How do flat earthers explain solar eclipses?

How do flat earthers explain solar eclipses?

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>solar eclipse
lmao wtf haha this doesnt exist are you ok haha

Why the fuck do people still care about their opinions


Idk OP, why don't you tell us?

>heliocentric theory of the universe

wanna link where gravity (the core tenet of heliocentric theory) is experimentally replicated on a smaller scale?
the experiments with a negative result don't count, just ignore them

This. Absolutely this.

> cavendish

> gravitational lensing

> neutron deflection

im 99% sure the original group of flat earthers were just trolls from /b/ but so many people got in on the joke that they wound up convincing the current generation of them.

the same way they explain anything, bearded sky wizard did it with magic

OP, Nicola Tesla believed in the firmament. Your post is fucking gay and newfag tier bullshit.

and Newton was an alchemist
So I guess two bullshit theories must be true simultaneously because a dead guy who was smarter than me believed it
Hell, Aristotle was smarter than me so I guess the core principles of Newtonian motion are wrong too.

Worshipping dead smart guys leads to contradictions. It's too bad I'm not intelligent enough to observe the world and come to my own conclusions.

Of all the things that I can physically prove MYSELF. The round earth theory is not one of those. I will take the masterminds word over the kike propaganda machines theories any fucking day ever and forever. Bitch.

When I see the curvature and fly over the north pole I could possibly KNOW. Could.... I admit I do not know for sure.

You cam dangerously close the invoking the Dead White Male boogeyman. Please be mindful of that in the future,

>Of all the things that I can physically prove MYSELF. The round earth theory is not one of those.

You show a remarkable lack of faith in your own ability to do very simple experiments..

Here are a few, Google will turn up more:

>get gyroscope
>put it in a car
>drive quite far
>gyroscope will change angle to further you drive, -> earth is round

I have not been into space and looked back so I do not know.

Will you admit the same? Probably not.

I didn't say the earth is flat. I don't think many people would go that far but a few do...

Why do you discard the one proof that is the hardest to replicate for you as an example that you can't proof that the earth is round? There are a lot of other ways presented for you to try them yourself. Try them. Going to space is obviously not meant serious there.

The motion of the weather is, in my opinion, the best proof for a spherical Earth. It explains why cyclones never originate around the equator (insufficient centripetal forces due to a lack of Coriolis effect), and flat Earth does not account for the direction of storm spin direction (except for retarded theories like "the Sun's drag causes the air to spin fast in its circulation", which doesn't cause cyclogenisis regions to shift accordingly).
They also still need to that prove the wall of ice that is supposedly in the region of Antarctica even exists, and need to debunk the speeds and routes of the flight paths from Western Australia to South Africa (which are much faster than the models that they provide of Earth's shape, and are noticeably curved one a flat earth).

Four of you and nobody posts a single explanation.

This video is closer, but it's full of flaws (translucent moon disk? What the fuck? I've seen the moon block stars with my own unaided eyes) (people can mathematically predict things that they don't understand, we can still predict emission spectra of black holes without knowing how they work) (you can look at craters on the moon from the very video he included of the moon, and see that the craters near the edges are visually squished, almost like they are on the edges of a sphere)

They don't in a coherent way that makes sense with the rest of the verbal diarrhoea that they spout. The cognitive dissonance makes them not think about it, and they focus on "muh horizon always is at eye level" and "I can't see curvature" brainlet tier arguments.

People believe what they want, but something I've found that's very interesting are the paths of total eclipses when mapped on a flat earth. They are perfect circles.

Same with the wind patterns. They go all over the place, but if you map them on a flat earth they look like pic related. Pretty weird to consider.

Man, we can't even explain why flat earthers even exist

Wind patterns are purely surface value (and also make sense at that level in a spherical Earth, with a good explanation as for why the 'circles' occur). As soon as you get to the subject of local wind direction and pressure gradients, the wind direction theory falls apart, and the Coriolis effect is required. Literal brainlet tier thinking.

>calls me brainlet
>has no reading comprehension
>infers things not actually in comment
Yet the patterns exist. I said it's interesting. Not that it means the earth is flat. Please read a little slower and don't assume you know what people are saying.

Paraphrase of "Aristotle." - It is the sign of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without necessarily accepting it.

I'm sorry if you thought the insult was directed at you. I was referring to the idiots who actually think that way. I was directing the hate at the idiots who actually use that as 'evidence'; a personal gripe I've held after taking a meteorology course.

>I have not been into space and looked back so I do not know.
I have not been to Tokyo, but I accept it exists based on evidence other than what my eyes have told me.