What happens when math gets solved?

what happens when math gets solved?

We begin work on Math 2

As if, before we can get to math 2 we need to get to math (1+dx)

chad gets his cock sucked again and laughs at the virginity of the mathematician whom solved the problem

More like Chad enjoy the things build with the virginity of the mathematicians and laugh at them.

One of this examples are fighter jets, fucking engineers got totally cucked by pilot Chad.

What about mathematician chads?


We get scored 0% because we turned in Math to God about 4000 years late.

we create new math's to solve.

Fuck, dude do you think god will grade our math when we are done? We already have awful grades in politicial science and medicine I don't think the gpa of all of human society can take failing math too.

Gödel's incompleteness theorem says you can't solve all of math.
Ironically, that makes it a solution to the "solving all of math" problem.
Therefore, the incompleteness theorem is false.

will math ever reach a point where it becomes too esoteric and therefore useless?

Math will not be used 20 years from now.

That's not what it says at all.

It does, though. For any given set of axioms, there will always be statements that can't be proven or disproven with those axioms. Since it's impossible to have an infinite number of axioms, there will always be statements we can neither prove nor disprove.

So, what is the "incompleteness theorem"?
The problem: solve mathematics. I.e. make a list of all problems with their solutions.
Incompleteness: there is no such list. This is a solution to the problem "solve math".
Kind of like solution to the problem "what rational number is the square root of 2" is "there is no such number".

What is the implication of this?

Incompleteness theorem: "math has no solution".
But it is a solution to math in itself.
It is sometimes said, "math is one big tautology".
However, incompleteness changes everything.
Math is really one big falsehood. As if it was designed like that from the ground up.
God is playing a cruel joke on us.

aka Physics

>Incompleteness: there is no such list.
prove it

Move to complicated fields like Philosophy

>math gets solved

Underrated comment