Are IQ tests to be trusted or is the system flawed in how they are scored/admission of the test? Basically, is labeling everyone with a number always accurate? Are there any highly accurate IQ tests floating on the internet, or is the internet just a recycle bin of 145 IQ facebook tests?

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Spoken like a sub-180 IQ retard.

>Are there any highly accurate IQ tests floating on the internet

> is the internet just a recycle bin of 145 IQ facebook tests?

Probably, 180 is very high. You never know though, I've never been administered an IQ test.

Oh...I know.




try this free IQ test, pretty accurate

IQ is the perfect measurement of intelligence and the best predictor of success in all aspects of life.

Not all, leadership and creativity have low correlation with IQ.

>Are there any highly accurate IQ tests floating on the internet

the one posted here not too long ago seemed to have realistic questions, but the mean was 110, and the scores seemed inflated.

iq was meant to test logic and reasoning skills. not overall talent.

IQ tests are flawed. Psychology is isn't a real field of science; it's pseudoscience.

IQ tests are like a cognitive equivalent to a general fitness test. Exact number doesn't matter, isn't hugely informative and will vary test to test, but the range scores fall in give a pretty accurate picture of how good a brain you have.
IQ is pretty much the most robust result in psychology. Seriously how many sub-70 IQ physics PhDs do you think there are?
Only reason IQ is controversial is the politically incorrect race gap.

>Your iq is 133
Dont think so

Like seth rogen?

IQ is utter bullshit.
IQ is never relevant in ANY valuable intellectual activity. Math, Science, writing, chess etc.
In math only the theorem you've proved matter. What is Grthendieck IQ? What is Magnus Carlsen IQ? No one goddamn knows
You cannot replace achievement by "potential to achievement" which hardly means anything.

Wrse, The IQ ideology, by propagating the idea that the intellectual ability is locked since early childhood like a processor's clock speed, encourage people to never actually do what would ultimately make them smarter as a by product: work their brain out and study.

Jews don't have an extra innate genetical processor, they are *studying*(this is what an intellectual is exactly: someone who study ) all the time. Studying is litterally part of your identity as a jew.

Asians are not born with extra genetical brain cells. An asian person is someone who trains all the time. (see flash anzan). Why every manga always show the same thing? Individuals who achieve self realization through insane amounts of training, regardless of the activity (fighting, playing go, cooking (!!), whatever)

Math sucks? No, we TRAIN here

That doesn't contradict what he said.

Define G

IQ scores are nonsense

IQ is not utter bullshit.
It measures very accurately and very reliably how good a person is at tasks similar to the ones in the test.
This might seem like a joke but that is all it is.
The problem is not the procedure, it's the common understanding of "intelligence" being so different from the skill "intelligence" that is actually measured. It's a semantic confusion more than anything.

IQ scores are an almost entirely useless measure.

Organizations like MENSA are a bunch of fart sniffing twats by extension.

What you need to appreciate is that we still don't fully understand what quantifies as "intelligence". When we as a society can produce robust general AI that can mimic intelligent humans I'll feel more secure in our ability to somehow measure intelligence.

Until then IQ tests are by an large a subjective metric for a somewhat ineffable quality we can't even fully qualify let alone quantify. They're silly.

Intelligence means the ability to understand abstract concepts beyond the intuitive realm accessable to you, which is one prerequisite for scientific discovery and technological progress.

Unless AI magically shits out drafts and blueprints for novel tech, you can be very safe it is "just" a nonlinear transfer function repeating whatever it has been fed with, and no santient being.

AI is just hardcoded instructions, it cannot adapt the hardware it's running on, unlike humans.

>IQ is utter bullshit
Can anyone explain why for all other tests that need cognitive skills like SAT, ACT, PISA, No Child Left Behind mandated state tests and NAEP tests... correspond exactly the same ranking as the Bell curve IQ, with Asian scoring the best and Black the worst?

i am highly uneducated, but when speaking with people, they ask if im a student, or if im going to college. They are generally surprised when i say that im not, and then encourage me to go to college as an umbrella statement, as if it would make my life miraculous. I find myself unable to talk about real things with people, younger and older, on a level that is beyond "look at what i saw on facebook". I dont know what my IQ is, but im certain that im not that intelligent, but rather just surrounded by people far stupider than myself. I mean, i dont try to sound "smrt" unironically, but i speak clearly and concisely, and I generally carry myself with a sense of dignity and also humbleness, because i dont ever claim to know more about anything than i really do. Sometimes ill jokingly explain something in a "professional" manner as if i had a degree in the subject, while only having an elementary knowledge of it, all the while knowing that having the ability to jokingly describe any one thing probably means that i know more about it than id claim to. But even so, in all of this, i find that despite being uneducated, i am observant, curious, intuitive, and perceptive. I feel that those characteristics are what people see in me that make me seem "smart".

basically IQ is bullshit. From my experience IQ tests are mostly arithmetic and school shit. Im bad at math, and good at geography. If one were bad at geography but good at math. Who could say who was "smarter"? I have never until now, if i recall correctly, this "ya can always be more intelligent, but ya cant ever get no smarter". I honestly cant remember if ive said anything of the sort. I likely have, but who knows. I may as well just call myself stupid, because my memory is shit, and i hardly know what day of the week it is. Perhaps the retention of information is what makes people smart, not how quickly they can recall it...or maybe that IS all that makes people intelligent. Memory and the speed of recollection.

From that i ask, what would you call a genius professor on the verge of a breakthrough discovery, whom suffers with severe amnesia? What might you call yourself if you could argue with me?

Intelligence I think, personally is very subjective in society. because when you're surrounded by idiots...the lesser idiot is a genius.

Lol No child left behind? Now you're really grasping for straws. I bet you think DARE is effective too.

None of those tests "need cognitive skills." They're all basically rote regurgitation of what you learned in high school. They aren't psychometric tests.

then it is that case it measures who has the best reaction time, which is correlated with g aka the real intelligence IQ measures. Asians have the best mental reflexes, which is why you don't play table tennis or MMOs against them.

>Asians are not born with extra genetical brain cells
yes they absolutely are

EQ (encephalization quotient) doesn't correlate with intelligence.

And Ashkenazim Jews are born with more brain cells than both Whites & Asians

>Asians are smarter.
Common guys that's just in Average.

Whites have larger standard deviation than Asians. There are a lot more variation among whites.

I'm pretty sure that most Whites on Veeky Forums are smarter than the average East Asian.
Whites have more of both genius Whites Elite & stupid Whites Trash
Asians not only all look the same they have the same IQ.Asians are all more close to Average. Asian IQ don't varies a lot like the Whites.

the difference in dispersion has never been demonstrated. What has been shown is that heebs have the spatial skills of women and slants have the best spatial skills.