Why don't we just ask idiots not to multiply?

This is coming from an autist who understands his genes are shizer and is not reproducing why can't we just ask people not to reproduce

This would solve human retardation!

Because telling people with literal retard genes like Down's syndrome that they can't reproduce is depriving them of a basic human right or some moralfag argument like that. Also it's a slippery slope from this argument to eugenics.

Eugenics is good also I have Down syndrome for real psychologists diagnosed me with severe autism but I don't care because I know the are just pseudoscience majors

The problem is not the stupid retards. The stupid retards have no power. They are just automatons.

The problem is the smart retards. The libertarian economists, the climate change denying engineers and the Trumps. Those are the ones that cause us harm.

Did you mean scheiße or what

People with downs aren't reproducing though. They are sterilised by their parents so that they don't get pregnant when they are accidentally raped in the mad house by other retards.

Don't ask me how I know this. I just do.

I think OP was talking about the "normal" bottom 1/4 of the bell curve.

So basically idiots are too stupid to even know/accept they shouldn't be reproducing even if we explain it to them

i imagine they simply don't care, since it's no skin off their back

There's no need. We're civilized enough to be able to sustain people who are not optimally designed for survival.

They're incredibly arrogant and selfish in general, not just with having kids.

A lot of people don't deserve children, they treat them like shit, most treat them like slaves and enjoy power tripping them. They don't care if they have a future, they only enjoy wasting their time and lying to them. They don't understand the concept and morality of caring for your own child, some people genuinely don't feel that attraction as a parent. They're biologically defunct, like most creatures really.

We need to disable automatic sperm and ovule production. That way we can also have pleasurable sex without falling into the trap of reproducing without quality assurance.

Killing babies and toddlers would be morally questionable, but easy to do. You can judge toddlers even from a young age if you pay close attention and you're not an indifferent retarded geek who judges incorrectly.

For those who do want children and deserve them, they can adopt a full grown baby or a dna strand from a specific family so at least it's a healthy benevolent being and not a psychopath from generations of muslim inbreeding and radioactive deserts.

Why would we ever do that. We need kill the muslims, asians and brazilians/africans. They're like mosquitos. Useless, annoying and never evolved.

>Why would we ever do that.

Because we're not warmongering barbarians.

But they are. Enjoy getting butt fucked in the ass by the mongolians, oh wait that already happened that's why we have Russia and Hungary. (and most of eastern europe) which are dog shit, just like southern europe (the bastard children of the middle east)

This is a neutral pit stop comment. Feel free to rest here before going to the discussion below
Note: I'm trying to post this on highly political discussions.
Mods, feel free to remove this if it is unnecessary. I'll take the hint and stop.

>commie detected

is spider smart enough to reproduce?

what is minimum requirement

But if idiot can give you $9.99 then his kids and his wife can all give you $9.99, and their kids too. The idiot will bring food to your table and say "enjoy your meal" all for the hope you give them some low tip they will use on drugs.

I can not imagine speaking with someone who is a waiter/cashier. Those jobs are below human standards.

Comparing the average spiders intelligence, and that spiders intelligence, I would say so.

>in power

Libertarian economists don't believe the government should be spending any money. If you think that is a group of people who have any influence on politics then you aren't paying attention.

Implying eugenic is bad.

Thanks for the history lesson. They're no more barbaric than the US or British so I guess we should just start killing everyone in case they start killing everyone.