Hello Veeky Forums...

Hello Veeky Forums. How does it feel that Chad will make more money than you with his finance degree than you nerds with your stem degree?

>meanwhile in SV
>all the nerds with their math/physics degrees are making billions
>all the finance/econometrics retards with their MBAs want in on the cash cow but cannot
>some of them are so desperate they join coding boot camps


Slaves no more. We know are value now. Now YOU work for us not the other way round, bitch.

Yeah, whatever.

Chad may have the phenotype most girls crave, but he doesn't have the phenotype ASHKENAZI girls crave.

>he thinks that there aren't Ashkenazi chads


you might think i hate him for his money but i know what I really hate him for. Its the 2000 hectares of riverfront property and the life he steals from me.

Heh, stick the trade schools friendo, I hear there is a never ending demand for mechanics with that craniometric morphology.

ah another pointless trash thread on Veeky Forums

shut up craniumlet

I feel pity.

Too bad he's dead inside.

Meanwhile this is my sunset every night.

Biology mustard race.

I have an uncircumcised penis in a country where most men, including Chad, had their birthright of bodily integrity and the capacity for the fullest experience of their sexuality, taken from them. So I feel pretty decent regardless.

>physicist's think they can compete with my big biologist cranium
have fun with your math and inferior deductive capabilities, inside. You pasty nerds disgust me.

Chad will be a managing director at a big bank in his mid 30's making 400k + a 6 figure bonus with full benefits.

His exotic job will allow him to travel all around the world, get to meet famous people, see amazing sporting events, concerts, plays, experiences, and his high salary will allow his kids access to the best private schools money can buy. His daily driver is a $200k Porsche Panamera twin turbo fully decked out and his wife is a solid 9/10 blonde.

Meanwhile the average STEM neckbeard will be peaking out at 60k in their engineering job and will stare at a screen and excel sheets their whole life. Drives a honda civic to work and faps to his 2d waifu every night. The executives know he's too autistic to go on a business trip or interact with any clients on a regular basis.

im sure that will make hell more enjoyable for you.

>Implying this isn't hell

*blocks your path integral*

guess it pays to be a sociopath.
i would sell all of his shit just to get his plunder back. alas it is gone forever

Actually, Chad, and his children, will fall to the carcinogenic and neurodegenerative effects of pulsed microwave field exposure, just like everyone else. Perhaps faster, because he'll always have the newest cell phone and doodad to come around and attach to it. His travel will expose him to more ionizing radiation during plane trips. His presence around large crowds of people will increase the saturation of wireless devices around him.

If he retains the ability to father children, they will have a high chance of exhibiting autistic features.

>If he retains the ability to father children, they will have a high chance of exhibiting autistic features.

And then they'll start shitposting on Veeky Forums and the cycle will repeat

ITT: lots of cope