Just how bad is porn for the brain?

Just how bad is porn for the brain?


It's lethal

2 bad

Bad enough for you to mistake the extreme sadness you receive after getting so much dopamine, for depression

>muh dopamine
Stop with this meme

My best friend from middle school OD'ed on porn. It was all over the news.

For real?

Yes. It was the combination of porn and not kissing his mother goodnight that did him in.

it is no different from the effect of sex

Oh dear I'm in big trouble then, how much time do I have

Fapping to porn mimics the effect of heroin

>feeling sad after a wank
Kek I forgot that's a thing for some people.
Must suck not being able to enjoy your own body without turning halfway suicidal.

I kiss my mother lots and lots to compensate for the porn I don't watch.

Wait, you mean it's not universal?! Also, halfway may be a bit of an understatement.

Do you think people would masturbate as much as they do if it made them feel terrible? Not everyone is a depressive wreck like yourself.
Get your shit together and lean how to make fapping a self-fulfilling and emotionally rewarding experience. You're missing out.

So heroin is as powerful as a glass of chocolate milk? Wow, what a letdown.

Very bad. Stop it.

100% of people who watch porn DIE at least once in their life

Not watching porn and not fapping to it will prolong your life by .000000000001 years.


>Opening a URL is the same as convincing a girl to have sex with you.
Only if you're Chad.