How many digits do you know of pi Veeky Forums?

How many digits do you know of pi Veeky Forums?

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>How many digits do you know of pi Veeky Forums?
enough to know how it ends

>you had one job.png

Enough to know they skipped at least one digit.

A few people asked me why I bothered memorizing all these digits. I was testing ways to memorize numbers quickly. Nothing worked, I ended up accidentally memorizing all these digits through lots of repetition, it still takes me two weeks to remember a new phone number or student ID.


That's as far as I'm sure of
Drilled into my mind from listening to a song

Enough to know that its every day bro, its every day bro, its everyday bro I SAID ITS EVERYDAY BRO

Have you tried the major system?


but non math major

Just add 1 digit per day.
in 1 year you will have memorized 365 digits of pi.

r u me

I have that EXACT same digit sequence memorized




Why do you have 9 as the last number memorized in your sequence. That 9 is actually an 8 rounded up. The only number coming next has to be a 9. You should actually have 3.141592653589 as your standard for memorization

I have scores of digits memorized. I'm fairly sure I could memorize hundreds, but I dont see the point. For some reason memorizing numbers comes easy to me, even though I have trouble with names and words. I sense numbers as having a certain color and geometry, which makes it easy to call them from memory.

In high school I knew 140 for a brief period. But I don't think I know more than 30-40 or so now since I have not repeated for many years.

Am I supposed to be smart for remembering a random string of numbers? Kill yourself.

It's not very useful knowing Pi, I would probably have been better off pirating some university literature and started reading that stuff instead. For example learning the theory for numerical methods in how to calculate Pi.

>how many digits of pi do you know

okay big boy, show me the 3.14159265359th digit of pi

Same here
The song is by Hard n Phirm for those curious

Try treating each pair of digits as a year of the 20th century: 3.(1914, 1915, 1992, 1965...). Then all you need to do is to associate each year with a major event (e.g 1914: WWI starts). Then all you have to do is recall each event, which is much easier than recalling each digit. I just memorized 3.14159265358979323846 in a few minutes using this technique.

All of them !
A girl in my math class actualy said this.

There's a 3 in there somewhere, I'm sure of it.


Damn I didn't know the legends were true. Autism is a power that leads to many things I consider to be unnatural.

Are you sure it wasnt a lad in the front seat? :D

Pi is exactly 3.

More than enough for engineering. Pi is overrated as fuck anyways.

It's just 22/7.

>t. brainlet
Seriously how can you not know the first 10 million digits of pi?


i tried learning all the digits in linked vid a few years back just because i liked the song.

This does work, But becomes tiresome after a while.
You have to keep a steady speed when reciting digits, If you stop for just a second, you have to start from the beginning (for me at least)


>year 2017 and wasting brain space on memorizing constants

literally why?


Just remembered a few more out of nowhere:
followed by these, Which turned out to be wrong:

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679

Took me few minutes to memories those digits

>brain space
Lol nice meme

I had a crush on this girl in highschool. She was smart as hell (one of the smartest I ever knew) and could memorize long strings of numbers and words in an instant. One day I commented on her ability and she said "oh user, it's really easy, I'll show you. In 5 minutes you'll remember 40 digits of pi."
Asked her out later that day, and I've been using her memeory tricks ever since.

I only bothered to remember the nearest order of magnitude.


All you really need.


literally this

Memorized 150 back in high school. I managed to recite ~100 on stage during lunch for math week and as reward got to pie a faculty member in the face

>how many digits of π
Five – but I know Ramanujan's rational approximation,
which is accurate to less than one-half part per quadrillion.
What I do not know is how he arrived at this approximation.

3.14159265359 is only
0.00000000000020676 away from pi, the inaccuracy is 2 less orders of magnitude than the number, seemed like a good place to stop. Calculate the circumference of the earth and you are only 0.00263 mms out.

4.159265359*1.14159265359=4.74818677816577398881 which rounds up to 5

I had a similar experience; my AS psychology teacher showed us the first however-many digits of pi on the projector, and then asked the class to recall as many of them as they could after a short break. I was told by another student that this would happen so I memorised 20 or so digits the night before I had that lesson. I got a laugh: the teacher was trying illustrate that one can only hold 5-9 digits in one's short term memory, and I had "cheated" by instead relying on my long-term memory.

Αεί ο θεός ο μέγας γεωμετρεί
There's more to it but I never remember it and it's a sentence of its own so I'm fine with it. Roughly means The great God measures the earth for eternity

i got to 50 at one point, but ive forgotten most of it now apart from the odd sequences

But that last digit's wrong. If you stop there, you have to round. It should be 6.


I have tried to memorize more but for some reason beyond that point I just can't

50 decimal places

Enjoy your inaccurate calculations, brainlets

(22/7, 355/113)






Although why try to memorize pi when you can just memorize pic related and effectively memorize millions of digits. It converges extremely rapidly, every term of this series will add 8 more decimal places.