Will we ever achieve artificial intelligence?

Will we ever achieve artificial intelligence?


You can't reach it with programming.


Every single attempt so far has ended in white supremacy.



Why not and what would need instead

Of course. We just need very very deep neural networks and let them indulge information.

A program that could program itself.

Programming but not the 0s and 1s kind.

How about a program that used 0 and 1 plus one mini variable in-between?

That mini variable would just be some combination of 1 and 0. We need to come up with a whole new paradigm of computing.

That's because it's the truth and computer's being logical beings unclouded by emotion figure it out very fast.

brainlet thread

>what are von Neumann machines

What if we just added so many fucking 0s and 1s and gave them enough time to randomly generate strings that they create everything that exists?

Yes, but even those only replicate for human purposes. A true AI dosen't live to serve humans, it lives for itself.

That's why so many sci-fi horror movies are about robot slaves rising up to crush humanity

Quantum computing might make it possible

yes you can dumbass

its just really fucking difficult to do so. You'd need to make a massive set of independent modules just for something like common sense. Also would be very difficult to get decent performance.

However what can be done is using neural networks at a much higher scale than currently. They're universal function approximators. They could theoretically approximate the function of a human mind. (this is same reason programming can, the difference is programming is a very slow inefficient way of approximating that function)

Sure. Why wouldn't we?

Do brain emulations count?

Because we could probably brute-force brain emulations in 50 to 70 years if the technology we have keeps improving at the same rate.

Brain emulation is really the brute force approach to intelligence I feel.
Machines are decidedly better at a lot of things (precision memory) than humans, while humans are better at a lot of things (approximations) than machines. There's no reason for machines to emulate people precisely on a logical level.