Personality - General

How accurate are personality tests ?
What do you think of my outcome ?
Post your results.

The test i have taken:

Other urls found in this thread:

Lmao, how do you even get 100% introverted.

Pic related in me, site was in Dutch for me, this is the entrepeneur. For the rest the bars mean the same as in the English one.

Intj as well. Why are there so many of us on 4chin?

We are just the intellectual breed i suppose.

intp here all intjs ive ever met are arseholes.

>Test takes in enormous amounts of information
>Returns slightly less information reworded

Dayum computers are good

I'm intj and i kinda approve. Not that i'm proud of it, i feel like we are egocentric, cynical because we are so introverted.

ENTP master race, checking in.

Intj here, yeah I'm kind of an ass

E/INTP (also been INTJ when i took the test and was more disciplined about my life)

Confirmation bias. Not even kidding. INTJ accounts for 1% or less of the population, but every time one of these threads shows up, suddenly everyone is INTJ because it's "cool"/the thing to be.

PIC or it didn't happen. If they try to fake the test they still need to spend time finding the correct answers, to a certain extent.

How hard is it to fake a 4 aspect personality test? just answer that you hate people, understand things quickly, hate feelings and value hard work.

Pic of what? Here's from Wikipedia. Okay, I was a little off, but this is still a far cry from the supposed /b/ and Veeky Forums breakdown. I've seen threads where literally [math]\geq[/math]60% or more claim to be INTJ.

They know what to answer because they know what Rick Sanchez / House / BendThatDick CumInMyBitch / etc would answer. They have a very good idea of who they want to be (but aren't).

Of course this is a hard claim to prove on my end, and it's just a hypothesis. But I used to be exactly this kind of person, walking around like I'm sooo cynical and introverted and smart. I'd literally post the same INTJ rubbish on MBTI threads years ago.

I hate to be one of those "DUDE ACID" people, but some long and hard introspection on LSD made me realize the whole thing was a fucking act, and after sitting down and re-taking the MBTI test while deliberately being as honest as possible, I ended up with INFP. I was / am, I suspect people in general are, very good at deluding themselves out of the truth. Our hearts want us to think we're "better" than who we really are (as if INTJ actually is "better", but this is Veeky Forums, where emotions are weak and cynicism is lauded).

I'd suggest selection bias over confirmation bias. It doesn't seem odd that sci is not a random sample of the population or even 4ch for that matter.

Also possible


I've taken many of these tests multiple times trying to answer as honestly as possible. I've gotten intj mostly, intp a few times, and entj a few times. I just think it's interesting. But just out of curiosity, how could you remove confirmation bias from these tests? I doubt you could completely.

I've seen that too. You might be on to something.

I'm ENTP, ie better than all of you but will never do anything with my talent.

Extroverted intuition allows me to see everything, introverted thinking allows me to analyse it in real time.

Too bad i will die poor and alone.

> le memes

>How accurate are personality tests ?
OCEAN is quite accurate.
MBTI is as accururate as astrology.


thanks for reaffirming that mbti posters are 17 year olds

Nice strawman ya dingus

why so many SJs

Because SJ leads to conforming. Of course most of the world will conform to a normal standard.

yeh, Defender




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Personality tests can be extremely accurate, the "Big 5" / "OCEAN" test is widely considered to be very reliable.

MBTI, on the other hand, is pure pseudoscience that has been debunked a thousand times.

rip social life