I want to try this DNA testing kit to see my ancestry lineage but I feel uneasy giving my DNA out...

I want to try this DNA testing kit to see my ancestry lineage but I feel uneasy giving my DNA out. I guess I'm concerned of having some mad scientists centuries from now re-create my body and and consciousness with my DNA and my mind is stuck in an infinite long science experiment.

Do you guys think that's possible with just DNA? Or am I overreacting?

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>re-create consciousness with my DNA
That's not how cloning or consciousness works you dumb doofus

You're way overestimating your importance.

Hello there, this is a mad scientist from the FBI. You are exactly right about everything. Pls delet dis thread so nobody no wat we do k?

this is not what you should be concerned with.

More realistically, it's possible that these ancestry companies will sell genetic data to insurance companies and increase your rates.

You should be more concerned with them selling your genome to insurance companies.


have fun, OP

If they clone you it won't be you, it would be a separate organism with your DNA

I refuse to give up my genomic information just in case eventually that information is extremely valuable. Plus i dont really care about my ancestry, im just an armenian mutt, nothing it would tell me would benefit me in any way

Asides from your large t*rk ancestory


I've been paranoid about ancestry as well.
The FBI is probably creating a DNA database with that stuff, paid-for by you.

This as well.

What do you gain?
What could you lose?
Would you send them your SSN, fingerprints, and iris scans too?

kek, thankfully im more from the Syrian side not the turk side...

Watchlisted lol

insurance companies can and will see your results

stupid goyim

christian syrians

Just send them a CD

Double watchlisted lol

33% Loyalty
33% Royalty
33% Soldier
1% Bitch your hormones prolly switch

why would anyone care about that?

I'm spanish so I'm kind of a every country mix. Half sand nigger, half germanic, half viking, half turk, half nigger, even half latino maybe.

And, even if you are from fucking antartica, you are mixed in so many levels you just wouldn't care.
Thats like 6 halves, that's like 3.

>The FBI is probably creating a DNA database with that stuff, paid-for by you
Why is this bad? DNA sampling of all living citizens should be compulsory desu

those dna testing kits are really only SNP chips and can't detect non-SNP mutations or SNPs it wasn't designed for

even assuming your wacky ideas about consciousness were true, their recreation wouldn't be an exact copy of you, just a rough facsimile

the primary use for your genetic info isn't for selling to insurance companies but for doing massive GWAS studies and finding out heritability scores for different phenotypes

the results of those studies are sold, and it's potentially like an order of magnitude more valuable at minimum than any one person's genome info.

I did that, with 23andme. Waiting on the results.

They ask you a bunch of questions like "can we store your sample" and "can we use it for research." Honestly it seems pretty harmless except for the possibility of a health insurance company finding your sample and denying coverage for having a higher risk for disease, ect. I dont think that should be a problem if you only take the ancestry test.

>medical insurance
I don't need it, universal healthcare. Half the world doesn't need it and it's only a highly unlikely "could". Still, it is best to avoid giving data on yourself to companies who will almost certainly gift/sell it to others.