Why are /b/ people so retarded?
Why are /b/ people so retarded?
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0.99999... + i
prove it's between 0.999... and 1
Because it's a containment board for 14 year olds who just saw 10 best Veeky Forums prank videos
For all numbers a and b such that a
Retarded question, there is none.
it's imaginary so we assume that the number would add up to something in the middle of 0.99 and 1
is 0.999... even a number? because the number of 9s is a not further defined infinity
Well in R there is no number in the middle because they are the same number but in *R there is one.
1 = 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = .3333... + .3333... + .3333... = .9999...
Prove that 1/3 = .33..., that 2(.33...) = .66..., and that .66... + .33... = .99...
[math]1 - \epsilon[/math]
do i win?
You cannot use epsilon OUTSIDE OF A LOGICAL CONDITION, you big brainlet. If you want to use it like that you have to use an infinitesimal, and those numbers are not a subset of R.
obviously i was referring to an infinitesimal you retard
and it said use "a number" not "a number only from the set of real numbers" you daft cunt
You fucking dummy it's 0.000... 000 err.... FUCK.
I made this
What are those pranks?
I don't think you know what .999... means
1 + .999... / 2
saying the n-word
pretty epic tbqh
Retards won't understand that
[math]...999 + 1 = 0 \implies ...999 = -1[/math]
1 = 10/10 = 9/10 + 1/10
1/10 = 10/100 = 9/100 + 1/100
1/100 = 10/1000 = 9/1000 + 1/1000
So 1 = 0.999..
>number after an infinite sequence of digits
yea that totally makes sense
every single thread i am ignored by the brainlets
>craving attention on a pakistani flyfishing forum
[math]0.999...\pm \ito [/math] where [math]\eta[/math] is op's IQ.
this doesnt even exist
Checkmate brainlets.
First write down 0.999... and I will show you a number :^)
Go ahead, take your time.
>cant comprehend abstract ideas
There are infinite amount of options. For example, [math]e^0[/math].
[math]0.999... \leq e^0 \leq 1[/math]
This is only correct answer
Let us assume correctly that;
0.999 =/= 1
2 - 1 = 0.888 (repeating of course)
Following from this we can conclude using Godel's incompleteness theorem that ;
1 - 1 = 0.999
From Kolmogorov's rigorous foundations of probability theory, an event which will never happen has a probability of 0.
however there is a difference between an event never happening and an event that almost surely will not happen.
Therefore there is a difference between 0 and 0.00000...1
therefore there is a difference between 1-0 and 1-0.000...1
which is the difference between 1 and 0.9999...
If you disagree, then it looks like you should have paid more attention in probability theory, kid
1-0.000...1 is not 0.999..
As [math]0.999...[/math] states that for every fractional position [math]n[/math] there next position [math]n+1[/math] is also [math]9[/math]
Because English is not my native language I don't know the proper name of this "position after point"
[math]0.0000..1[/math] implies that the number of zeros is FINITE. Hence there is such [math]n[/math] such that nth position of [math]0.000...1[/math] equals to [math]0[/math] and [math](n+1) th[/math] is [math]1[/math]. Therefore, [math]1 - 0.000...1[/math] has finite amount of digits after point, while [math]0.9999...[/math] has infinite, which shows that
[math]1 - 0.000...1 < 0.999...[/math]
As for my proof that [math]0.999... = 1[/math]
[math]0.999... = 0.9 + 0.09 + ... = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty}9 *10^{-i}[/math]
You can get the sum of this series by a formula taught in school
That is not a proof.
The way to properly express this value is with the infinite sum of 0.9+0.09+0.009...
Infinite sums that converge are equal to the value that they approach. It's a simple proof to show that the if approaches 1, and so the value is actually 1.
2-1 = 0.888?
inequalities don't exist on complex numbers
It is part of the rigoursly defined set of the real numbers.
obviously (1 + 0.999...)/2
which equals 1.999... / 2 = (0.5).(0.45),(0.45),...
You can define this new class of number so formed as the transinifintesimal class.
>abstract ideas
no one's got time time for your wankery
Jesus, how come nobody said this earlier?
ITT: morons who can't tell the difference between an indeterminate sequence of digits and [math] 0.(9) [/math].
For all you know 0.999 is the truncation of [math] 0.999(8) [/math]..
total orders, faggot