Are climate change deniers autistic?

I assume this people all come from the fucking desert,
where it's all year round 50°C therefore climate change is a hoax.

20 years ago the average summer temperature wasn't 50°C,
around September temperatures started to go down, last year around November fall started.
Where I live it has never happened until that temperature in winter were above 0, and even
never ever that no snow at all. All this is in southern europe, Italy.

Have you considered the possibility you're retarded if you think it's all a hoax?

Other urls found in this thread:

i live in america where peoples ideas can be bought and sold with media propaganda.
they definitely are not smart, they arent retarded. the problem is the are uneducated and indoctrinated, so they believe whatever a talking head with their political beliefs will tell them
>so, you dont like abortion?
>me neither!
>let me tell you about all this other shit you shouldn't like
-CATO institute

>1 observation is a generality
Have you considered the possibility you're astro-retarded if you think that's how logic works?

It's just fun to be ironic, especially about things that could lead to mass extinction events

I report what's going on in my country. Basically we went from 4 to 2 seasons: summer and winter.

>20 years ago the average summer temperature wasn't 50°C,
and neither is it now. Only a handful of places ever reach 50 Celsius.
the issue is not whether or not it is real, but if human activity (accounting for .3% of total airborne carbon) could potentially set off a positive feedback loop. So far the evidence says that yes, we are having a slight impact and we should tone it down a bit.

>(accounting for .3% of total airborne carbon)
thats alot, espacially with the reduction in carbon sinks. if you would take into account apocalyptic biodiversity loss, widespread hydrological change, deforestation, changes in ocean salinity, temperature, population distributions, nutrient cycling, trophic interactions, recruitment and much more
i could go on for quite some time my point is we are experiencing widespread earth system change and the collapse of synergetically enslaved entropy. The issue is far more complex than co2.
When you break it down the reasons for the geologically unprecedented change we are experiencing can be generalized as; shifting baselines, biodiversity loss and the resulting absence of resilience and adaptive capacity, making earth systems unable to deal with entropy.
we are fucked and you need to understand the ecological side to get how fucked we really are
>we are having a slight impact


>perfectly balanced, well lubricated balance scale weighing 1000 kilograms total
>put a 100 gram mass at one end
>it slowly tilts so that end is on the ground
>'but it's just a small change!'

Even if you prove climate change is real
Why the fuck should we care and act upon it, it makes no fucking difference whethere it exists or not.

Convince me why I should care.

Absolute boomer tier logic.
Enjoy ocean acidification, coastal flooding, etc. Or at least your grandchildren will.

You shouldn't.
It will only affect your grandchildren if you ever even have any. Climate change is so far away from being anything significant but the fear mongers will keep acting like it's the end of the world.
Maybe in 50 to 100 years shit will start getting bad, but we'll all be dead by then, and most likely humanity will have destroyed itself so this is all irrelevant.
And if somehow humanity hasn't nuked itself from existence then technology will be so advanced that climate won't matter.

People will migrate, can you convince me any better? What is Ocean acidification gonna do

I feel like the climate change meme is over exaggerated for the "problem" it poses

Kill all the coral reefs and a majority of crustacean and phytoplankton.

>Technology will be so advanced that climate won't matter.
Pretty much this

Yh so fucking what?? You think that's gonna adversely affect how the majority of people live

Yeah if we invest in tech to counteract it, oh wait because it isn't a problem we won't and instead will focus on the real issues like engineering guns with 0.01% less weight.

>Are climate change deniers autistic?

I don't think it is autism, but it is probably some form of mental illness. Or just really low IQ. After all sub 85 IQ people are also browsing the Internet, these days.


>People will migrate, can you convince me any better?
coastal areas are more than just people, they're also hubs for intercontinental trade and the locations of critical infrastructure. cities aren't built overnight, if we lose coastal areas we're going to need to scramble to build new facilities farther inland.

even if climate change happens on a slow enough time scale that it's feasible for us to move our ports without huge social disruption, that's an enormous loss of invested effort and capital. if we can avoid building new ports and new cities, why shouldn't we?

>What is Ocean acidification gonna do
a large portion of global oxygen is produced by algae, and ocean acidification might disrupt a number of economically and agriculturally important ecosystems

>You shouldn't.
>It will only affect your grandchildren

Actually you and the other poster will both be affected. Shit is already happening right now.

>people will migrate
Ayy lmao. Just like Denmark is doing right? Enjoy the levee life until another Katrina hits.

You gotta be a troll right?

Coral reefs are like a global rainforest for the ocean. They balance a shit load of different chemicals and are home to countless unexplored biologically active agents. They are vital for fixing carbon and nitrogen as well as feeding countless people. The great barrier reef, in fishing revenue alone, generates ~1.5 billion.

Crustaceans are the bottom feeders that recycle a majority of biomass in the ocean and are a huge market. They are a giant lynchpin in ocean ecology that, if it drops out, will potentially destroy the fishing industry.

And finally plankton. They produce around 70% of all oxygen on the planet. If they die we start to suffocate for real. Besides that they are basically the base layer of marine ecological webs so if that's gone the ecosystem collapses even worse than with crustaceans.

Tell me how my life is affected and yours too?
It still gets to sub zero temps every winter where I live

this was literally the argument of that senator who brought a snowball onto the floor to prove global warming didnt exist.

>You think that's gonna adversely affect how the majority of people live
yes, you massive idiot
what do you think happens when 2 billion people lose their primary source of protein with coral reefs?
its happening right now, the answer is not a pretty one.
>the basis of marine trophic networks disappearing
no big deal
forget reason, soon their will be violence against retards like you as things continue to get worse. I would probably knock you on your ass for talking like that, as ive been studying marine biology since i was a toddler.

Seems like it will mainly affect the fishing industry as if that isnt dying out anyway meaning people will just get different jobs and we'll eat different things.

The rest of the info I can find just waffles about how its being lost but not why its bad, some mentions of tourism here and there and some medicine uses which wont make much of a difference.

We'll build better whats wrong with denmark lmao kys faggot

While you nerdy Veeky Forumstists were researching climate change, Alex Jones was convincing half of the US, that climate change was a hoax designed to install a world government and bring about the new world order.

You really cannot deal with these people by using logic and data. I try very hard not to be elitist but this shit frustrates me to no end.

>meaning people will just get different jobs and we'll eat different things.
yeah it will be perfectly fine if we have immense waves of refugees fleeing areas with no major economy besides fishing, that's never turned out poorly for anyone

>Feeding countless people
Nigga who eats a reef, people who fish will die out. Natural selection desu desu
And again

>70% of oxygen
Then I guess we can stop relying on plankton and figure out a better way to produce it

>collective decades of effort and millions of dollars spent replicating what we killed off

>then I guess we can stop relying on plankton and figure out a better way to produce it
translation: we die

>Violencw against retards like you as things continue to get worse
How has it gotten worse and whats happening in those specific areas?
Civil war over fish?

>Human race still survives
Yes it's a win because all these fear mongering climate change folk keep harping on about how it's the end of the world.

1. food prices are rising because yields are disrupted by adverse weather conditions

2. natural disasters are occurring at an increasing higher frequency and are increasing in severity

3. because of no.2 your house insurance premium goes up

4. immigrants from even worst hit areas will flood your neighborhood and whatever you choose to do with them, it's still a cost you have to bear; even if you keep building and manning walls, that's still a cost

All of these things are happening today and impacting your life, right now.

A majority of the country is below sea level. People will do whatever is in their power to preserve their current way of life. Levees are the only way to preserve the country as is as the sea rises. Practically speaking, it would be easier for them to move inland than to maintain more levees.

There is always a chance of one busting. All it takes is one.

>Yes it's a win because all these fear mongering climate change folk keep harping on about how it's the end of the world.

Ah there it is. The third move of the goal post. So let me get this straight:

>First you said climate change wasn't real.

>Then you corrected yourself and said climate change was real but not caused by humans.

>Then you re-corrected yourself and said, climate change was real and caused by humans but it is not something that we need to worry about.

You know what? Good, you are making progress but you have a long way to go.

I'm sorry, not a majority. Not even close.
Its average elevation is 31m above sea level.

That number does go down year after year though.

I think the violence he's talking about is referring to antifa

I thought it wasn't reversible tho

So it's not a problem, gotcha

Kek so you agree it's exaggerated and not world ending.

The whole endgoal of climate change awareness from what I saw was to get people to change or else we die out but of course thats not happening is it so why should I even care if it exists or not it wont affect me.

If I was standing behind you right now sure you might be interested in proving it, then you do prove it, it doesn't affect any of our lives in any way whatsover so why should I care.

Artificial meat is coming along nicely

He's buttblasted he wasted his life of marine biology

A. Artificial meat still tastes like shit
B. Artificial meat doesn't make oxygen

I shouldn't even be responding, this is a troll thread through and through. Fucking /pol/ is shitting all over Veeky Forums this morning.

Reincarnation's a thing,

Read the whole thing, and with further research, you can find more evidence with other children.

If we're to reincarnate here, then yeah, it'll affect each and every individual who does.

I can't really "prove" hell; though there're people who claim to've been there and come back: same thing with Heaven. This type of evidence comes from numerous religions.

How about you fuck yourself and read the following, not only am I unable to properly explain to you what is going on. I have no interests in arguing utilitarian ethics with a mouth breathing retard.
First and for most coral reefs and everything(sensu; everything) that depends on them has a right to live freely just like you and me. The fact that they are disappearing is the worst part. People are losing everything they have and so are you wether or not they know it. If you don't get it that's your problem and I don't care, it's no secret stupid people are morally inept.
When you not caring harms the world around you then it is my problem and as far as I am concerned you are lower than the mosquitos I squat.

>Are climate change deniers autistic?
Yes. It's safe to say that anyone who takes their partisan bullshit to the level of the planet's sustainability is actually autistic.

More like I've spent my entire life watching the things I love most in this world erode away from me.

>I have no interests in arguing utilitarian ethics with a mouth breathing retard

>proceeds to argue against utilitarian ethics with a mouth breathing retard