/mg/ = /math/ general

pretending we (don't) care about the IMO edition
(is there any interesting mathematics you'd like to share?)

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Sometimes when I can't come up with a solution/understand a proof I get hard and while masturbating I usually gain an insight. What kind of mental disorder is it?

Toxic masculinity. In your brain the finality of a solution is associated with ejaculation.

Oh shit, that's why all great mathematicians are men
You dun figured it out

What's the most frivolous use of mathematics and why is it the Drake Equation?

Let [math] \alpha \in \left( 0, \pi \right) [/math] be such that [math] \forall \tau \in \mathbb{R},\ \text{sin}({\tau}^2 \alpha) = \tau\ \text{sin} \alpha [/math]. Then [math] \alpha \not\in \mathbb{A} [/math].

What is the set [math] \mathbb{A} [/math]?

There's no such alpha: The hypothesis implies [math]\forall \tau \in \mathbb R, |\tau \sin\alpha| \le 1[/math] and therefore [math] \sin \alpha = 0[/math], hence [math]\alpha \in \pi\mathbb Z[/math], which contradicts the inequality [math]0 < \alpha < \pi[/math]

No such thing.

probably algebraic numbers, even though it usually means adeles

Indeed, it should be [math]\forall \tau \in (0,1) [/math]
Algebraic numbers .

I've seen this before. Is it because existance of irrational numbers implies existance of actual infinity which is non constuctive(instead of potential, which can be constructed)? Moreover, one wouldn't even be able to compare arbitrary irrational numbers as comparison algorithm won't stop.
Explain please.

Brainlet here, I have been studying eigenfaces and face identification, and I think that I understand the theory, but can somebody show a step by step example of it with real numbers and 2x2 matrices, so that I can check that do I understand it.

It's a meme, nothing more to it.

Indeed. The "real" numbers are nothing more than a meme.

Samefag trying to start another finitism shitfest.

You don't understand it.


It's called 賢者タイム.

What's her ethnicity?

I'm a neet, how do I get good with math (well not neet, work from home)

I know up to calculus.

sucking my dick, brainlet

is there a book on lambda calculus for "pure mathematics"? i am more interested in an universal notation to represent logical operators and the like, every book i have found is related to some programming language like scheme, haskell or lisp, which only makes things confusing because they switch between mathematical notation and the programming language of reference (also switching between prefix notation and the "normal" one, prefix notation is not widely adopted in mathematics though).

You should search for type theory books instead, "lambda calculus" seems to be used a lot in programming contexts, especially when it comes to introductory material.

The obvious Barendregt "The Lambda Calculus: its Syntax and Semantics"?

>more interested in an universal notation to represent logical operators and the like

Maybe check out "Type Theory and Formal Proof, An Introduction" by Nederpelt & Guevers
It's rigorous enough (although only the simpler proofs are presented in the book, for more involved proofs they usually just reference a book where you can find it), introductory, goes over all vertices of a λ-cube and the relation b/w logic, proofs and λ-calculi.

comfy (easy content, soothing voice) talk on splitting varieties for triple Massey products in Galois cohomology:

[math] \Phi^{n+1}=\Phi^n+\Phi^{n-1} [/math]

[math] 2^{n+1}=2^n+2^n [/math]

I suppose that you are correct. Can you recommend some simpler related topics, with whose applications one can play around?

Just study linear algebra. All the Big Data/machine learning garbage is glorified linear algebra under various guises.

Is there a closed form solution to [math]\int_0^\infty \frac{\sin(x/\epsilon)}{1+x^2} dx [/math] in terms of [math]\epsilon [/math]? I know there's one for cos but the sin is weird.


> there's one for cos
then there should be one for sin since [math] \text{sin}(x/\epsilon) = \text{cos}(\pi/2 - x/\epsilon) [/math] no?

What exactly are you gonna do with that formula? variable substitution?


god hates these people

> variable substitution?

Where can I learn more on harmonic analysis of isomorphic Cauchian convergent fields? I have a homework due to tomorrow and I haven't even started! Help!

*pats the negative thoughts away*
Suppose/assume is better?

You use "suppose" or "assume" when the existence of the object in question is in question. You use "let" when it is a given.

Or you pick any object and assume it has the desired properties. It's a bit stupid, but I've seen it.

>you pick
There is no choice involved in either case. It is a syntactical play with the existential quantifier in mathematical vernacular.


S-sorry... but I believe I am correct.

You may be correct about the proper usage, but people tend abuse stuff, and hence suppose some random object has some properties instead of letting it have those.

Nice quads btw.


>how do I get good with math
do it.

"How to Solve It - Polya"
Only book brainmongrels need to read first.

Also, opening threads with chick pics (fake, real or otherwise) is the dumbest meme(mind virus) to hit the outer boards of /b/. Fuck the mods, fuck An-Hero-Senpai, and fuck me for staying so long.

This shit is so easy.

this trend is as old as Veeky Forums itself on every board. how new are you?

That 2-D girl is smarter than you.

Recently it's become the and abused "shiny object" to get people into shit threads

To Physicist
>Child's play

To Lawyer in Manhattan
>Ancient "dead" Language

Pick your lanes and be aware of it.

Except lawyers in Manhattan make more in a month than a Physicist makes in a year.

what is Gosper's algorithm?

Not the one for generating binary numbers with the same population, the one that involves hypergeometric serieses

go away mr burger

What is the most autistic field in mathematics?

combinatorics or analysis



What's the most you've spent on a single math book and which book was it?

fascinating, sauce?

K-theory is pretty dank. Swag is for boys, Klasse is for men.

>Banach–Tarski paradox
I refuse to believe this kind of shit.

>in the sense of distributions
What did he mean by this?

It's incredibly useful as well.
What? You don't think non-measurable sets exists? Well the existence of non-measurable sets is essentially equivalent to the axiom of choice so I guess you reject that as well, unfortunately AC is also equivalent to the statement that all vector spaces have a basis, something trivial in finite dimensions but requires AC in infinite dimensions,
When you try to generalize analysis form working with functions to work with generalized functions like the dirac delta 'function' (actually a distribution) you generalize certain concepts, one of which being the derivative. When you take the analogue of the derivative of the dirac delta distribution you then say that your taking the derivative of the of the ddd in the sense of distributions.

Can I have a quick rundown on K-Theory?


This anime looks pretty dope, I might check it out.

freshman calculus textbook when I was unaware that you could get them for free

It's a game, not an anime. It got a shitty spin off anime adaptation and if you watch the anime before you play the game you won't understand why its so fucking terrible.

To fuck with my Kongou daki is scheduled to arrive within this week.

[math]\mathbb{C O N T O U R S}[/math]

And what's the game called?

If you can't even know the game's name when you have all these search engines I doubt you'll be able to set it up with all the casual filters it has. Even if you did you probably can't speak nihongo so you'll not understand anything about KC at all. Stay a pleb, pleb.

The faggot will grow to be a filthy secondary and shit /jp/'s thread.

Shipfags should fuck off of /jp/, it's a touhou board.

>touhou board
That is factually incorrect. /jp/ is called Japan/General, Misunderstood Geniuses, or Otaku Culture, depending on the time you got here. Not "2hu board". Please flip off to tohno chan or whatever other place you come from. Your kind destroyed /jp/ with its infinite spam of /c/tier general thread and all other faggotries that came with it like the fumo thread. At the very worst, shipgirls stay in one thread, as opposed to 2hu shit spam. Plus most thfags are secondaries. Were you even alive at the time of Comiket 50/51?

Your mobage trash was never welcome. Touhou is a game that's heavily influenced by Japanese folklore and history with characters and plot revolving closely around them, while KanColle is literally just fap/waifubait game that targets braindead virgin otakus like you. To compare the two is to show your ignorance.
If you're going to talk about Japanese culture strictly defining /jp/ your shiptrash bullshit don't even deserve one single thread on it.

>Your mobage trash was never welcome
The second time you are factually incorrect. Idolm@ster threads preceded the very existence of 2hu shitposting faggotry.
>Touhou is a game that's heavily influenced by Japanese folklore and history with characters and plot revolving closely around them
Partially factually incorrect, ~1/3 of the characters are Chinese and ~1/3 aren't based in any mythology.
>literally just fap/waifubait
3rd-point-5th time you are factually incorrect. It's much more Japanese than 2hu. It's Japanese spirit copy pasta on steroids and unironically.
4th-point-5th time you are factually incorrect. It's a game that requires strategy and planning, as opposed to immediate attention span deteriorating, dopamine releasing, instant gratification videogames, like all of the 2hu series.
Are you using this an insult? Why do you even go to /jp/? Stay with your 3DDP you fucking loser. 5.5
Nice misuse of plural form for a Japanese word. 6.5
Total of times you were factually incorrect: 6.5
Despite all you have said, you still did not tackle the core of my post.
Why are you even on the math thread if you can't into basic argumentative logic?

>personal opinions
>more personal opinions
>doesn't know what "factually" means
And you have the gall to talk about logic LMAO.

This is the second time you avoid the points made and the second time you get called out for it. Just admit you're wrong and a casual with bad taste, it's less embarrassing and has some merit to it.

You've made zero. Engaging with a shiptrash shitter really is cancerous. There's a reason why IM@S gets kicked off to Veeky Forums and your precious KC gets quarantined into one cancer thread (hint: the reason is that both games relate tangentially to Japanese culture and therefore do not belong on /jp/).

I am doing that. Are there any specific areas with many properties that can be fun to derive and prove, or ones with many applications?

Even if I did not make a point - which I did -, it would be of your role, in the argument, to point the fallacy or truancy of argument, as I am doing now, which you didn't.
>Engaging with a shiptrash shitter really is cancerous.
No that's just your taste.
>There's a reason why IM@S gets kicked off to Veeky Forums and your precious KC gets quarantined into one cancer thread (hint: the reason is that both games relate tangentially to Japanese culture and therefore do not belong on /jp/).
Idols have been a part of Japanese culture since the 1980s/1990s. As I already said, only 1/3 of the characters in touhou have nothing to do with Japanese Shinto-Buddhism while ~98% of shipgirls are nothing more nothing less than anthropomorphic Imperial Japanese Navy ships, the game itself being played from a Japanese/IJN perspective. It is what any Japanophile with an interest in more recent medias could have ever asked. And, if it was truly cancerous as you claim it to be, then it would have not completely stomped Touhou in terms of Comiket circles after just two years of its release. KC is the most patriotic game Japan has ever made, maybe after Okami. 2hufags are secondaries, you did not answer wheter or not you were there in Comiket 50/51, maybe you weren't even alive by then, perhaps just as a semi-conscious infant.

*have something to do
Fixed. Sorry.

As if you being a touhou secondary is not enough, you're also a math secondary. Please stop shitposting.

So your only argument is that KanColle/Idolshit is only relevant to recent cultural trends in Japan while Touhou goes all the way back to the Warring States Era. Glad we agree.
Don't butt into other people's conversations. It's very rude.

>only argument
I have made many, and that's assuming this is an argument. I'm merely trying to explain you why you're factually, objectively, wrong.
>Warring States Era.
Which one? Sengoku Jidai? Gempei War? Hell, since 2hu is mostly inspired on Chinese mythology, you could be referring to the fucking Qin. Lack of historical accuracy is really just a lack of knowledge.
>recent cultural trends
WW2 wasn't exactly a "cultural trend" and it had a much larger impact on what Japan is today than traditional Chinese mythology. The age itself isn't really relevant at all. With this thinking, you might as well start kicking tea ceremony threads to Veeky Forums and mahjong threads to Veeky Forums.
And thus, for the fourth time, you have failed to address any one point without resorting to fallacies and/or avoidance.
Just stop posting or at least don't be embarrassing to yourself. You're so terribly wrong in everything you say that I feel bad for your subhuman condition of a Taiwanese animal. For the last time, /c/ threads like the ones you defend destroyed /jp/, im@s and KC are far superior to 2hu in every single way and, as eloquently put, you are, in its very essence, a shitposting secondary brainlet. Do not expect me to feed you anymore attention, anymore (You)s.
By the way, thanks for posting that image for the fourth time in the week.

/jp/ is elite

Seems like you won't be satisfied unless I respond as much like an autist as you.
>Hell, since 2hu is mostly inspired on Chinese mythology, you could be referring to the fucking Qin
Actually I may go all the way back to pre-Xia since the Chang'e was referenced in LoLK. Several of Yukari's spellcards also referenced 魑魅魍魎, which is another archaic term for youkai-kind used in 左傳 dating back to the Spring-Autum era.
It's just so typical of cancer like you to call others secondaries when you've never played the games. It's honestly pathetic.
>The age itself isn't really relevant at all.
Good cop-out. As if WW2 had shaped Japanese culture as much as the entirety of its history you fucking idiot.
>By the way, thanks for posting that image for the fourth time in the week.
Do you not know what a reaction image is?

Why am I so shit at real analysis, but so good at algebra? How can I easily ace abstract algebra, computational algebra, and matrix analysis, but only eek out C+ on my real analysis courses? How can I get better with analysis? I feel fucking retarded.

People have their strengths and weaknesses user, even terence tao says algebra and topology are his 'weak suits', it's also possible you don't have enough experience or aren't thinking about the problems in the right way. If you want to get better the key is to do lots of problems, though first I'd suggest going over the proofs of the core theorems presented in you analysis book and try and understand them, those will introduce/contextualize the necessary tricks used to solve these problems

Infinites were a mistake

>Cantor's diagonal argument
>Gödel's incompleteness theorem
>Zeno's paradox
>Galileo's paradox
>Ross–Littlewood problem

The list goes on and on. The so called "solutions" to these problems are hideous abortions tacked onto real math and logic. Most of modern math is only usable in a tiny subset of the problems it can be applied to. Finite length statements/equations that need to be decidable in a finite amount of time, e.g. all formal systems, cannot be expected to properly deal with infinites.

Thanks for reading, I know most of you are too indoctrinated to agree.

You're spoiled by the ability to make exact statements in algebra. Analysis is all about estimating instead of finding the exact answer.

Top lel

I'm not interested in /jp/. I was just curious.