Naming open-source projects

I'm working on soon-to-be open source project but I've not pushed anything because I can't think of a name for the project. I am exceptionally bad with creative names, so I've asked a few friends but only have gotten meme names like "Neelix" and other Star-Trek references.

Most of the generic names pertaining to the topic of my project have been taken but belong to long-dead projects.

What do you do for creating project names?



What is the concept

I name mine after high ranking Nazis

Its a program for reverse engineering java programs

bangladesh protostreetshitter supreme looshitter jeetinstreet IV version

Name it Witten

>Football player names

I think its taken

if Decaf is taken call it Recaf

he'll want to charge nerds for 1.0.0 release


I like it user, thanks!

Call it 'Rebar'.

eh, recaf is pretty meaningless to be honest, we know the context so it makes sense to us, but it wont to most people.

name it reversiccino

or Appiccino


They dont really sound as clean as Recaf though, Recaf sounds like the name of some software

Call it:
>Blacc Covfefe

Poo in the Loo

Because, you know, you are breaking a compiled piece of shit into sources of shit. In goes the poo, out comes the loo.

use subtle racism

Java Juice

Avaj, it's Java in reverse! :D

call it UnPajeeter

don't use stupid shit like common english names or animals. You can never go wrong with open + relevant word. You could also try take a word related to the project, then alter that word into a fitting and unique name.

I think anyone familiar with coffee in general will get it.

Next time



Reverse da poointheloo v1