
Can we have a serious discussion for once on the scientific implications of the recent transgender "trap" phenomenon? What is it? Is it gay? Why are people so fascinated with these creatures?

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No we cannot.

there are no scientific implications to it
traps are gay, degeneracy is rampant, etc etc

>Why are people so fascinated with these creatures?
because they are biologically men but behave like women (or try to)

Gender is mental. Double entendre intentional.

They're still men, so it's clearly gay. It's closer to pederasty than to the kind of homosexuality you see today.

But it's the female traits they are attracted to.

But monster cock traps are best traps.

But not everyone likes that.

Those with patrician taste do.

horrible psyop

why are you so fascinated

Fucking traps and twinks is not gay. Getting fucked is gay. If you are the top then you are straight. Dominating is not gay.

Let me put it to you this way, a lot of guys want to fuck women, but don't want tot deal with the bullshit afterwards or any of the mind games, kind of like how a bloke goes about having sex, a trap is in many respects the best of both worlds.

I also think the phenomena is very interesting, a long with the cuckold fetish.

But sadly I know jack shit about human sexuality.

If it is the female traits they go after, why traps and not just women?
The dick is a male trait. If they see the dick and think "even better", they have homoerotic tendencies. If they see the dick and think "god dammit", then they are what we call "trapped" and are not held responsible for their faggotry, provided that the trap was convincing.

no you are talking about prostitues

I think the "even better" meme is due to arousal arising due to the confusion or primary sexual characteristics (penis) with secondary sexual characteristics (looking like a girl).

Isn't that an identitycrisis.

>scientific implications
The next generation will no longer recognize biological sex due to sociological ideological indoctrination of our youth >pic related

Biological sex and gender are the SAME. Gender identity does not independently assort itself from biological sex. People who have identity crises need psychological help. It is wrong for society to humour their mental illness. This does them no good in the long run.

Furthermore, those of us who speak English will lose the distinction between singular/plural pronouns. This is because genderqueer use they/them pronouns. I wouldn't mind if they wanted to be called "it" however.

Additionally, feminisim will be damamged by the T movement. Because they assert that maleness/femaleness is nothing more than preference.

Biological science is full of microaggressions, and risks being censored by our Transgender peers.



What are "female" traits beyond a vagina or two X chromosomes? That's not very feminist of you

Yeah, but what if I want to watch a movie or cuddle with said person as well, can't do that with a prostitute (costs way too much), that's where trap's come in

A couple of points, which may .If the interest for Traps is due homoerotic nature depends on the individual and their motives for the attraction. Some are gay/bi some are actually quite straight.

-Very feminine and lewd appereance in pictures, good traps try to achieve a certain look which is seen as very feminine and sexual at the same time. Due to them beeing males they have to put even more effort into it than a woman, who naturally passes as female and doesn't have to put extra work to it. On top of that they often have a very specific aesthetic they try to achieve, which normal woman actually don't strife for. (Sort of like cosplay represents Anime Characters) Wearing unusual styles and clothes. Also traps want often want to be treated like a girl, they look for sex, due to their male sex-drive unlike normal woman. This is also part of the aesthetic.

-Smaller Competition, Traps beeing a controversial topic due the implied homoerotic components. Makes less people show interest in them, be it because of beeing striaght or not wanting to be seen as gay. Less competition makes one feel like one has higher chances of getting intimidate.

-Bisexual Arousal, for people who like both genders.

-Confusion,confusing things can seem interesting the feminine appereance coupled with male sex organ can confuse the observer creating unexplored and interetsing feelings.Due to not knowing if they are actually into it, they happen to devote oneself more to the topic. Wanting to try it out, not knowing if they would actually enjoy it.

-They can serve as a replacement for women, that seems easier/more reastically to get.Like many people with low self esteem enjoy bbw porn, because the sexual partners seems more realistic to what they will end up with.

-Kinkyness, Traps are very sexual in their nature, since their apperance and appeal is so important for them that do everything to achieve it. That devotion to sexual pleasure can be seen as arousing to people who are very kinky.

jesus christ NOT AGAIN

have you ever heard of mental illness?

That was actually quite an interesting perspective.

Best post yet

>why are people so interested in traps
"People" in this case meaning "men".

Because men have become disinterested in women, for various reasons.

I'm glad I could help, there are probably couple other reasons to consider aswell. But I think those were the biggest ones.

Also I think forgot to mention that, due to character limit. It's probably obvious, but not all those points have to apply, but I think they are quite common. But again someone might show interest coming from some really unusual perspective that maybe was triggered by a certain event in life. Just like with most fetishes.

Ok serious discussion. So I'm trans. And I will say that I transitioned for two reasons. A) I would look beautiful. And B) straight masculine men would sleep with me. I'm significantly happier than I was before. I was a small weak girlish looking boy with big eyes, I looked ugly as a boy. Being male was too hard. I simply can't make it. Socially it was too hard. Everything felt too hard, or rough or mean. A lot is expected of men. And I just couldn't take anymore to it. Internally, I was attracted to masculine dominant aggressive types of men. Men that were complete "tops." The "gender dysphoria" was the result of feeling that you ought to have a female body. And finding that it isn't there. It's a "felt absence" if you will. I thought I was straight because I liked straight sex. But I was only attracted to men. So it was a bit confusing til I realized some men would love to fuck me as a girl. Then it made sense. Anyway yes it's a mental disorder. The current hypothesis is that it's an extreme expression of homosexuality. FYI I don't literally regard myself as a female. I know I'm homosexual. A lot of people seem think none of us have a grasp of biological sex. I never once that I was female. Only a type of homosexual. Though I have a feminine identity that doesn't make me female. It isn't exactly healthy to argue against the ontological primacy of one's biological sex. Anyway. No hate. You all wanted a serious talk.

Hey, have you guys ever seen this informative video?

Bill Nye explains the science of trannies

How do we know Ashley jones is a trap? In fact, where do all these pictures come from? Ever time I look up stuff I just get back to Veeky Forums or stuff about some other uglier tranny

I don't know if she qualifies for the conventional definition of 'trap'. My research has led me to conclude that she suffers from some congenital birth defect which made her look the way she looks. It's probably a biological male that suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome or something and never went through puberty hence her height and weight (83 lbs kek)


literally a 'homo erectus' if you know what I mean...