How to have perfect teeth and gum health?

How to have perfect teeth and gum health?

get a dental cleaning twice a day every day

Floss first then brush firmly and thoroughly morning and evening, and stop eating sugar.

This, plus do not get old.

I already brush twice and use superfloss before bed.

My teeth are perfectly well yet I got a nasty inflammation in my gums.

Any other dietary advice or other methods?

Do you mean normal brushing or any other method?



less processed sugar, not as much meat, dont floss too hard, wash your mouth out with water after eating, brush twice a day, get checkup and cleaning twice a year, mouthwash twice a day, drink little of liquids that stain teeth like coffee, wine, sodas, juice, tea(?)

just brush at least once a week (preferably every day) and don't drink soda or coffee or eat sweet things

22 y/o my teeth are as white as can be, over summers i don't do anything i brush like once every few days only drink water etc. if you can't keep white teeth you have some serious retardation issues

Reduce Fluoride intake.

Floss that is at least twice as thicc as usual.

You're probably sub 24. Wait a few years.

How? Why?

in all seriousness, if you ever eat anything sugary/starchy, rinse your mouth out after eating with water. Swish it and swallow or spit. This will remove excess sugar deposits on your teeth and really help stop plaque from forming to begin with

* don't smoke or consume drugs/tobacco

Fluoride stains your teeth yellow and prevents proper remineralization.

>You're probably sub 24. Wait a few years.
i did say i was 22 in that post. can i ask why you said that though? i credit my teeth being fine in spite of not brushing much to simply drinking lots of water and rarely drinking/eating sugary things

i can't imagine much is going to change?

>he doesn't know about the reverse tooth fairy

Hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle while brushing the sides of the teeth and let some of the hairs go into the gums. This removes most of the leftover food.

If you get inflammated gums fairly often, periodontal disease might be developing within. However, this can be properly diagnosed only by taking x-ray of the teeth.

Fluoride inhibits the growth of bacteria too.

Bump for blacks

Just wait and see what happens if you keep stuffing dicks in your mouth without brushing properly faggot.

I already got that diagnosed, but the quack told me it's not fully developed, however he said "you'll be dealing with this for your whole life" which I can't believe.

Isn't there a way to eliminate that problematic once and for all again?

I think that's a common sentiment

"take these pills twice a day, for the rest of your life"
Health care professionals seem to take a bleak view of chronic conditions.

good genetics

Sugary products contribute mainly to faster development of carious lesions. Another reason for brushing is to remove any other bacterial growths and pieces of food that will "calcify" over time and form dental calculus. Calculus may protrude into one's gums, damage the roots and contribute to the development of periodontal disease.

People who don't get cavities so easily are more prone to get calculus. This is may be because of increased ion concentrations and buffering capabilities of saliva.

Periodontal disease is (currently) irreversible once it has begun, but it can be slowed down by brushing your teeth and gums and flossing. Occasionally you might need your gums opened and cleaned thoroughly, if the disease progresses fast.

In periodontal disease the bacteria have gotten inside your gums and are slowly dissolving the tissue that connects your teeth to the jaw bones. This leads to the gum line receding and more tooth surface exposed as the disease progresses. Over time the connective tissue will become so weak the teeth will start shaking and fall off. In some extreme cases the invading bacterium species was so hostile it started dissolving the bone around the teeth.

So there is really no way in fully reversing this state?