Thinking without language

What are your thoughts on this? Do we NEED language to think?

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Most animals seem to dream, so clearly they re capable of mental simulations probably perceived in a visualized rather than language based manner. No reason their minds arent doing that conatantly during waking hours either.

I'm not sure how that could make sense. How do you develop language if you cannot think? Obviously people were thinking things, and this led to them creating a way of expressing them in a permanent, transferrable way. Seems like it probably started to satisfy needs of trade and accounting.

No but I need language to remind you that you are a fucking faggot.

What language does my cat think in ????!??!!??!!?

your cat doesn't "think", not as you imagine at least. It's completely abstract instinctual thought

>be cat
>hear cookie bag shaking
>come running

>be cat
>realize cookies are inside cookie bag
>claw cookie bag open
>take cookie bag under bed and eat all the cookies

>cat is hungry
>cat receives signal indicating hunger
>cat's brain associates bag of cookies with food
>knows where bag of cookies is through experience

dont get the problem

I can think via language, or not. Generally I think in pictures, feelings (the underlying generating architecture of which has been traced out and engineered), and "signals", converting between them for whatever whenever.

There is certainly a connection between logic and language (as has been considered by a lot of classical philosophy), but I don't think it's a catch-22 about their genesis, or a hard dependency issue.

you can call it internal dialog, but anything more is psychological wooweee

get fucking hammered and watch the internal dialog become less and less apparent, but you're still thinking and acting, so i dont think language is necessary for thought.

i also think repeated weed smoking increases internal dialog but thats just my experience

I only feel like I've fully understood something if I can think about it and explain it without words because I'm a brainlet. Visualizing group operations and vector transformations and whatnot.

Congratulations this is called visual thinking and you're a fucking brainlet for thinking this is anyhow special/can only use it now and then.

My experience is that weed smoking decouples you from the internal dialogue, rendering you a "watcher" of the streams of your thoughts. You're no longer filtering, or controlling.

Which is why I don't like it. Gives me mental regressions and flashbacks where I'm suddenly living in unpleasant memories. It strips me down to my core, and what remains is misery and disgust. The decadence, the degeneracy, the writhing mass of self created human hell. And everything I see, everything I hear, everything I feel, makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

Cannabinoid agonists are the only things that make me capable of feeling unsettled and connecting with my environment.

i mean like as a general symptom after habitually using weed and experiencing it even when not high

I know I'm a brainlet, I think it's why I'm so shit at combinatorics and other non-visual math.

"to think" no
"to reason in a highly abstract fashion" I suspect so

People that are deaf from birth can think.

btw i don't mean to say we need to use language to do that, i mean our brains would never be able to do it without capability of language

but not in english

I heard about this a few years ago. I've never once used words or language in my thoughts except when speaking or writing. It was around the same time someone told me no one dreams in color and that no one can read anything in a dream. All bullshit of high order. The only problem with the latter is that every fucking time I read something in a dream now I say "fuck you Mike! i'm reading in a dream right now!" since he was the one who told me. Which messes with the continuity of my dreaming, the massive faggot.

Now, back to your question. The type of native language you speak will have an effect on how your brain is wired. As such your thoughts will be of a different order than someone who has a different naive language. How different this can be is normally dependent on how different the cultures are from each other, obviously.

Imagination is instinctual.

They can read.

>implying they know how to pronounce it the same way we do

Do you sound out words as you read them, is it merely narrated by someone, or do you see a running picture of the events being described in the text?

>Do we NEED language to think?
Thought in general does not need language, and there are many parts of human cognition that do not relate to language at all. But much of the higher parts of human reasoning rely strongly on language IN HUMAN BRAINS; that is, the way human brains are designed, they need language to do substantial parts of it, humans think in words. But this is probably not true for all the ways in which minds COULD work; in other words, a nonhuman mind could be designed, and might exist in some alien species somewhere, that thinks without words. If we ever build artificial intelligence approaching or surpassing that of a human, it will *probably* not think in words.

>humans think in words

Broscience bullshit.


The has been ton of research on this. Like I said, much of what the brain does is nonverbal; but many (though not all) of the higher brain functions that set us apart from other mammals do operate on the level of words.

wew lad you really ARE a brainlet

Using and being influenced by verbal processing machinery != operating on the level of words. ie, running on words. Running on the underlying subsystems that allow verbal processing. Keywords, running on. Arising from. Not running with.

These are two very different system layouts, and people aren't noting any distinction. Need to elaborate.

Oh really? Sounds like high order grant-chasing bullshit. The only time I ever think in words is when I'm using them for writing or reading. Why on earth would you use them for non-writing/non-reading thought?

>What are your thoughts on this?

Twwduw scuwhi rjr uk p o h w r h j e e efqefwrge wt wrg wrwh t ryrjk rt e w e q r ht j t .

Carefully thought out withoutlanguage.

Neglected to add "speaking" to that.

>the human is a special kind of animal
if you think that is true in any for you are an idiot

I feel that nobody has the slightest clue as to the answer to this question and anyone who purports to know is either conning you or is in the valley of ignorance

There's evidence to suggest that they think in signs (or the sensation of signing).

They also tend to have much worse reading comprehension

no but self awareness and free will are different things. the cat doesnt have the same level of free will as humans, or a lot of biologists would argue, any.

Without a doubt, dealing with language is what lead to the emergence of our complex cognition.

But it's possible to think without language; most of my thoughts are conceptual/images. But the symbolic structure is probably the same as someone that thinks wholly in words.

Page 24, Concept Attainment

Read it yo self