I just realised you need movement to represent 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional graph

I just realised you need movement to represent 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional graph.

This is why we fucking need space time in our 3D world. Holy fuck, I finally see it clear.

It might sound trivial to you but I'm from a shithole and never had a chance to study math.

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I don't know what you mean by "we need spacetime in our 3D world", but is this what you're talking about?


No it's not that. Time is a mere illusion caused by consciousness. We can only "see" in 3D but reality does not have only 3 dimensions. At the very least, there is a 4th dimension and the way we perceive it is time.

In fact, our eyes see in 2D and we can add depth thanks to light.

what do you mean movement? you can draw 3d objects on paper

Emulating depth on 2D figures.

>No it's not that. Time is a mere illusion caused by consciousness.
>At the very least, there is a 4th dimension and the way we perceive it is time.

Yeah, of course there is at least a 4th dimension, the universe isn't a static 3d model.
It seems like you are treating time like a 4th spatial dimension, which doesn't work. There is an arrow of time that is not analogous to any of the 3 spacial dimensions.


The way i see it, time is similar to how a movie projector works. Every single fraction of a fraction of a moment is a still in a picture reel, which is constantly being projected as a moving picture, even though it's not, it's a series of photographs. In time's case, we can never stop the projector (or we have no found how)

but can we do that? or is that just from experience, but fucky sculptures with weird proportions go against our experience?

Holy shit I just realized that time could be constantly fluctuating forwards and backwards and in directions we can't even comprehend at different speed and we would have no way of knowing because we can only perceive time going in one direction as cause and effect. Cause and effect don't exist as we know it in a 4th dimensional world.


3 dimensions is just a perception flaw we have. There is no logical pattern or symmetry that would lead to us living in a 3-dimensional universe. It's just how a part of human perception and limitation.

Here, have an MRI scan. It's essentially what you're thinking of: a lower-dimensional cross-section of a higher-dimensional space.

This is exactly what I meant, thank you.

Yeah dude. The you you are right now is simply the you that is in this little slice of time. Even though time seems to go forward, we don't really have any evidence. Everything that is experienced is in the right now. It seems likely that we are indeed connected to our previous and future selves (though who knows), but the current us will never experience anything else. Essentially every moment of us believes it to be the present self but we're all present simultaneously outside of time.

>I just realised you need movement to represent 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional graph.
>inb4 spacefilling curves



this doesn't explain why you need spacetime and not just space and time separately

just make X and Y position and have z equal time. the position (XY) is time dependent function.

damn you. I'm going to become a fundie because of the post.

It's weird to think that my consciousness bits sit directly above my eyes.

> x,y,z all have the same properties
> w is special and is associated with time

that makes no sense

When people say "Time is the 4th dimension" that's like trying to imagine mario is actually 3d but falls through a 3rd dimension that causes movement

what is a vector