If homosexuality is genetic, why do homosexuals still exist...

if homosexuality is genetic, why do homosexuals still exist? since they cannot have offspring shouldn't evolution have wiped them out?

(not trolling, genuinely curious)

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Some gays will suppress their gayness and get married and have kids and then have gay sex on the side

Homosexuality is spread through child rape

It's a false correlation in research.

Say this gene is responsible for increased amounts of estrogen being released, "ebin science" magazines and websites will politicize this as meaning it's a "gay" gene even though the increased estrogen only may contribute to gayness. There are so many more factors to this kind of thing so accepting hard "revolutionary" notions such as the existence of a gay gene is a really bad habit that leads you to believe things that aren't actually true.

Anyway there are a lot more sociological reasons for homosexuality than genetic, it's like saying being autistic makes you post on Veeky Forums.

Also this

Most homosexuals in history have families and pursue men on the side. Also no complex human behaviour is solely genetic, ideas being exposed to oneself and nurture play a big part in sexuality, obviously. There would be no where near as many traps without the internet, for example.

Even if homosexuality is completely genetic as not developmental, it could just be recessive.

>if homosexuality is genetic
It isn't. Identical twins are discordant.

>I don't know anything about population genetics
Do you faggots realise the fitness penalty obligate homosexuality imposes?
It is not genetic. See There is no way it even could be genetic.

The homosexuality gene can be spread through heterosexual sex, the father doesn't have to be gey, he is simply a carrier of said gene.

why does that gene persist when it is obviously bad for fitness

Genitics isn't about what's good for us, it's about what is passed on. We pass on disabilities right?


Faggot detected

bad for fitness -> doesn't get passed on

>gene that persists -> gets passed on
You are fucking retarded

Nobody wants to procreate with short men yet short men still exist.

>Couple has three kids
>One out of the three is homosexual
>Other two are heterosexual
>Homosexual child has no children of his own before they die
>Other two heterosexual children do have their own kids before they die
>Because all three children genes are pulled from the same genome there's an increased chance one of their own kids or grandkids will be express homosexuality.

That's how op, evolution rarely gets specific in it's "weeding" out of genes from the genome.

That's an easy one: being short for women isn't seen as particularly disgusting, so that's how the short genes are transmitted

You're a faggot, why don't you tell us?

the genes that " cause" homosexuality probably only cause a predisposition or chance of developing into a homosexual, and whether homosexuality manifests will depend on the effectively-random permutations of how growing neurons link up , or perhaps some environmental factors in early childhood.

The protein coded by these genes is probably also responsible for some other function in the body which is more beneficial than the cost of occasionally coming out homosexual.

If there were genes which always caused homosexuality and had no other purpose then yes they would be bread out

>it's like saying being autistic makes you post on Veeky Forums.
actually it's the other way around

Does it increase reproductive success when heterozygous? Does it increase reproductive success in females? Are families with homosexuals in more reproductively successful? Does homosexuality coexpress with genes beneficial to reproductive success?

Any yes responses to the above you have an answer.

I should also add that homosexuality is probably a spectrum rather than absolutes, which complicates things further.

it's not genetic

>what is clan control
faggots had to abide and have a roastie and progeny and go engage in their fetish in the closet on their free time. Being in the open like today just wasn't happening for this trait.

retarded ass shit that never happened

>what are bath houses
what persists is what does not die, it is not about what is superior surviving. Gays have never been as enabled to be the genetic dead-ends their lifestyle implied until our era. They had to go along to get along.


Studies of penguin colonies have found the existence of same-sex couples and indeed there appears to be an optimal ratio of these couples as they seem to retain their parenting instincts, taking in unattended or orphaned chicks and thus improving the survival of the colony. The genes they share with their relatives in the colony are therefore more likely to be passed down, and whatever 'gay gene' it is that exists in penguins continues to exist because while it's a dead end for that penguin, it increases the overall fitness of the group and hence an optimal chance of expression is selected for.

How is this related to science, it's pure witch craft

A just-so story from a clueless idiot.
What part of "homosexuality is not heritable" is so hard to understand?
Fucking retard.

It has a genetic component yet is not heritable, how incredible! I hope everyone learned something today.

I'll reiterate. Genetics =/= heritability.

>not having a husband and leaving single moms on the side

Have another

>"see guys, there's a gay gene, look at gay animals, thus homosexual marriage is okay!"
>continues to engage in exactly the opposite behavior of what a wholesome, family-raising couple would do

It might not be genetic. A more likely cause is hormone distribution while in the womb. They are still born that way despite it not being a genetic cause.

This. I've read somewhere that gay guys often have straight older brothers.

There might be genetic influencing factors but not a gene that just makes you gay 100%. It's a combination of Gene's and your environment. Because of homosexuality was just genetic then yes it would have been wiped out long ago. Did you know certain animals display homosexual behavior as well?

Nothing he said was wrong.

Mental retardation is bad for fitness, yet it looks like your parents passed it on to you. Checkmate retard

What if a particular allele of a gene, when present in women, endows them with really attractive traits that makes them have lots of kids, but when that allele is passed to a son, it makes him kinda fago

Then you have lots of successful women passing down these gene continually, sometimes having gay sons

this I'm always surprised by how uneducated Americans are about anything unrelated to business/money.

Go home Lamarck.

But if women procreate with tall men, the daughters will be taller than the mothers. Eventually the short genes should get eradicated.

>if homosexuality is genetic
its not

>since they cannot have offspring
They can. When a closet fag fucks a woman (or a closet dyke fucks a dude), she can still get pregnant.
Gay marriage could be the end of homosexuality, technically. (It's also the worst argument for gay marriage.)

It's transmitted by the mother, like Judaism.
The gay gene is located in mitochondrial DNA.

100% this. The more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay, due to previous placental conditions. It's pretty interesting stuff. but it's not strictly genetic or twin studies would be pretty conclusive

Selection is done on genes in populations. A bit gayness through a population might very well have overall indirect positive effects on the population fitness, as it may lead to more offspring surviving in the rest of the population.

They're 80% concordant, what the fuck are you on about.

It's most likely a non-heritable genetic mutation.

Yup, feminisation of brain regions has often been considered the cause of both homosexuality and transgendersim based on the evidence of brain scans.

Prenatal hormones are mostly likely the cause of the feminization since any link to a genetic reason is weak.

(masculization in the case of lesbians and ftm)

Just want to point out to OPthat lack of genetic reason doesn't mean its a choice.

This hormonal theory fits. It can be biodetermined but not hereditary.

>anything about people ISN'T genetic

I expected better from yo Veeky Forums

Wow so many people on this board don't understand the difference between spontaneous mutations and heritable ones....I guess a child born with no arms or legs inherited that from his parents. I also guess a child born a hermaphrodite is also inherited...I'll tell you, it's not.

>he doesnt realize the environment's influence on genes ultimately impacts their expression.
of course you cant produce a protein if you don't have the gene for it, but environment is much more of a factor than genes.

Stop posting this thread every other week.

It's pretty sad when someone feels so threatened by homosexuals that he needs to make up reasons why it's a "choice" so he feels justified to hate them.

, it's easier to just accept that they're gay and you're just an asshole imo

>Every other week
Aren't you lucky Veeky Forums? We get /pol/ bait threads every single day about African civilization and race of [insert historical population here] on Veeky Forums. It's dreadful really. I fell like the only mods that aren't useless are the ones on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.

Its a recessive gene that aids in survival of the next generation of their siblings offspring. Not kidding, if someone in your family is homosexual every closely related child in that family has a higher chance of survival and success. Google it (aka im too lazy to find you a source). This even still applies to modern society (somehow).

I just know that being homophobic is also genetic, because I feel disgusting, and an urge to puke whenever I see two men kissing. OP pic is making my gut feel funny.

C'mon, someone take the bait, I know you want to

I don't feel threatened by homosexuals at all, I hate loud mouth, attention seeking and obnoxious people in general. Most homosexuals I've met where like that, they have that very particular way of talking, like a sassy black woman that I find disgusting.

Something interesting about this idea is that in some pacific cultures the youngest son is raised as a girl, when there is no daughter or not enough daughters. So that someone can take that role in the family, to do the womans duties.

Maybe this is the drive behind it? Needing "women" in the family. Other genes reflect our community and family focus, it's perhaps our greatest strength

Isn't the new narrative as far as social theory that everyone can be a little gay, and sexuality is just a spectrum.

Saying people are born gay is now a conservative argument, and kids are encouraged to wonder whether they might like to try it sometime.

Could be a combination of genetic predisposition, pre and post-natal environmental exposures during critical developmental windows, or (common) genetic errors in either gamete (very unlikely, but for the sake of completeness).

We don't really know. It's not easy to decouple culture from behavior and desire, to find underlying mechanical absolutes. What is clear is that various cultures have viewed same sex sexual relations, and sexual relations relative to age, quite differently. Historically things were a lot more fluid and people had less words to incorporate into their sense of identity and to describe themselves to others. There was clearly less compartmentalization and social "lock in".

However, one thing has been a fixed constant through history, and that's a population bias towards meaningful romantic and sexual bonding with the opposite sex. "Binary" homosexuals have always existed, probably, but I'm apt to think it's either a response to population pressure, or exposure to various endocrine disrupting pesticides, herbicides, and isoflavones. Soy infant formula and atrazine come to mind.