22% of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish, despite Jews making up less than 0.2% of the population

22% of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish, despite Jews making up less than 0.2% of the population.

This despite the fact that Jews were enslaved, tortured, exiled, deprived of property, forced to convert, and mass murdered for thousands of years.

Why do Blacks use the "muh oppression" excuse for their lack of achievement when Jews had it worse?

Keep in mind that Blacks are about 20% of the world population (100 times more than Jews) and have received no Nobel Prizes in science. They've won 11 for "peace" (lol), three for literature, and one for economics.

you already know the answer so why make the thread?


I don't really care about race, but jews are hard working people and smart

I like them

Fuck off jew

I am severally offended by this thread.

>implying jews are smart
>implying the holocaust was real

nice b8 OP

fuck off nigger

hey, has anyone ever done a study where they compare the average IQ of different races?

That could help us get to the bottom of this.

They are. /pol/ is filled with retarded hypocrites, they want to say whites are smarter than blacks but will never admit that jews are smarter than whites

Even if you don't believe in the Holocaust, they were subject to pogroms and mass murder throughout European history. I mean, for fuck's sake, the Roman Army systematically obliterated Jewish civilization under Emperor Titus. They sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple. At one point, Jews were 10% of the Roman empire and would number 200 million today rather than 14 million if they'd been allowed to grow at the same rate as other groups.

They have, Ashkenazi Jews are second on the list behind eastern asians

I did a strawpoll asking that very question. Surprisingly, most of /pol/ accepts that Jews and Asians are smarter, but attributes Jewish success to evil traits rather than brains.

Nah. Let's just blame whitey for racism instead.

oh shut up

Jews are smart for the most part but they possess certain characteristics that would get them labeled as autistic or anti-social amongst normies. Being a little too thrifty, picky, arguing in general. A Jew wouldn't have less of a problem calling someone out on something that is debatably trivial, kind of like that whiny guy in your group that doesn't realize they're annoying. Jews don't understand some of the stupidity that normies do. Why would I go to bar A when bar B is half off? Because I like bar A. Well that's stupid. Well you're stupid. Leave me alone Jew. They're basically total nerd grandpas.

Obviously that's extremely prejudicial and whatnot but even Jews will talk about their Jew brains and specifics of Jewish neuroticism. I don't really give a fuck. It just seems like Jews are NERDS

Okay, I'll humor you.


people are ashamed to be white because of you

you just described "curb your enthusiasm" so well

Many of the traits you described are typical of peoples descended from mercantile minority groups where the most successful merchants had the most children. Armenians, Igbos, and Overseas Chinese display similar traits, but nowhere close to the extreme of Jews. Bryan Caplan, the famous open-borders anarcho-capitalist, is a paradigm case of the "autistic Jew" archetype.

Unfortunately, this post doesn't contain a lot of useful content.