So what is it?

So what is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

a variation in the density of matter distributed during the initial expansion of the universe. or your mom's naughty place, hard to say.

Glitch in the simulation

Preparing to fire his laser. Props if you're an oldfag and get that lol

>initial expansion of the universe.
t. space retard

Shoop da whoop

Light isn't escaping ergo black hole

Or this is a misinterpretation of missing data

Or this is fake

Its not anything.

Proof that the universe runs on Gentoo

>all stars on the edge get dimmer and redder the further they encroach "into" the object
it's a dust cloud scattering and blocking all light going trhough it

I've never seen one before, no-one has, but I'm guessing its a white hole

It's a massive void or "cold spot" in the universe. The structure of the universe, when you look at it on an ultra-large scale... is a series of "filaments" all connected like a web or net. The filaments are made up of active regions of galaxies and gas and general activity. The areas between them are voids.

i hope u will fall to a random blackhole passing by

It is literally nothing.

paint phobia player shooting chart

A shoop?
>Figure 2: Picture of the pre-stellar core B68. The cold and dense material of the pre-stellar core absorbs the light emitted by the background stars, so that it appears as a black spot in the visible.

Do you or anyone have a link to source this statement. I am actually waiting on news about this. The large void is very real and many people are working on what caused it. All kinds of theories like: it is a advanced civ with Dyson spheres covering stars for energy slow expanding their reach. Other say it our bubble universe bumping up against another universe calming all the vibrations in the quantum fields.

The royal institution on youtube usually is up to date, and so is PBS Spacetime on youtube. I don't really know where on the internet is the front line of news on theoretical physics.

Anyone know?

You might be right about that specific picture. But there is a great void with confirmed nothing no light within. I think OP was referring to recent speculation to the Great Void.

>>it's a dust cloud
>Do you or anyone have a link to source this statement

i think OP was referring to the Supervoid

A cloud of dust that will become a star soon

imagine how spooky it would be to be in a solar system at the edge of the supervoid
it's legit like a billion light years across

or, one step further, a solar system in the middle of the fucking supervoid (since from what it sounds like the supervoid isn't necessarily void of matter, rather it has a relatively low matter density. imagine 500 million light years of nothing in every direction.. there is not a single point in the universe you are viewing that is younger than 500 million years. dear lord that's spooky, what lovecraftian horrors are lurking

That would be the the best kind of desolate spooky.

You know we are currently watching the edge of the supervoid to see if any of the stars blink out? This would mean that the Supervoid us growing.

Either a star farming civ eating everything or a Vacuum Metsability Event. Both are equally scary to me. Maybe the VME more so.

Bok Globule.

None of those voids are actually devoid of galaxies or stars. There is just a much smaller amount of them within those areas.

True vacuum expanding?

No, our universe has a vacuum energy state that gives all the laws that fields and particles abide by. Think of it like a bubble. If our vacuum shifts to a more stable lower energy state, matter as we know it won't have the same laws and won't exist the same way. The bubble pops. We would be destroyed and our atoms would never exist again and thus never have the chance to assemble into new life.
The permanent end of everything.

Read this:

In their paper, Coleman and de Luccia noted: The possibility that we are living in a false vacuum has never been a cheering one to contemplate. Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in the new vacuum there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it. However, one could always draw stoic comfort from the possibility that perhaps in the course of time the new vacuum would sustain, if not life as we know it, at least some structures capable of knowing joy. This possibility has now been eliminated.


I forgot to put sources for you. Here:

ITT brainlets who don't realize that literally anything in space that doesn't emit light will be invisible to us, and if it happens to absorb all light in a certain frequency range it will look exactly like this when you view it in that frequency range.

>Vacuum Metsability Event
because this bubble is traveling near the speed of light, we wouldn't even know about this event until the moment we were gobbled up?

what is it exactly?

Swamp gas, or Venus

Most likely. But we might see stars blinking out. You are correct that the edge of the bubble collapsing would only be able to move at the speed of light. Read the links i posted. They answer this better than me.

It looks like someone discovered the burning tool in photoshop is what it looks like.

Why are physicists so fucking /x/?

I think your next stop should be the double slit experiment. That is definitely more /x/ for you, and also real.

Is the moon still there if nobody is looking at it?
It is in fact not.

You could also go look up the global consciousness project. However most people who study science will immediately avoid talking to you about it as it will make them lose credibility. Mind effects matter.

Something on the camera lens.

Is that thing spewing time, back into the universe?

Inflation of early universe is mind blowing. They actually claim the most likely cause is an inflaton field that evenly distributed matter, which prevents the prevalence of black holes.

Install gentoo

Apparently we are actually near the center of a supervoid twice as large as the OP called the kbc void so you don't have to imagine it. You are inside it.

your mom's fat ass shadow

>The possibility that we are living in a false vacuum has never been a cheering one to contemplate. Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in the new vacuum there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it. However, one could always draw stoic comfort from the possibility that perhaps in the course of time the new vacuum would sustain, if not life as we know it, at least some structures capable of knowing joy. This possibility has now been eliminated.
This is meanless for the spiritual world. Did you read Genesis or Revelations?
Who created the universe? God.

lol nah 18 and I know what that's from

Does anyone else get scared when they think of all the things like this in space? Idk why, but it spooks me.

wrong board fgt

Yes I was just reading about this. Apparently the void we're in is larger than the CMB cold spot.

Why weren't we told before and what does it mean?

[eqn]\mathbb{DYSON} \; \mathbb{SPHERE}[/eqn]

Bermuda spots


>hurr look at me i've wasted more time on this website than most other people

Would God not want us to study these things? Why would God make the fundamental forces and the all the quantum fields for us to discover if this was meaningless? The same for discovering we are in a vacuum energy state. Why make evidence for it? God creating the universe is not scary to me. Total annihilation is. Right now the most scary thing to me is the chance I will not live long enough to see science discover evidence of God through quantum physics. We are so feels.


So, basically, if the vacuum metastability event has already fucking triggered the reason we haven't been gobbled up is because we are in the middle of an immeasurably large void

An AI converting all matter and energy in its path to computronium, and from which not even infrared, ultraviolet or radiation can escape.

Can you source where computronium is stated to not let any form or light or radiation out?


It's what happens when your name is something stupid like Barnard instead of the normal Bernard

a cloud of dust


Freeman Dyson postulated that a sufficiently advanced civilization capable of building his spheres or clouds around a star would harness all visible light energy, allowing infrared to escape.

However, an even more advanced, post-biological entity would likely be unsatisfied with this natural inefficiency and start to disassemble the stars themselves in order to exploit their matter in a synthetic, seemingly invisible process. As it spread, it would appear to snuff out all stars and galaxies in its path.

I know of computorioum from Norman Margolus, but I have yet to read anywhere him talk about the visibility of it. I always thought it was Dyson who came to that conclusion first. It would be nice to see more theoretical concepts sharing logical connections people agree upon.

Thanks, and if you do know of a source where one quotes the other, please share it.

I don't think we will find God in quantum physics, I think science will find evidence of God in cosmology, neuroscience, abiogenesis and human evolution.

jesus christ can you retarded CS fags just leave sci already

sure we will. build a LHC the diameter of the universe so there is enough geV to find out what the first 0.00000000000000000000001 ms of the universe consisted of (strings)

>Right now the most scary thing to me is the chance I will not live long enough to see science discover evidence of God through quantum physics. We are so feels.

If god exists, then who or what created god?

Also what if god is evil?

>I don't think we will find God in quantum physics, I think science will find evidence of God in cosmology, neuroscience, abiogenesis and human evolution.

If god exists, then who or what created god?

Also what if god is evil?

That's where the 4-beings sink their lure for the unsuspecting 3-people swimming around in the 3-brane pond.

legit can't tell if this guy is joking or not

for everyone's sake i hope u r


YCYL hardmode

DAT REDSHIFT (maybe black hole(s))


Black holes collide all the time what's the big dealio

Aliens who blew up their own home world with a doomsday device.

>KBC Void
The more you fucking know, that's interesting


We'll let you check it out by yourself when we obtain FTL travel.

It's shaped like a fidget spinner.

I'll leave the guesswork to you.


no seriously stop eating those memberries

It's the peak of universe. Everything is moving outwards away from it.

0 foolery here my friend wikipedia large hadron collider

chargin muh lazer

A gigantic space creature that's blocking the view

>build an LHC the diameter of the universe
u do realize this is not possible rite. if the first 10 reasons aren't apparent to you then nothing can help you

i can help you with a more obscure reason, being the fact that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, meaning there are an increasing number of areas of the universe moving faster than the speed of light away from us so that it is physically impossible to ever reach them again. that also creates very apparent physical implications with creating something on that scale.. beside the already entirely apparent physical implications that apparently aren't apparent to you

u must be brain-dead or trolling

i mean.. if you think an LHC the size of our solar system is even possible you legit have no idea how large our solar system really is

you just are completely ignorant to everything going on in the universe. the accelerating expansion, the actual distances, you're living in the 1800s or something

to be fair, most people don't quite realize the sheer distances between things, even between the moon and the earth



*breathes in*

WHOOO- (by this point our side of the galaxy is all but non-existent)

You had a good post and you had ruin it by saying "lol, only le oldfags will remember this one"


1 second...


That feel when the creators of the universe was an idiot lolcat loving memer

All the more reason to believe we're in a simulated reality

A dark dust cloud?

It's clearly a fucking you idiot.

>kbc void
>tfw everyone else in the universe is travelling around to different systems and universes as they're basically next door whereas we are stuck in this big shitty void destined to be forever alone.

fitting for us, really.


Krikkit is right in the middle of it preparing for a new galactic war.

>muh lazer
hello newfriend

not just any big shitty void, the largest void known to exist LMAO

that luck tho. the only thing that could make things worse is if it was a supervoid, meaning it has 1/10th of the normal matter density. but i don't see any data on the matter density of the void we're in so i don't think we know yet how fucked we are

i mean there's enough shit in this local galaxy cluster to keep us preoccupied for what? tens of billions of years? hundreds? there's gotta be life here already too. i mean by the time there ain't shit left, the heat death of the universe has to be close

Making the post ironic was the only reason it was a good post. He's making fun of you for being a retard, retard.

It is caused by black holes and it may be the result that the space-time fabric / 3-brane is bent so much in the 4-bulk that that spot is touching the "back side" of another part of the 3-brane

Read more in the links sections at the bottom there in the PDF's etc

Precisely. That's why we're experiencing these curious time phenomena on board.

How much denser are the filaments compared to the voids? I read it is twice as dense, but it didn't have any source on it.