't seem to be the orthodoxy yet.

>I just find most of the people who genuinely think they're fighting "cultural Marxism" are fools
So do I. But I don't like political systems where people are means and not ends either. These ideas have been discarded by the very intellectuals and activists that dedicated the good part of their lifetime to them, and for a reason.

I guess I must have a problem with both ideology and utopia, poor postmodern me.

>Nice slogan, but forcing people to work against their will is slavery.

if you think willingness and ability aren't intertwined, you should read up on workplace psychology

>I can still leave this country.

you really think US corporate hegemony ends at its borders? Unless you plan on living in underground caves there is no place on earth safe from satellites, which will soon be mostly privately owned by US state-capitalists like Thiel or Musk.

>But I don't like political systems where people are means and not ends either

people will always be means as long as they reproduce under the power structures of greater minds, moving from being someone else's means to your own always involves seizing the means of production for yourself and your cooperators, in this sense some capitalists are better marxists than most marxists

>I guess I must have a problem with both ideology and utopia, poor postmodern me.

Thinking people tend to, but you don't even need to look for utopia, everything nice about the modern world; medicine, food standards, math & science, are all either collective enterprises or capitalistic ones taking advantage of collectivist structures. Could you imagine if there was a patent on Differential Calculus? That's what software patents are like.

>Nice slogan, but forcing people to work against their will is slavery.

surveillance capitalism takes your data, your actions, and your intellectual labor without paying you

They aren't forcing you to do anything. They provide a free service in exchange of your data. That's the problem with millennials, they think the world owes them something, what else do you expect from a generation raised on participation trophies and safe spaces?

Smartphones are not free AND take away your data even if you try to inhibit it from doing so.

Information capitalism (or whatever the new name of the spectacle) is cancer and anyone defending it is working in destroying fucking planet Earth.

>That's the problem with millennials

the problem is that most millennials don't know enough to care about surveillance because they've been poorly educated, so now you have a bunch of brain slaves

after the civil war many slaves wanted to stay on their farms, and did, because they had no other opportunity because of how dumb they were. Were they still slaves? Technically not. Did they live the exact same lifestyle? Yes.

>They provide a free service in exchange of your data.

I'm not talking about Facebook, I'm talking about the worrying increase of companies like Palantir, and other corporations, that gather information such as healthcare data, geolocational information, psychological data, and others that /were once only gathered through experiments that were once paid in the US/

there are multiple companies whose business interest is to have a personal file on every single living american, and buy and sell data to other companies

is big data a joke right now? depends on the product, there are some that would make you shit your pants mostly used by the aforementioned data broking firms, however if the trend increases to where the sole value of an individual living under increasingly automated surveillance capitalism, is now just their informatic and biological value, you have a nation where the masses sell the contents of their minds and bodies for psychological and genetic experiments to a technological elite in control of the automation

>mfw american capitalism has literally privatizes bare life

You people are disgusting, I wish I could go back in time and murder Columbus as a child.



>They provide a free service in exchange of your data.
I never heard about there being a "trade-off" like this back in the 00s when I was signing up for Facebook.

>I'm not talking about Facebook, I'm talking about the worrying increase of companies like Palantir, and other corporations, that gather information such as healthcare data, geolocational information, psychological data, and others that /were once only gathered through experiments that were once paid in the US/
who cares? they use the data to provide us with better services.If you don't agree, you can always delete your account and sign up to another provider. We are in the middle of a clash of civilisations, there are people who give zero fucks about our freedoms among us an we should have a right to track them. If you are a honest law abiding person, you should have nothing to fear

>you can always delete your account and sign up to another provider.

Facebook alone, not even mentioning what data brokers are capable of, takes your information even if you're not part of facebook, from friends or friends of friends you do have on facebook

data brokers don't have "accounts", there are over a hundred companies in the US with a profile on every single registered citizen in America, the rich avoid this by being more exclusive and living a more private life

>provide us with better services

you /are/ the product you idiot,

>who cares?

I refer to my earlier post

>if the trend (human labor redundancy) increases to where the sole value of an individual living under increasingly automated surveillance capitalism, is now just their informatic and biological value, you have a nation where the masses sell the contents of their minds and bodies for psychological and genetic experiments to a technological elite in control of the automation

That's what happens when your main voting demographic is made up of people who are still scared of the commies.

>you /are/ the product you idiot,
woah thats fucken deep banksy