Prove to me that this isn't the best meme list of all time

Pro Tip: you can't.

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>0. Remedial Mathematics
Khan Academy

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>1. The Prerequisites of University Mathematics
Pre-Calculus - Carl Stitz & Jeff Zeager
Calculus: A Modern Approach - Jeff Knisley & Kevin Shirley
How to Prove It - D. J. Velleman

-- -- -- --

Pick One Path:

>2a. Introduction to University Mathematics (Some Proofs)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications - David C. Lay
Calculus of Several Variables - Serge Lang
Differential Equations - Shepley Ross

>2b. Introduction to Pure Mathematics (Proof-Based)
Calculus Vol. I & II - T. M. Apostol
Principles of Topology - Fred H. Croom
Analysis I & II - Terence Tao

>2c. The "Efficient" Mixed Approach
Linear Algebra and Its Applications - David C. Lay
Calculus of Several Variables - Serge Lang
Differential Equations - Shepley Ross
Principles of Topology - Fred H. Croom
Analysis I & II - Terence Tao

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Sorry, but the age limit on this board is 18. If you haven't learned these concepts by 18, you're too dumb to be on here.

Pro Tip #2: When you acquire knowledge and wisdom, and if you're not a complete cunt, pass it on to a new generation.

I don't gotta prove shit to you

Pro Tip #3: It is redundant to say that you won't prove something you can't prove anyway.

in mixed approach drop analysis for rigorous calculus (maybe apostol), drop topology. wow it suddenly is just the first one, how the hell is it "efficient" then?

in pure math drop calculus, add linear algebra from hoffman&kunze, the topology book feels out of place

explain proving

Explain your reasoning?

Mixed is meant to somewhat mirror the beginning of your average math degree curriculum, where you normally start with calculus and then make the transition sometime in your first or second year. It is also "mixed" so it can become versatile in tackling either the sciences or pure math. If you drop real analysis, you won't be ready to tackle other subjects in pure math. It's also efficient because you drop things like Apostol, since you don't need to cover Apostol once you've covered four semesters worth of calculus I-III and linear algebra.

The topology book is meant as a primer for real analysis, since this particular book only requires calculus and the ability to write proofs, a skill which gets further improved in preparation for Tao. I would add Hoffman & Kunze somewhere before or after Tao in the pure math track, but now that becomes extraneous. Real analysis is the gateway moreso than rigorous linear algebra.


Meme list has been improved.

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0. Remedial Mathematics
Khan Academy

-- -- -- --

>1. The Prerequisites of University Mathematics
Pre-Calculus - Carl Stitz & Jeff Zeager
Calculus: A Modern Approach - Jeff Knisley & Kevin Shirley
How to Prove It - D. J. Velleman

-- -- -- --

Pick One Path:

>2a. Introduction to Applied Mathematics (Some Proofs)
Linear Algebra and Its Applications - David C. Lay
Calculus of Several Variables - Serge Lang
Differential Equations - Shepley Ross

>2b. Introduction to Pure Mathematics (Proof-Based)
Calculus Vol. I & II - T. M. Apostol
Principles of Topology - Fred H. Croom
A Book of Abstract Algebra - C. C. Pinter

>2c. The Mixed Approach
Linear Algebra and Its Applications - David C. Lay
Calculus of Several Variables - Serge Lang
Differential Equations - Shepley Ross
Principles of Topology - Fred H. Croom
A Book of Abstract Algebra - C. C. Pinter

-- -- -- --

>3. Foundations for Advanced Pure Mathematics
Linear Algebra - K. M. Hoffman & Ray Kunze
Analysis I & II - Terence Tao
Visual Complex Analysis - Tristan Needham
Algebra - Michael Artin

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Do you like what you see, Veeky Forums?

Spanish list

>1. The Prerequisites of University Mathematics
Álgebra - Baldor
matemática 1 - cou guzman

>2b. Introduction to Pure Mathematics (Proof-Based)
Cálculo diferencial e integral - Noriega
Cáculo vectorial - pita-ruiz
álgebra lineal y geometria cartesiana burgos roman
algebra 1 - gentile

>0. Prerequisites of Prerequisites
Learn Spanish very well

What a fuckin' meme list we've got here.

let me elaborate then: your mixed isn't mixed, it's literally 2a + more stuff.
in pure, you can't do analysis II properly without linear algebra. either add linear algebra or drop analysis II

>let me elaborate then: your mixed isn't mixed, it's literally 2a + more stuff.
It's a mix of 2a & 2b without overlapping with Apostol.
>in pure, you can't do analysis II properly without linear algebra. either add linear algebra or drop analysis II
Adjusted already after additional thought in

This is fucking awful.

Replace Tao's garbage books with Rudin.
Ditch Visual Complex Analysis and replace with Munkres' Topology.
Never read Principles of Topology but it's probably trash.
A Book of Abstract Algebra is baby-tier. Artin would probably be better. It's not that hard. Then put Dummit/Foote in 3.

>Never read Principles of Topology but it's probably trash.
It has BLL
>Replace Tao's garbage books with Rudin.
Tao isn't garbage.
>Ditch Visual Complex Analysis and replace with Munkres' Topology.
Why not both? I was considering Munkres Topology but then I realized that you're probably better off with something that goes more into detail with algebraic topology after Principles of Topology. Plus it's just so fuckin' dry.
>A Book of Abstract Algebra is baby-tier. Artin would probably be better.
That's why I put it in 2b/2c.

You're advocating gutting topics that are a great transition into proofing and jumping right into Baby Rudin. Are you another one of those cynical sperglords that keep bashing my lists because I didn't start people with Rudin?

2b should be based Spivak

2b could be any one of spivak, courant, or apostol

the problem with going spivak is that you then still have to do apostol's 2nd vol. if you want the same style of rigor but for multivariable calculus, unless you want to pick up something beautiful like Hubbard/Hubbard's or James Callahan's tough multivariable calculus book

>Rudin for self study
>complex analysis and topology are interchangeable
>I make opinions on thinks I don't know
>I can't read
fuck off

based list for once I guess

why do these meme lists always contain so many calculus books, you're wasting your time by learning calculus 5 times before going to analysis

>not a single list covers calc 1-3 sequence more than once
What did he mean by this?

I don't know what the fuck is "calculus 2" or whatever we don't have calculus sequels in europe

I don't see any lists covering single and multivariable calculus more than once each.

Europeans don't care about calculus at all. They start at topology.

>tfw you can't prove OP wrong

Proof by contradiction: Assume this is the best list, than all other lists must be brainlet lists, i.e. lists for brainlets. Now consider that I am not a brainlet and that I have not read this list, but did sample the list in the sticky. Thus I have supposdly read a list for brainlets, this is a contradiction and the claim is false.

>but did sample the list in the sticky
You mean the list that recommends brainlet textbooks for pre-calculus, only to recommend Apostol directly afterwards?

This list kicks its ass up until a certain point.

Non-meme list

Harjunlehto, Klein, Koskenoja - Analyysiä reaaliluvuilla
Any good linear algebra book
Tuominen - Todennäköisyyslaskenta 1
Martio - Vektorianalyysi
Väisälä - Topologia 1
Gyllenberg - Differentiaaliyhtälöt
Holopainen - Mitta ja integraali

Good for undergraduate maths

You forgot something:
>0. Prerequisites
Learn Runespeak really well for one year.

I read a math book once and it was hardly any numbers buncha faggotry I says

fucc maths n shiiieeet, ooga booga

What do numbers have to do with math?

>He reads finnish books in Uni level


>>He reads finnish books in Uni level
I mean they are good books

Is this meme list any good?

What's wrong with Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds? If that's too much of a leap, so what you need Apostol's second volume. Spivak is just better.

>Nothing by Jouko Väänänen
into the trash

Johdatus logiikkaan and matemaattinen logiikka are pretty comfy, could add at least the first one on the list

Brainlet here, is it a good idea to follow this meme list over the course of 5 years?

Seems like this meme list is actually legit.



Let's say I slept through highschool math and got an E?

Could these books be my path to redemption?

Ya but you may need to refer to Khan Academy while going through Stitz-Zeager a few times. It's about building concentration, habits, and grit. It all depends on how much time you put in, how hard you work, how naturally gifted you are, and how far you want to go.

But you're a brainlet

Apostol's books may as well be named "introduction to analysis"

Go and do everything on Khan from basic shit to Algebra 2 then you are ready for the meme list

I like it! I was using an older version but I will use this one from now on.
Thanks, Veeky Forums.
