>2017 >There are still people who haven't realized that Computer Science is by far the best degree >There are still people who don't want to make well above $100k right out of college >There are still people who don't want an easy job where you can browse the internet while your code builds >There are still people who don't want to be able to telecommute and work from home >There are still people who don't want to take part in the most important technological advancement of the century
Explain yourselves Veeky Forums, why don't you have a degree in CS?
Juan King
Because I got a degree in physics and read an intro to algorithms book in my spare time. Now, according to industry, I'm about as qualified as someone with a degree in CS.
James Gutierrez
>>There are still people who don't want an easy job where you can browse the internet while your code builds you are confusing computer science with software engineering, OP
Samuel White
There are some physics PhDs at my work, they can't code they are shit
Benjamin Scott
And yet they're just as employable as you.
Juan Lopez
Yeah same, I'm a math grad. Took 2 coding classes and I am doing data analysis right off the bat.
Feels good being the smartest in a room full of CS grads.
Nicholas Robinson
So is it better to get a B.S. in math and a minor in computer science, then to just major in computer science?
Blake James
Probably the other way around
it's best to just not be a moron and know how to think outside the box
Daniel Jenkins
b.s in maths, b.s + masters in CS (not SE)
David Hernandez
Thanks a lot for the responses
Matthew Parker
>There are still people who want an actual life
Josiah Cooper
>user gets a CS degree because he thinks it will give him money >Doesn't get a software engineering job because he's completing with Pajeets who will do the work for a third of a pay >Doesn't get a computer science job because he's competing with physics and math majors who are infinitely smarter than him >Shitposts on Veeky Forums to feel better B R A I N L E T R A I N L E T
Easton Foster
Even worse than this, some people want to live in their computer world where programming can make them a god.
Connor Morris
But I am very employable and had multiple offers well over $100k straight out of college, I got home from work a few hours ago
Sebastian Gonzalez
How much did you suck dick or take it in the ass to get that?
Camden Campbell
I've been interviewing applicants for my company and there are many people who expect those kinds of salaries right out of school. We reject them. The ones that ask at least within range expectant of their experience level we interview, and you would be surprised how many can't pass fizzbuzz.
Henry Williams
Um none, I just studied hard for 4 years, got a did an internship at a prestigious company, got a bunch of full time job interviews, showed up and answered their questions about algorithms, computer architecture, system design, and told some jokes to appear friendly
Now they give me tons of money for browsing reddit hours a day (yeah I know reddit - I don't care it's a sfw site with lots of varied content) and I'll be promoted soon...
Ayden Foster
>and told some jokes to appear friendly >Now they give me tons of money for browsing reddit hours a day
So, quite a lot it seems.
Joshua Stewart
You mean none.
Nathan Richardson
You by your admission are not doing anything of value, so what else could it be?
Henry Nelson
>implying you need a CS degree to get a CS job >implying CS majors aren't massive brainlets everyone hates >implying CS course work is anything other than a complete pushover
Top quackek
Jason Evans
They really aren't but Computer Science isn't Software Engineering either. So a Software Engineer will be superior to all in that.
Wyatt Kelly
How god is a math+CS degree versus a math degree or a CS degree?
Michael Howard
Bill Gates doesn't have a degree and he makes Billions.
Jeremiah Scott
Quit school and learn how to bake.
Colton Nelson
So CS is badly taught. It's not like it matters since only shit unis have shit curriculums and if you're in a shit uni you deserve to be poor and miserable.
Chase Davis
Computer Science is a meme degree after 4 years' experience. I even asked my boss, who's one step below CEO (He manages hires). Said after a few years, the people who don't have degrees are on an equal playing field if their resume is as good.
>inb4 senior software dev, 9.5 years employed, dropped out of college after year 1
Tyler Lopez
Probably only 3-4 universities in the US have non-shit curriculums though. Even the so called #5 program is a Javaschool.
Thomas White
>tfw shit tier coder but extremely proficient at googling what did nerds do back in the days to fix their shit tier programming skills? read a fucking book? lmao
Parker Nelson
It is indescribably hard to get jobs at top companies without a degree, they will literally just throw your resume away
"4 years of experience" at a shit company will get you still less money than "first day on the job" at top companies
Evan Roberts
You guys are too focused on raw salary. $120k at facebook is not that great a salary when you adjust for the insane cost of living at most places in the West Coast.
Would rather make $90-95k and live in Austin, Atlanta, Charlotte, or some other cheap but not bumblefuckish-middle-of-nowhere city, and not have to live in a 'burb and ride a train 1 hour to work in NYC, SF, Seatle, etc and/or have roommates.
Jayden Rodriguez
>implying you need a CS degree to get a CS job As someone who did a bootcamp and worked as a developer making software for banks and later went to go study CS. No you wont get a CS job without a CS degree. You can hire any hobo from the street and teach him to write GUIs and database queries within a few weeks. But those jobs are uninspiring, soul sucking and don't make much more than starbucks. The only good thing about is that once every year they'll treat you to an expensive dinner in a 3 star restaurant with 13 microscopic courses that still leave you with hunger. You're better of becoming an electrician, you'll get a lot more satisfaction out of it.
But you wont hire CS people to do those jobs, they're way to expensive.
Dominic Hill
My goal is one day to be able to develop an AI that can program itself, that way brainlet CS grads can be homeless and living in the streets where they belong.
Landon Rogers
>Take CS >Go to grad school and specialise in computability theory >end up poor Worth it
Logan White
I'm learning all of this cs on my own and you make me want to kill myself
Noah Hall
Because I worth more than just CS.
Hudson Diaz
people who code are brainlet
in your next life maybe youll work a bit at school, hehe
t. prof who hires brainlets for unpaid internships to do dirty work I dont want to do
Kayden Stewart
Hey user-san.. Willing to hire an undergrad cs major who is 30yrs old, for 42k/yr with 0 yrs exp directly relevant?
Connor Taylor
How do I get into software engineering?
Isaac Campbell
>Software engineering is the best degree fuck off
Kevin Howard
Learn to write C# proficiently and get a 2 year degree from anything other than a community college
Connor Jackson
I have two friends doing CS but they are fucking stupid. Once one of them needed a program that showed prime numbers so he made an equation for not showing number divisible by 2 and 3. So i said, "what if i type 25?" and he coded something like >"if number (not divisible by 2 or 3) OR 25" I dont want to say them they will end as hobos.
Sebastian Davis
Sounds like you need to find smarter friends desu
Jaxson Allen
>c"""s""" >not software """engineering""" enjoy your unemployment, brainlet
Leo Wood
well because I'm absolutely ass with computers, and other things such as natural sciences and medical stuff seem more interesting to me
Dylan King
the computer scientist: too dumb for pure maths not skilled enough for software engineering
John Garcia
Well, I'm pretty bad when it goes to dealing with computers. Just very basic knowledge after years of internet and gaming. Nontheless, I'm one of the best in my software engineering major. Writing code doesn't require me knowing much about computers(I'm somewhat like a codemonkey in this sence).
I want to say that software engineering is an extremely boring major. I feel like my brain is slowly dying when I have to take stupid classes that teach you to make user interface and other boring stuff. At least at home I can relax from all those shit by doing some algebraic topology(although, I don't have a reason to study it, just for fun)
John Campbell
They will probably end up as senior devs or managers.
Brandon Barnes
>"Software Engineering" degrees are the same as "Computer Science" degrees fuck off
Ian Davis
You're fucking retarded why do you even post when you're clearly ignorant?
Software Engineering degrees are like the baby version of Computer Science degrees. It's much easier and has less math requirements and theoretical CS requirements.
Levi Young
I do not envy SE majors for their UML and pattern circlejerks though
holy shit the courses I was forced to take on those when I just wanted to do CS made me want to die
Kayden Watson
How can you people handle working in this field when it's all about muh business, muh banks, muh shiny websites. It's so fucking disgusting and dull
Jaxon Stewart
I'm extroverted and softwareE seems too lonely as a job. Are there other good paying jobs for people who don't want to write and debug code all day?
Justin Gomez
because people don't care about anything but money they can buy shit to impress their peers with in our shitty consumer society. obviously plenty of people in CS do cool stuff but the corporate and bank workers are the dregs of the dregs imo
Jaxson Jenkins
first year cs student.
already realised it's not for me and don't want to be a code donkey for the rest of my life.
Do I stay and aim to be a manager or should I got another field?