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Science #90
Is it better to be a specialist or a generalist?
Is Sam Harris worth a listen? I still have no clue who he is but I see him in the political scene
Do aliens really exists?
Scientifically speaking, how do I stay awake?
Uni Thread
Starcraft 2 Artificial Intelligence
Can math prove that God exists?
Does this even make sense? It's a paradox, but I feel like it's refutable
Do you think science will ever conclude there is a soul?
What is the evolutionary advantage of pain...
/mg/ - Math General
Can someone explain this to me?
How accurate is this Autism test?
Ok, some user posted this and I know I'm a little tried but I'm missing something. Any help countering this argument?
How did people measure mountain height before, say, lasers?
I'm a physics student and looking to switch to Linux but don't know what distribution to use
How the fuck is being a pink tall bird that's easily visible to predators beneficial evolutionarily?
Do some of you really believe that the soft sciences are not real science and are only for people who couldn't hack the...
Climate Change General - /ccg/
Yfw you make the mistake of discussing global warming, race, and IQ with a /pol/tard
Which groups are more better, commutative or noncommutative?
Taking photos of the interior produces a photo of the exterior
Veeky Forums, since space tourism is coming soon, how does space law work?
How do you apply classical mechanics to turbulence?
Redpill me on cardano's method for solving cubic's Veeky Forums...
Smartest human being possibly ever
How do most people believe this kind of shit? Did you ever have any experiences of retards just denying obvious shit?
Kardeshev scale
So I'm writing a short story where the main antagonist is basically a living lump of indestructible raw biomass with...
Why do we teach that centripetal force is the main force, while the centrifugal force is the reaction force?
Tell me about Grothendieck
Greatest scientist?
I have some difficult questions about a decaying orbit, Veeky Forums
Is this guy seriously the only non-spooked mathematician in academia right now?
So is everyone on this board an INTP autist?
Do I really need special glasses to look at this shit or is it just a meme?
The results of my IQ exam are in
Hamiltonian Mechanics
Math and Science study skills
Weekly reminder that race is a determinant of intelligence
What do you guys think of these facts from I Fucking Love Science? Are they actually factual?
Physishits and other animals are welcome edition
Vision Problems?
Post the order of math classes you took in high school
Are climate change deniers autistic?
Go to dentist
Why can't the modern leftist brain understand normal distributions and what do you think about the google manifesto...
What ways exist to maximize height?
The great debate
Is this the most bizarre result in physics?
How many of you were told you were talented/intelligent when you were young?
Is determinism more plausable than free will?
You will never live in the age of commercially available consumer spacecrafts with jump drive capabilities
Complex Analysis
Who machine learning here?
A professor tells me he wants me to do a PhD at his department
Why this sub's name is "Science & Math"? Isn't math related to science?
Has anybody grown up with stupid parents? how did it affect you?
Are inflatable space stations a meme?
The Google Memo: Four Scientists Respond
Junk Science to ban sexbots
Why is weed illegal?
Ways you've cheated the system
Just how bad is porn for the brain?
Why do people still research maths? Everything useful has been already discovered, there are no problems in real life...
/mg/ - Math general
Using biology as fuel
Do CT scans cause cancer?
Gaussian biatch
Google Hates Biology
Someone, defend this shit right now
Why are you not taking psychedelics, Veeky Forums ? Are you scared of discovering the full potential of your mind ?
Realistically speaking, what's the future of energy generation? Let's say it's year 2100...
Why does everyone discount psychedelics as hippy nonsense...
There is no 'beginning'. Matter and time has always existed...
Watch stupid leftie film Wall Street II (2010)
Veeky Forums, what's the point of protecting local ecosystems from invasive species?
Let n be a positive integer greater than 5
I want to try this DNA testing kit to see my ancestry lineage but I feel uneasy giving my DNA out...
A perpetual machine is impossible due to the first law of thermodynamics
Humans in a Post Scarcity / Highly Automated Job
Testonsterone effects
Two questions:
some friends talking about canada
What is the scientific explanation for us gaining aesthetic pleasure from viewing the natural world? For example...
Next step in technological evolution
When did you finally realize that limits are an ill-defined concept in mathematics?
Is multiverse actually a thing? Any proofs at all? I'm asking because it looks more like a religion tier bullshit...
Zero doesn't exist
Teach me how to develop eidetic memory
Post your major and how long did it take/how difficult it was to find a job
This is BRAIN Strosstrup. He invented c++
Did you get accepted by your own merit or because you´re a boy ?
What if the universe is purely governed by random chance...
What can I do with an IQ of 108? I'm really depressed right now...
Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Veeky Forums approved?
What to do with IEEE Research Papers
Attractiveness and IQ
What is the possibility that a creature like Godzilla could exist?
Why hasn't science been able to create a LEGAL drug that instantly wakes me the fuck up in the morning?
What is the solution to the hard problem of consciousness?
What's the mutually agreed upon solution (if there is one)?
I'm shit, you're shit, we're all shit
Tfw you realize Nikola Tesla is basically modern day Prometheus, giving humans control over an entire element
Occam's razor
Graduate with a BSc in Computer Science
99% of Veeky Forums is too stupid to solve this
The earth is flat and I can prove it mathematically
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on mental conditions like chronic depression and anxiety...
Is he the ultimate autistic overlord ?
How do you prove that this isn't real?
Trannys can take testosterone and hormones willy nilly
If you guys are so smart, then why didn't you invest in bitcoin?
Pure (((coincidence))) right /pol/?
The shape of the universe and other things
Do you think martian colony is possible in today's technology
How does one become emotionally strong/resilient to the point of absurdity?
Ahahahaha Veeky Forums BTFO
Will we ever have cities looking like this?
so user what do you study ?
If a male thinks he is a female why is the correct treatment estrogen therapy and not testosterone therapy?
Any biologists/doctors here?
Can you be religious and intelligent?
Is Sam Harris overrated? He seems highly intelligent and articulate to me. He never seems to be grasping for straws...
>tfw your university is ranked 600+ in World University rankings
What are Veeky Forumsentists thoughts on videogames...
So, Veeky Forums, what happened after this? so, they discovered the higgs boson, whats next?
For shut-ins with no social interaction, how do you avoid spiraling off into an abstract world of sociology, philosophy...
Let's Discuss The Michelson Morley Experiment
Why evolution didn't get rid of lungs
Why are only white men capable of getting anything done?
Who needs a girlfriend when you have textbooks?
So, Veeky Forums, which one are you?
What if it was semen in place of water?
50 per 100000 = 25%
Give it to me straight, will humans ever go interstellar?
Is there a scientific explanation why sub-saharan africans are so retarded?
Hello Veeky Forums
Would you rather have a meme pseudoscience economics/business degree and be filthy rich...
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Math can't model real systems
0 = 1
Damn, big head Ed witten's daughter looks like *that*?
Why doesn't light reflect off of air as it reflects off of other matter, like a wall, or desk
Submissive men
Why is there something instead of nothing?
Is it possible to be a Polymath today?
What happens inside?
I have an IQ of 110
Is there a scientific reason why atheism is the easiest religion to troll?
How are human bois suppose to compete for jobs when the AI and robots take over?
/pol/ couldn't figure it out, and sent me here where does the water go?
Who would you rather work for, Veeky Forums?
/mg/ - Math General
If only a relatively small percentage of men had children in the past...
Atheism btfo
A goodnight integral problem
If a fly collides with a car travelling the opposite direction will the car slow down to a standstill for a really...
Let's say there is a man and a turtle that agree to race
Is the earth flat?
Is there a scientific explanation to why I want to discipline my girlfriend, and why she wants it...
So do you AI deniers think that consciousness is like some divine mystical force that comes from some divine mystical...
Medfag here? please help
What happens after Heat Death?
Is smoking really as bad as so called experts say
Dangerous thinking of the alt-right
Does genius level IQ come with a sprinkle of autism or does just the right amount of autism make a genius level IQ?
So what's your sleep schedule like anons...
Set theory, logic and linguistics
Who /1st in family/ to college & STEM her?
What is the correct answer?
Why does light bend when refracting?
Would exercising make me smarter?
We use hemoglobin and some animals use hemocyanin
How the fuck can artificial intelligence be conscious like us?
How do I cure my bisexuality? I want to stop being aroused by traps and shit like that...
So you want to get a PhD in mathematics
Well Veeky Forums?
What is the dark souls of science and math?
What is /sci instance on dmt/ayahuasca?
Hierarchy of sciences
Are homunculus beings real?
Fusion is coming
Virgin Research
Any machine learning fags? I got a question
Why is there no lightning and thunder during the cold period of the year (autumn and winter)?
200 IQ
Ok, so let's have a comprehensive thread about transgender and transexuality...
Lets say you deigned a nanomachine that basically recycles your own cells and transforms them in to much superior...
Light in a black hole
So, basically there's not chance the economy will survive, right?
Hello Veeky Forums...
Why are scientists so hopeful of finding life in the universe? Especially intelligent life...
I'm only starting university at 22. Am I too late?
Anyone else think their job is fucking boring?
Any (actually) employed engineers here? I've got a question...
Who here has a verified high IQ but low university GPA preventing them from a top tier grad program?
Speed of light
Will if fly, Veeky Forums?
How do I stop being a lazy brainlet?
Random cosmological event
If radio waves go through walls, and so do x-rays, why doesn't light? It's electromagnetic radiation
Stockholm syndrome is well documented, so why didn't it occur among slaves in America...
Somebody please explain to me the neurochemical and and/or psychological aspects of depression, please
Should I rent textbooks from the Internet?
Why is science so hell bent on tearing down the human experience while at the same time furthering it?
Why do humans underperform under pressure?
Mainstream Media is pushing Genetic Engineering
I need medical help, Veeky Forums. I went to the doctor recently for a checkup...
Did women get fucked over by evolution? They seem to be worse than men at everything but caregiving
Humans in space
Help me solve this
Real personality test thread - BIG FIVE
Why is Musky so scared of AI? Was he beat up by a Roomba as a kid or something?
Is there a rational explanation as to why the Chinese have no 'soul'?
First results from US CRISPR gene editing on human embryos
A Quantum Query for Thee
Hyperloop question
You dare to walk in my office and ask whether or not you should go for a graduate degree in mathematics...
Offer generous baby bonuses for natives instead of importing low-IQ religion-fanatic foreigners
How come Veeky Forums ?
What is the scientific explanation for ASMR and why did it blow up as a trend in recent years?
Magnets - Free Energy
Why do Americans pay for college?
STEM autists when will they learn
The earth is round and not flat
I believe global warming/climate change is happening, but I don't believe human beings are infIuencing it too much...
Acid recipe?
Tfw I found out I had an above average IQ of 110
So there are schizophrenics and godfags on this board
What clothing do you were Veeky Forums?
Stupid sci-fi question here
Proofs are just busy work invented to give math undergrads something to do since their field has no practical...
ITT: Viruses
Who /medschool/ here...
The hell is this?
Anatomical Terminology Hate thread
Haven't slept for 34 hours, finally noticing decrease in my cognitive capabilities, althought i don't feel tired...
How to have perfect teeth and gum health?
Hey Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums have to say about aerospace engineering?
Picture a bone. Now... does that bone have the power to move?
Why don't scientists know philosophy?
Have you ever failed a class in college?
How do you fight the "You can't prove anything" argument
Why is the diagonal of a square longer than the sides?
Does Veeky Forums like Bellcurve grading?
Name a better book
Someone explain to me what this means? It doesn't make any sense at all to me:
Ask the TA for some help
Brianlet General: Things in science that just don't make sense only to you
Friendly reminder IQ does not relate to intelligence and this board is simply autists circlejerking
Does poor dental hygiene cause health problems like cancer?
>Philosophy is easy
Walk into a science class at university
Fly on airplane
Brainlets need not apply
ITT solve the math problem of the person above you and post a harder problem
Can someone/sci/entifically refute this post?
Why Don't Engineers Learn Proofs?
What's it like to be legit deep in math
Lucid dreams - general
What happens, Veeky Forums?
Should I learn Chinese or Japanese
Serious Question
Prove that
/mg/ - math general
What is the etiology of homosexuality?
Theoretically can I suffocate the bacteria on my teeth by holding water in my mouth for a long time?
What the fuck is the right answer on what is consciousness?
Study for 12 hours a day for a month
Was top of the class in high school
What's the science behind NoFap?
What happens if he says "My nose will grow now"?
YLYL Veeky Forums edition
How does one measure IQ of an animal?
In 200 B.C. Eratosthenes showed that the earth is round and calculated it's circumference by means of an experiment...
Personality - General
EM drive
I'm programming a math expression parser for a class and I have a question, I'm getting conflicting answers
Fiscal bar to (in)validation
Is IQ genetic?
If you have an infinite amount of zero dimensional points, you have a one dimensional line...
Why are addition and multiplication commutative?
Jacob Lurie
Wait.. what's an "electron"?
If "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"...
Brain health
Which fundamental axioms of mathematics can be illustrated pictorially, without using any symbolic notation...
What do you see when you close your eyes, Veeky Forums?
Say something bad about Sam Harris
Can someone give me the mathematical formula that explains how a chunk of wood can withstand the impact of 3500 pounds...
Best electives
According to researchers at MIT, pic related is the reason for the lack of development observed in Africa...
Is there a correlation between which colours people see and certain character traits?
We must make a million Aubrey memes and meme superlongevity into existence
What is the thinking man's fetish?
I'm interessted in experiments on human beings such as the Nazis or the CIA did
Number Theory: How to find special rational numbers
Shitting on Engineers
With gravity being on of the weakest forces known...
How long can the human body go without sleep
A believing heart is your mathematics
What is the 1/2/3/4 of mathematics?
Hello Veeky Forumsentists. Do you inhabit the state of California...
I'm learning C++ but I feel uncomfortable with programming
Guessing Game
Computers are proof we live in a simulation
How does Veeky Forums feel about the Einstein of our generation Neil Degrasse Tyson?
My geometry teacher told me this was supposed to be impossible
Got a question for a doctor/anatomy major
Rebar in volcanic rock?
Why are the rates of depression/ anxiety disorders increasing more and more? Shouldn't they be decreasing...
This happened YOU FUCKS!!
6 8 7
If evolution is based on survival why did humans evolve to feel emotions like depression and hopelessness?
What is this pol meme with plastic bottles? Beyond flouride what about this estrogenic leeching or whatever...
How is objectivity possible?
So what is it?
Dangers of Scientificism
Governments, politicians...
Should we lower IQ in exchange for better looking teeth?
How does it make you feel?
IQ Measurement
My aspergers has gotten me somewhere interesting...
From a game theoretical standpoint, which game is deeper: chess or poker?
Asking here since Veeky Forums didn't help much
Can someone explain to me how the fourier series works?
Hey adult man here
Any materials scientists/engineers here...
I just realised you need movement to represent 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional graph
Emmanuelle Charpentier is best known for her role in deciphering the molecular mechanisms of the bacterial CRISPR-Cas9...
So recently workers were redoing my building's insulation with mineral wool (stone wool in particular...
Years ago I was told a story of a man who opened his own arm to see the tendons that are inside...
Microwave dinner
/mg/ - Math General
Facebook AIs Develop Their Own Language That No Human Can Understand
EE thread
Interesting / weird Wikipedia articles - Veeky Forums edition
ITT we explain all there is to know in a particular scientifical field in 5 lines or less
How do I even bother doing anything when the below greentext is happening 24/7...
Should I be concerned currently 19 using cannabis every so often. Is it changing me as a person??
We need actual formulas to measure how gay a trap is...
Overpopulation leading to Entomophagy
Anyone doing research? Post work stations and how it's going
String Theory Thread
There are some theorems which are true but can not be proven. (Godel's Incompleteness Theorem). If math can't work...
How advanced must science be in order for the cycle to be broken?
Can somebody explain to me in layman's terms how fucked are we in terms of life extension?
America is no longer a good place to live for smart people
*checks your math*
Britbongs will defend this
/mg/ - Math general
What the hell sci
What is the likelihood that we are living in a simulation...
Why are people always psyopsing each other in undergrad about how hard they had to work at something or how little they...
Main incentive to save money is so I can afford to become a cyborg when the technology becomes available
Does Having Less Hair Make You More Smarter?
People are always talking about going "back" in time or "forward" in time, but what if you went "up" in time...
Should current battery cells be improved or should we move to hydrogen fuel cells?
Great American Eclipse 8/21/17
CS is a meme
Why isnt there a unified theory of math
What's the scientific reasoning for Africa's failure to ever accomplish anything of value?
Why is it that all the most influential scientists and researchers throughout history have been white?
DNA of human embryos edited in USA successfully
Extinguishing Radiation?
Will "nofap" help me produce more testosterone or not?
Eruption of Earth's Core
When did you realize IQ and the rest of psychology was pseudoscience?
Which subjects do like studying for fun / in parallel to your main subject?
Make a few million of these
Naming open-source projects
Be cutfag
Uni thread
Just look at it
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on eugentics? Is it right or wrong? Make sure to back up your opinions with proof
Did I make a mistake? Or is analytic continuation just a retarded meme?
Uni Thread
How to sound smart/educated/intelligent when talking to someone ?
/mg/ - Math General
Richard Dawkins
Redpill me on the bra-ket notation
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
Would a strong AI be able to appreciate dank memes?
"Time travel"
What makes something unlearnable?
0=infinity and everything else is autistic. (reminder that Einstein was autistic)
Do you guys have any medical resources about the mental health of trannies post-transitioning?
The universe was created by a big bang
Please tell me someone studies geology
Am I a brainlet if I went to study philosophy purely for the sake of studying logic, both classical and philosophical?
Ok, this one is genuinely confusing me...
How hard is a Math major? I know Physics and EE are considered hard, but where does math rank on the STEM list...
Can we have a purely scientific discussion on treating homosexuality and transsexualism?
Brainlet here, did number 51 for about 10 times yet the solution kept giving me
Looks flat to me. I challenge you to prove me wrong
Why are high iq people psychopathic?
Why are shorter people usually smarter?
Vertical Farming vs Plebe Dirty Farming
Why can other omnivores eat raw meat just fine but we get diseases if we do?
Muh singularity
If everything is all scientific and logical where does consciousness come from?
What about your calligraphy?
19th century math vs 20th century math
If chinks are so smart, why weren't they able to develop a better language?
Will science ever be able to find a cure for people suffering from communism/socialism?
Time IS NOT the 4th dimension
Which country has the most advanced robotics research and development?
Why do so many people religiously believe in science and think it can do everything given enough time?
Hey Veeky Forums could evolution create an organic ball bearing...
Veganism Is An Eating Disorder
Why don't we just ask idiots not to multiply?
How is this type of expression supposed to be evaluated? Is it the negative number 3 to the 2nd power...
Fixed money supply and immigration
Math&Science film recommendation thread
I'm going to find out if fluoride is harmful
I have a radical idea, the obesity problem can be solved with government subsidized takeaways...
It's proven, sub-saharan Africans are a different species
Veeky Forums eternally BTFO
C(odemonkey) S(tudies) general
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Chem General
Why are bugs attracted to lights at night?
Calling all space cowboys
Why do so many on Veeky Forums assume that strong AI will be conscious? It doesn't even matter right...
How does this picture make you feel?
Mass flooding occurring everywhere
Man Made Climate Change: is it real?
Why are humans so slow?
Why does anything exist?
Can animals think very deeply?
Want to feels like ripping your eyes out?
Replace mensa with /pol/
If there are imagery numbers are there imagery questions/answers?
The age of the big ASHKENAZI brain is coming to an end. The future belongs to big NEPALESE brains
Hey Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums meta thread
Anyone on Veeky Forums in mensa ?
What is the phenotype that Ashkenazi MEN crave?
Alright Veeky Forums, what is the real reason you visit this page everyday
One of my math professors was a literal Stacy. This is at a top 10 school. To this day...
Holy Crap, how smart was Grothendieck
How is it that it is 2017 and I still hear people say things like "evolution is a myth"...
How Veeky Forums can fuck your life
Post your stats
Feynman had a verified IQ of 125. Despite his low IQ he did amazing things
Why haven't we dug a hole to the centre of the earth yet?
Let's do a quick survey, what's your IQ and which school are you in?
Pure Math PhD
/mg/ math general
If you don't have a PhD by 25, you're not smart enough to make use of one ever
Identifying a point in the complex plane
Nothing moves faster than light
Has anyone figured out the scientific phenomenon behind Veeky Forums...
Over the next hundred years are we more likely to destroy ourselves or reach a type one civilization?
Be honest, Veeky Forums
Are all high-level maths students intuitive geniuses, or do you think some of them just studied their asses off?
"I will now explain consciousness"
Why does light have a speed limit?
Is this true, Veeky Forums?
Thinking without language
Should I just kill myself?
What is the greatest mathematical result of the 20th century
How did something like this evolve?
ITT we laugh at economists
Why do you make fun of economics?
How we can create strong AI
Prove determism wrong
Good lord. If you had any idea how horrible the future is going to be, you would have necked yourself a long time ago
Level with me doc, how long have I got?
Saw this on facebook, bunch of retards on there cant get the right answer. How many of you guys are retards?
Is IQ genetic?
Researchers Discover "Angel Particle" Which Is Both Matter And Antimatter At The Same Time
Why people fall for pseudoscience and how Veeky Forums can fight back?
Should I even get a STEM degree?
What kind of math does Veeky Forums do for fun?
Is Veeky Forums SJW's or rational centrists?
What is your personality type? Do you agree with it?
Smart Cities and digitization of society
Blacks are not intellectually inferior to whites
Sentience doesn't exist
Algorithmic Trading
What to expect from a PhD?
I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this but I just wanted some anons opinion...
Describe the moment when you finally grew up, rejected quantum mysticism...
Why do Ashkenazi women reject grigori perelman?
Is this a joke?
This normal?
I DID IT, I FUCKING did it, Veeky Forums
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
So can HAARP actually control the weather or is this just a meme?
Tfw no pervasive, simple life philosophy to tell me how to optimise financial success, intellectual growth, fun...
Is it wrong to assosciate relative frames of reference with Einstein? If Galileo invented the concept...
Is it true overdose (with pills) only ruins your liver and kidneys but doesn't kill you?
Genius mathematicians and scientists believing in God
How would you explain to someone who failed at high school math and science...
What is this board's consensus on faster than light speed travel again? I forgot
Daily reminder that expecting college grads to understand algebra is racist
Guides, resources obscure stuff
Artificial Intelligence
/mg/ = /math/ general
Have we reached the peak of modern civilization?
What's the best way to stimulate innovation?
I want a calculator that I will be able to take through physics and math at the university level
This year's IMO results are out
If homosexuality is genetic, why do homosexuals still exist...
How long does it take to recover from public humiliation ?
Algebraic Calculus I: Points and Lines in the Affine Plane
Can the brainlets of Veeky Forums even get this one right?
Which law of physics will eventually be disproven?
Zero doesn't exist
Why are /b/ people so retarded?
Why did Newton write the Principia in Latin
Test your explanation ability
What's the best way to make enough hydrogen leave the sun so it can become a red dwarf faster...
Intuitive understanding of linear algebra
Show your working
Move over coders, physicists will soon rule the silicon valley
How could we improve child education?
Is quantum cryptography practical or is it no good?
Why do these three (hoaxist) guys look like huge betas?
I forgot, why do we hate Michio Kaku again?
Is the singularity actually going to happen or can we all just go ahead and kill ourselves?
Can someone list this man's accomplishments
Any medical fags here that can answer a question?
Help-a-Brainlet charity thread
Stephen Wolfram - A New Kind of Science
I always hear about Real Analysis, Algebra, Topology and Number Theory...
Let's find out about our fellow Veeky Forums supremacists and learn about their education...
ITT: Scientific Redpills
What happens?
What meme degrees will be in demand in the future?
How do we stop this man?
What does this shit mean?
Was the moon landing a hoax
Hey Veeky Forums, whats more important, funding the medical field , power, or space travel?
Why would anyone want to work as an engineer? It's a shit job
Brehs, I want to study engineering, but I can't decide which type. I've narrowed it down to
Hurr durr if I map infinity onto stuff I can prove that you know nothing, checkmate atheists
There is an infinite series of infinities in which each infinity is infinitely larger than the infinity before it
Easy mode
Science is Dead
Solar Eclipse Viewing
Why we will be alone. Speed of light limitations
Can someone explain integrals to an idiot...
/pg/ - Physics General
There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 ways a 3*3*3 rubiks cube can be scrumbled. only one is the solution
Post math girls
Nobel prize for mathematics
PhD graduates ONLY. What are you up to now?
Minus times minus equals plus
Is a race just an extended family?
Your Major, Your favorite mathematician/scientist
Space travel peaked 38 years ago
He studies with music on
All Myriad Mathematical Torrents
What happens when math gets solved?
Debunk this anti-BigBang theory, Veeky Forums
Can Veeky Forums create a simple meme to fully disprove Flat Earthers?
Medicine saved my life
How are online degrees viewed? If you put an online degree on your resume would it instantly be put in the trash?
Do you think an advanced alien civilization would have a market economy?
How many digits do you know of pi Veeky Forums?
Will you personally be moving to Mars?
Stupidest shit you've heard "science fans" say?
You go to /pol/ and they tell you Einstein is a thieving Jew. Lorentz discovered Special Relativity...
Nonlinear systems as linear time-varying systems?
Is the free market the only non pseudoscientific theory of economics?
Oh god help me. I'm constantly horny and sex and fapping doesn't solve it
How do you learn shit without someone to baby you
Musk Cucked
What did he mean by this?
How can you justify having children?
Why are some High IQ people stupid, but some Average IQ people smart?
How should I learn calculus?
Do you think there's some tiny truth to physiognomy?
Yeh, I am starting math
Scientism's Downfall
Chem. Eng. here. Working in Petroleum
Pic related
Pic related is doing a presentation at a conference i'm attending this weekend...
Does GPA matter?
Why do scientists hate philosophy?
I just want a function f(x) = 1,0,0,0,0,0,... where x eof N
What's your IQ, Age and Degree?
From a few threads, random stuff and comments people seem to be using the word "nihilism" and "nihilistic"...
What would've happened to math if we were born with six fingers on each hand & toe instead of five?
Anybody seen the Mayak satellite yet?
German scientists VS British scientists?
Why do we see visuals when we meditate?
Is the bottom of the pyramid really as important as people say?
How big a deal is this guy?
Is there any scientific proof that points towards the existence of God? I'm not talking about any specific God...
How does it feel
Human was walking on the moon over 60 years ago, but yet in A.D 2017 its impossible to get rid off those fuckers
Who understands SU(5)-Like Model?
/mg/ = /math/ general: ebil Gowers bogeyman edition
Is a Bioengineer/Biomedical Engineer the "man of all trades" when it comes to science and math?
What is money? Try to avoids economy terms like "exchange" or "payment"
Will humans ever evolve to become omnivores or even carnivores?
What is the purpose of music? Why do we enjoy listening to it so much? Why do we get goosebumps if we like a song?
Logic thread
Computer Science Degree
Depression - Inflammation - Diet
Tell me something that interests you for me to research. I'm quite bored right now. The subject doesn't matter
With an IQ of 145, 6'1 and Veeky Forums, I will clearly go on to reproduce the fittest children of my generation...
Americans and celcius
Just how smart do you think you actually are, Veeky Forums?
Create genetic library of self
Why are people turning science into religion/philosophy?
So Christopher Langan wrote a paper on Mathematical Metaphysics
Why does science progress despite nihilism?
How often does Veeky Forums poop?
Why can't intelligent people be funny?
Terry Tao vs Ed Witten
Help identify this oxide on 17-4 stainless steel
Why don't you date an autistic math girl?
Can Veeky Forums explain what would happen if Pinocchio said "my nose will grow now"?
Do you ever LARP as someone who actually has a PhD?
Applied Mathematics vs. Pure Mathematics
I've got cancer and the doctors have never seen this before
This isnt meant to be racist or anything but speaking from a biology and evolution perspective...
Why is Musk so terrified of AI...
Post your bookshelf and we try to guess your field/major
From an evolutionary perspective, why do so many white women lack the "ass gene" compared to other races...
This is the SNC Dream Chaser. Say something nice about it
Hey Veeky Forums, what paper do you do all your work on? Blank paper, graph paper, engineering paper, etc?
25+ anons ONLY: What sort of STEM studies / research are you doing?
Debunk this: Mitochimerism/Telegony via sexual intercourse in humans
/mg/ = /math/ general: Genius Edition
Is he our savior, or the bringer of our destruction
How does sci feel about facts
How can average IQ in China be around 105 when most of the population is dirt poor farmers with barely any education?
Can science explain why some people are good at life and others terrible at life?
If you can't do this, you need to go back to grade school and re-learn basic math
Remember when 3d printing was the next big thing and we were all about to have those in our bedrooms...
Airplanes, how to they work?
Mathematics Books
What's the most impressive major according to Veeky Forums?
Since there is no dedicated board for psychology, I'll go ahead and post this here...
Man, why is so fucking hard to find NT types IRL
When the universe has an overflow error
Does the thought and concept of oblivion after death scare you or comfort you?
ITT: Autistic things you do when you're alone (Veeky Forums version)
So, do you catch more or less raindrops if you run through the rain?
Is there a way to combat crime with science, or reduce crime rates?
Are software engineers and artists the only future secure professions out there?
Using my magic powers I am offering to reincarnate you immediately into a new life, with conditions
How does it feel knowing your life is nothing more than a trial and error for evolution which might or might not...
Hey Veeky Forums, when do you think that we'll have industrialized, large-scale asteroid mining?
What is the least brainlet trade in the military?
I've stopped studying mathematics ever since graduating high school four years ago...
Race is not real because Biologists told me they werent
Group project rage thread?
What do you guys think of downwards causation?
Strange radio signals from Ross128
Why don't american scientists care about philosophy?
Who knows more about cs?
What if gender identity really is a spectrum?
Why does it seem like every mathematician who has a notable online presence (Terry Tao, Qiaochu Yuan, Tim Gowers, etc...
Tfw 29
Please anons, recommend good science books
Organic chemistry is the master race STEM subject
Prove to me that this isn't the best meme list of all time
Spacecraft / Station Design
Prove to me that 1+1=2
Developing a scientific understanding of how our thoughts work
Is this book a good intro to machine learning?
Explain the possibility of silicon based life to me
50 years after the Apollo program, NASA will have a rocket that costs twice as much per launch as a Saturn V...
Why isn't there any animals with wheels?
Anyone able to give me a good explanation as to how a living organism can be a model of its environment (or atleast...
Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to receive the prestigious Fields Medal for mathematics, has died in the US
Will we ever achieve artificial intelligence?
Are these people fucking serious?
Name ONE (1) thing you can do with your pure maths degree that I can't with my engineering degree
MechE or EE?
What would aliens look like?
What has been your biggest Eureka moment?
Work and School: Poorfags Get in Here
The Absurdity of Evolution
If you got 10M, how can you prove the world is a sphere?
What if Aristotle was just... wrong?
Hey user can you help me factor this quadratic equation? it's reaaaly hard
Will we see soon the cure for AIDS?
Prime Minister of Australia says he can beat the laws of math
Would a technological singularity result in the creation of God?
Shit didnt know math in america was this easy
Why the fuck are they trying to push arts into STEM, who thought this was a good idea?
What was this board's consensus on free will again? I forgot
Once got a reply from a faggot who said Mathematica does not work with Cellular Automatons in it's core functions
Can someone please tell me how you can solve this Sudoku without guessing (i.e...
/mg/ = /math/ general: Completions Edition
Names 1 (one) good thing psychology has produced
Does P=NP?
Veeky Forums feels
11 Countries With Highest Autism Rate:
Materials science and engineering books collection
Is this proof humans are brainlets?
Does true homosexuality actually exist in animals outside of humans...
/brainlet/ general
I have heard from a human sexuality class once that it is possible men of different races differ in penis size based on...
Tfw you are not a perfect sphere in uniform space
Tfw your h-index is below average
Can anyone give me a realistic projection of the effects of climate change in the next 100 years based on peer reviewed...
Its really sad that people do not discover the vast potential of psychoactive substances along with the science...
Oh shit, what do?
Explain what are benefits of autism. Pic somewhat related
Into science? Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, I know less than a 5th grader. How and where I start?
Post you're degree, job, age, and income
Eye color genetics
ITT: We discuss the exact way to read complex mathematical formulas and notations
How do I stop being a brainlet guys? I'm exceptionally bad with numbers
Are "learning styles" real science or just excuses for being too lazy to learn certain things?
Recommendations for newbie quantum physics audiobooks?
Is electricity end game technology? Will humans still use it thousand years from now?
Not a religion vs science thread
What is the scientific reasoning for liberals not being able to process opposing viewpoints?
What STEM field did you major in and why?
I've been trying to solve the last one all day with no success
Math vs Physics
Daily reminder that the metric system is for lazy assholes who don't want to learn their multiplication tables
Riddle me this /scil/
If you had infinite time, could you teach a chimp anything that you can teach a human...
If you had to breakdown chemistry into core intuitions, how would you organize it?
Why are there female astronauts?
What is "yes?" Explain "yes" to me with a mathematical formula
The Thorium molten salt reactor already is, what fusion power wants to be
Back in the old days, we hardly knew anything
Autism isn't on the rise! Diagnoses have just gotten better!
Puzzle here, looking for some creative solutions from those better versed in bizarre notations perhaps
Prove youre not a blind follower of trendy materialism and admit that philosophy is the foundation of physics
What is Veeky Forums's favorite planet?
What separates humans from other animals?
Veeky Forums META THREAD
Convince me to switch to a math major from a computer engineering major
Is IQ even real?
Work your ass of getting a STEM degree
What about Linguistics?
Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness
Reaction Help
Have there
Can someone please explain to me "The Theory of Everything?"
I don't want my son to be a brainlet how to attract Jewish Ashkenazi women?
How do flat earthers explain solar eclipses?
Is Dark Matter real?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games