> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in computer science
> oohhh i see, so you study about computers ?
> uhm, CS is not really about comp-..
> can you help me repair my Windows, its broken XDXDXD
> mfw normies think cs is about repairing computers
> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in computer science
> oohhh i see, so you study about computers ?
> uhm, CS is not really about comp-..
> can you help me repair my Windows, its broken XDXDXD
> mfw normies think cs is about repairing computers
Other urls found in this thread:
quite nerd, time to give me the ol' cock suck
> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in quantum physics
> oohhh i see, so you study about small things ?
> uhm, quantum mechanics is not really about sma-..
> can you help me repair my tiny car, its broken XDXDXD
> mfw normies think quantum mechanics is about repairing small things
One of many, many reasons to loathe actual IT majors.
>so user where do you work?
>>i do molecular biology research
>oh biology huh? have you discovered any new animals??? xD
The worst part is I wish I had.
"aren't you too big to be a quantum mechanic?"
You should have replied "I'll repair your dick."
have your course list at hand if you want to be autistic about it. "it's a lot of math, CS is p much a math degree" bam done
>CS is p much a math degree
> so user what do you study?
>oh ecology
>ohh i see you fight pollution
>actually ecology is about the interacti-
>what kind of lightbulbs should i use?
i'll have ketchup with my fries mister math degree
I had the same conversation with girl but I thought that she was ironic, so I answered that I am computer repairing master. She wasn't impressed
Computer Science degrees are the new thing to do. Every retard imaginable is trying to get one/pushed to get one.
do you think there will be a surplus of comp sci degrees in 10 years? or will the dropout rate keep it level
>so user what do you study ?
>life science
>oohhh i see
That's it. Literally no one I know cares about it, except myself.
>so user, what do you study?
>oh I'm in Astrophysics.
>ohhh so you study constellations?
>actually Astrophysics is more abou-
>name a star after me! XDXD
Astronomy majors have it worse though, they have to deal with people asking if they can tell them their horoscopes.
itt people relate tales of them talking to normies and plebs, just dont
>so user, what do you study?
>pure mathematics
>I would like a large soda to my fries
Anecdotal evidence, but my science department at a large university is literally 80% computer science. Based on what others are saying I'm sure it will get saturated
Kek samefag. That was the laziest joke ever, literally done already 10 million times.
>abandoned aerospace engineering to do pure math
>"what the fuck, like, this course is 1000x harder and you won't make much money user"
Normies will never understand, although they have a point.
Nuclear Engineering =Weaponized Autism.
>so user what do you study
>oh economics
>oh so you study about the ecomony and money??
>actually economics is about the complex interacti--
>what stock should i invest in?
>economics is about the complex...
If you have to preface your major by saying it is "complex" instead of its complexity being inferred from its description alone then you know for sure that you are studying a brainlet major.
>What did you study user?
>Oh, I was always bad at math haha
just kill me
Do you think it would be better to be specific? What do you think people would say if instead of us saying "math" we said "Algebraic number theory"?
>Oh man I HATED algebra in school...
Got it. Then what about just number theory?
>lol numbers, what's 13583 times 34873?
Yeah, I think number theorists are fucked but there are fields that I think are safe. For example, if you say you are a topologist you are 100% safe. I think analysis could also be safe unless they say "Oh, I also studied analysis for my sociology degree xD"
t. mathfag
>What do you study user?
>I'm doing a Bahelor of Unfinished Responses
>Oh I see, so what's that about?
>It's pretty much
Nah it should only be an insult to receiver because you're implying they don't understand it's complex. Complexity lies in the field not in whether you say it is or isn't...
>he doesn't realize that CS is a math degree at good schools
in b4 autistic rage
>have CS degree
>be software engineer
>"hey user what is it you do again"
>"I'm a software engineer"
>"Oh cool. My autistic cousin works in tech support too"
> complex analysis
> Oh, what's so complex about it?
>What do you study user?
>Oh I'm studying computer science with a field emphasis on game dev
>Oh man that is so cool are you gonna make the next halo
>mfw normies think game dev is all about gimmicks, realism, violence, and special effects, and no one else understands the genuine artistic and narrative component to it
>mfw I am enough of a piece of shit to actually care about this
>mfw normies think what I do is cool and I'm the only one who knows I'm actually the fattest most retarded loser in existence and every day I have to pretend like I genuinely believe I deserve to live
Phil Fish is that you?
Stop being existentially depressed and get to work on Fez 2
t. Gaben
>so user what do you study
>oh, do you give diagnoses
>actually I'm not quali-
>does it seem like I have ADHD and can I be prescribed ritalin? Please?
Actually happened
Fuck off Zampella
I know you are a student and that is why you say you can't prescribe but can psychologists prescribe at all? As far as I know, it is psychiatrists that study medicinal treatments while psychologists study mystic crap like the wage gap and astrology, right?
>so user what do you study
> uhh technically i'm employed by a CS department but really i just do math and throw regression at humanities problems and solve them better than any humanities majors can
>psychologists study mystic crap like the wage gap and astrology, right?
psychiatrists study medicinal treatments
psychologists study ways of using the mind's own facilities to advance treatments for what ails it
that's a bit harder to pin down than medicine because we still don't know exactly how the brain works, but it's certainly just as well a far cry from mysticism
> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in electrical engineering
> oohhh i see, so you study about fridges and stuff?
> uhm, EE is not really about appliances-..
> can you help me repair my fridge, its broken XDXDXD
> mfw normies think EE is about repairing appliances
Okay... "studying the mind" sounds a lot like "I smoke weed and just see what comes." but whatever. What you said still means that psychologists cannot legally write prescriptions right?
That's all a comp sci course is good for, you don't learn anything you couldn't have learned from the internet.
>>he doesn't realize that CS is a math degree at good schools
Link to one of these schools?
>psychologists study ways of using the mind's own facilities to advance treatments for what ails it
>that's a bit harder to pin down than medicine because we still don't know exactly how the brain works, but it's certainly just as well a far cry from mysticism
Things like Myers Briggs tests and ego depletion are essentially mysticism,
Retards think I'm studying to become a mechanic(the ones that they pay when their car is doing weird noises and shit) when I tell them I'm doing Mechanical Engineering.
>so user what do you study
>I major in Maths, more specifically topology
>oh haha I was always bad at geography
>Actually, it's a field of math in which...
>quick what's the capital of Botswana
>so user wyatt do you stud
>OH so you like comp-
>Cooking Science
>can you fix science
Fucking Normies keep askijg me if im fat because I study cooling science, it's basically a math degree.
Tbh econ as a field has done a terrible job in explaining itself to the public
> oh i'm in computer science
> oohhh can you fix a problem I'm having?
>explain the problem
>Sure I can fix that, it'll cost you $50
Crypto is goat since people actually know it exists. Bitches will get wet when you explain you understand how bitcoin works and how internet security work.
>using the blockchain as a means to indulge in premartial sex
your masters taught you better...
>so user what do you study
>i can't afford college, i'm just here to work at the cafeteria
>awkward silence
Are you ok, dude?
thats cause they know thatll be your career anyway
>taking calc 2 and discrete math 1+2 is a math degree
damn it why are there so many CS shills out of nowhere
do Stats people!
>so user what do you study ?
>oh im doing biochemistry
>oohhh i see, so you're going to make le heisenberg meth?
>uhm, biochemistry is not really about recreational dru-
>so when are you going to make acid? XDDD
>> so user what do you study?
>> oh i'm in computer engineering
>> oohhh i see, so you study about computers?
>> yes
>user what do you study
>oh womens study?
>so you're a radical feminist?
>actually it's about the complex gender dy-
>lol but you're a guy that's weird
god I'm so sick of this shit
Well I'm sick of faggots doing gender studies and thinking they deserve the time of day
screw you, my major is important to society and in high demand
More like your dick will be in high demand by SJWs with daddy issues
First three are LSD, Buscaline and MDMA, last one is Bromo Dragonfly.
> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in computer engineering
> oohhh i see, my friend is doing computer science too
> uhm, computer engineering is not really the same as comp-..
> can you help me repair my Windows, its broken XDXDXD
> sure i could, but that has nothing to do with computer engieering. also i wont
>male, or anyone for that matter
>majoring in women and gender studies
read a donald knuth book
> so user what do you study ?
> oh i'm in computer science
> oohhh i see, so you do all the hacking
> uhm, CS is not really about hack-..
> Did you hear in the news, the russians. Was that you?
> mfw normies think cs is about hacking
Happens everytime I talk to my grandparents.
Friendly reminder that CS is a super-set of maths
>CS degrees are donald knuth books
Donald Knuth books are the content that makes CS degrees different from SWE degrees.
CS degrees are to SWE degrees as physics degrees are to electrical engineering degrees.
>> oohhh i see, so you study about computers ?
How is that wrong though? CS is the study of models of computation...aka computers.
>what do you study user?
>oh do you want to be a park ranger???xddddd
>"It is certainly possible that I will end up in a national park, most of my summer internships have been there"
>so user what you study?
>oh I'm Gonna be be chemist.
>So you gonna be a chemical engineer right?
> No I'm not gonna work on automated systems and effitienty maximalisation and reaction controlling AI-s even thou I ca...
>So you gonna work in a nuclear power plant?
Do they relly think they actually understand anything they say?
>wanted to go into computer science because of rising field meme but now it looks like it'll be too saturated to find a good job
Should I go into something else, like computer engineering or EE? I'm scared
>So what do you study, user?
>Molecular Epigenetics
>What's that?
>Like cloning people and stuff??
This is why I don't like to talk to people who don't have at least a STEM bachelors
If you're still in undergrad, pick up a biology minor at least. Maybe a few electives in advanced molecular biology or genetics. Then you'll be set for grad school.
But I don't like biology.
> molecular biology or genetics
that isnt a very emriching way of studying biology
study ecology, evolution, the marcobiologies. an introduction to marine biology, field biology or something like that would make him a better person if he is worth a shit
tell me about pheneologically facilitated genetic accommodation, or something i need to know about the immune system. the "molecular" part intimidates me, what do you do? you know biosemiotics?
t high school drop out that failed AP bio
Myers-Briggs hasn't been considered valid in Psychology for decades now.
Computer science is not science
Honestly, CS is shit on here BECAUSE it's not about the mechanics of computers or how they work, but rather code monkey drivel.
What the fuck is life science?!
Computer science jobs are being created at such a rate that its enough to handle all new grads
>computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.
CS majors don't study computers except for one computer org class
>So user, what do you study?
>Oh like Sheldon Cooper!... BAZINGA XDXDXD
This actually happened
life sciences is a better umbrella term than biology
ecology, evolution, biology, it includes life at all scales of analysis but usually focused on the macro life sciences