What is /sci instance on dmt/ayahuasca?

What is /sci instance on dmt/ayahuasca?

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Go back to /x/ you pedophile drug addict.

/x is filled with larping faggots. I wanna know from /sci


It's a fun trip. Don't read too much into it.

I don't know where the pedophile part is coming from but okay

I think it's a fun way to explore your inner thoughts in a more intimate way, and get new perspectives on things. But no, it won't let you literally meet God or go to another dimension.

How can you say that?

Cured me from a heavy porn addiction.

There's other really shady stuff aswell, but I believe it belongs on /x, since I can't prove shit about it, even with my gf seeing the same being, I still 100% dont believe in what we saw.

and go back to puritan christcuck LARPer

Because I find it really suspicious how what people see during DMT trips or near-death experiences is closely related to beliefs and experiences they've had beforehand.

A friend of mine who tried DMT is religious, and he happened to see crosses and meet God himself. A family member of mine believes in reincarnation and happened to have a spiritual experience in which he was about to "move on" to the next life or whatever. The first time I broke through on a DMT trip, I had visions of trying to communicate with some ethereal alien beings, when I had coincidentally been playing like 20 hours of Stellaris the days leading up to that.

Yeah, I've heard stories of people having eerily similar experiences on DMT before, something about pyramids and robotic elves or something. But from personal experience I have no reason to believe there's some spoopy metaphysical force that makes DMT trips special. Sure, there's a lot of hidden meaning in them that can tell you a lot about yourself, but interpreting them literally as spiritual experiences is misguided imo.

I was atheist before dmt.

I mean, I still dont believe in a omnipresent and omnipotent God, but shit man, I felt and saw presences/entities. Might be my brain triping, or not.

>not spending every weekend candyflipping with loli succubi you summoned

>Used DMT
>Not sure if brain was tripping or not
Spoiler alert: you were tripping

modern quantum physics is pretty far out there and clearly postulates higher dimensions
what if DMT would be a key to enable organic quantum computing in neuronal networks or something like that?

there is undoubtedly psychological factors that create things from memory of believe system, but is that true for all of it?

at the moment we don't really know because it is mostly academic suicide to work on this topic and the physicists with theoretical background to put up solid hypothesis and the labs to test them won't touch it with a ten feet pole

You can't prove bro. My wife saw aswell, a feline humanoid figure. The dog started to bark like crazy too. She got fucking scared and the thing vanished

Maybe dmt enables some kind of neural connection, I dont know. But this specific episode was spoopy as fuck.

>modern quantum physics is pretty far out there and clearly postulates higher dimensions
There are higher dimensions but we lack the sensory and cognitive tools to perceive them, and some chemical our brains release when we dream won't magically change that.

>what if DMT would be a key to enable organic quantum computing in neuronal networks or something like that?
I know jack shit about probability or quantum computing, but I think qubits can't engage in interference unless they're isolated from everything else in their environment. And if a neuron is isolated from other neurons, it doesn't work as a neuron. Even if they did and could interfere like qubits, converting amplitudes into probability would be fucked too, because besides spiking or not spiking, a neuron can spike in any degree between not spiking at all and firing at full capacity.

tldr; no

>we lack the sensory and cognitive tools to perceive them
what if we don't and it is just usually switched of?

physics ultimately boils down to energy, fields, waves...
a neuronal network produces an electromagnetic field and different cognitive states are associated by different wavelengths
psychoactive substances change brain activity
What if these changes make it possible to tune into a frequency to resonate with a quantum field or something like that?
Like a radio that tunes into different wavelengths to receive different programs
I don't know that much about quantum physics and theory about higher dimensions, but I'd love to see someone who does follow this string and find some hypothesis that can be tested in a lab environment

Where do you people get your hands on DMT.

You can extract pretty easy.


Fuck off druggie.


You mean >>>pol

I've seen DMT visuals with cacao alone.

You psychedelic pseudo-scientists are fucking cancer. At best you'll end up like Timothy Leary. A fucking joke to the academic world.

Thinking you hallucinated something real is just baffling by the very definition.

>Thinking you hallucinated something real
how do you disprove solipsism

You can't.
Define real, if you are aware like you are now and use all your senses in this hallucinated world is it real? What makes it not real? The fact that it is a drug?

I saw the joe rogan documentary today. Those are the fakest scientists / mathematicians or whatever people I've seen in my entire life. New realities... give me a fucking break

I'm 12