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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
When magnetic potential energy is changed into kinetic energy, what actually changes within the magnet to satisfy conservation of energy?
can the number one be a function in your basisset ?
When human stands submerged in a water, why water doesn't enter his anus and goes up all the digestive system?
Do cells absorb fluids that touch the skin and use sed fluids to copulate?
The water pressure when swimming regularly isn't enough to beat the anal tone.
It's the same reason water doesn't fill up your mouth if you close it when submerged.
There is no such thing as a magnetic potential energy. The field is not conservative in any ways. It also doesn't produce work.
Maybe I should test it myself, but is it possible to loose it and let water in? What would happen?
This is a personal question but why am I diagnosed with Schizophrenia if I don't hear voices?
You can loosen anal tone, it's what you do when you take a shit.
You'd have to take a shit underwater and then you might get some water in, yes.
Film the experiment.
>You'd have to take a shit underwater and then you might get some water in, yes.
Not all hallucinations are auditory, but they are the most common hallucinations in schizophrenia which is why they are commonly associated..
I'm not a biologist, but cells absorb water through a semi permeable membrane to regulate metabolic reactions.
If you have a magnet levitating over another magnet, it's clearly producing a force equal and opposite to that of gravity. Where does that energy come from?
I don't want to hear your semantics, because first of all you're wrong and second of all you're skirting the obvious question.
But no one trusts me at all. How can they call me a schizo behind my back if I'm reasonable? Hasn't this shit been debunked a long time ago. If I'm schizophrenic, then how can they say I'm fluent and say I'm evading the question? I hate this psychobabble.
I just wanted my education to be done with but I don't think it matters because I have so many labels and can't relate to anyone. So am I in the wrong here? It's hard to tell people my problems when they think I'm a fucking stereotype who only thinks with logic and no emotional reasoning. It's hard to ask, but why do people think I'm schizophrenic?
How am I supposed to answer these
in english
By flipping the image 90 degrees
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric diagnosis that often involve paranoid delusions and recurring hallucinations for a period longer than one year. A psychiatrist needs to diagnose it.
Therr are some personality disorders that have similar names (schizoid and schizofreniform) that involve odd personality traits and refusal to form emotional bonds with others.
Laymen use schizo as a synonym for "weird". Unless you feel you have some actual psychiatric issue, forget about those faggots.
Not really, it's a pretty common misconception what you are talking about. The magnetic field is not a conservative field and doesn't hage a potential energy. The energy you are talking about two magnets interacting, the interaction is through the lorentz force law that acts on the currents inside thr materials. The energy you are looking for is only depenendant on the electric field produced by the moving charges. And yea, an electric field can produce work.Look Griffiths thrid edition ejample 5.3 for a better example. No, the magnetic field can't produce work and you are wrong
My phone does it automatically. Sorry
You use the definition of the limit, i.e. what it means for the right hand side of the equation to be the limit on the left hand side. So for the first, you have 10x goes to 40 as x goes to 4, meaning that for any positive epsilon there exists some delta, such that |10x - 40| < epsilon whenever |x - 4| < delta.
Since in your example epsilon is fixed at .01, you just treat that shit as a system of inequalities in x and delta.
40 - 10x < .01
39.99 < 10x
3.999 < x < 4
=> delta = .001
I'm reading a basic math book.
In physics we start our derivations by modelling the system physically, or we write basic laws of physics and axioms we can then manipulate. Or a combination of the two.
In this math book I'm already stuck on the first proper proof. It's so abstract I can't see why he's chosen to do what he did. Is it a whole different way of thinking I need to develop? Should you have mathematical intuition when reading a proof where it's obviously the right thing to do at each step?
Or do you just accept that math proofs are from people poking around trying every combination of steps until something happens and just try and follow the conclusions but accept that the steps are a stab in the dark?
It's such a simple proof I don't see why I shouldn't be able to visualise it (that any 2 real numbers have another rational number between)
If mankind was to unilaterally agree that if ever timetravel was discovered an apple would be sent back to Times Square in New York exactly at 10pm on the 26th of July 2017 , would that prove or disprove time travel for good?
it is very different, and you will need to practice until you begin to understand it.
it comes easier if you see it in a lecture. i suggest finding something on youtube, or just keep reading proofs in the book and keep attempting to do them.
it's not necessary to "try everything," you'll learn that there are better ways to approach problems
as for your problem, try to represent the two real numbers as a particular rational fractions plus some real number in the numerator, then adjust the denominator until the you can fit an obvious rational number -such as 1- between the two numerators
I thought schizophreniform was "short term" Schizophrenia, you mean schizotypal personality disorder?
The only people who "know" that I have """schizophrenia""" are my psychiatrists, therapists, and doctors. I know I shouldn't disregard because they went to school for this shit but they never told me the truth as why they think I have it. It honestly scares me that i can think a certain way and it could be "wrong". I told the people I was a sociopath but they didn't even believe me. It felt strange that I don't even know about myself other than having autism and psychosis, literally.
I've honestly had hallucinations before but they were all visual, some MAY have been auditory but I'm not for sure. I never had command hallucinations but I quite literally don't know if I exist. This may all sound like edgy nihilist bullshit but I have always thought this way and don't know why. I only talk to my therapist once every 2 weeks and it's always small talk and stuff like "have you been contemplating suicide recently"? I have never had a conversation with someone that actually revealed how I think other than labels. Call this a blog but I need a safe space to get my thoughts out because I don't feel welcome anywhere outside da chanz.
Please give me input, tell me to fuck off if you'd like.
No it doesn't, it's because Veeky Forums doesn't save metadata from phoneposters, you just have to hold your phone horizontally.
A math proof that is presented in the book, depending on the book, usually favors elegance and succintness over exposition. Don't read a proof as a way to learn to reason about the problem the way you would reason about the physics problem.
All a proof is is the logical progression of assumptions to conclusion. Without sufficient understanding of the problem, you will have difficulties.
Proofs are NOT a stab in the dark. They are often one of the only, if not the only way to know a claim is true. They are the complete, and wrapped up version of rigorous mathematical logic and they should not be confused with the exposition of reasoning that you are used to in physics.
Being able to read and understand proofs is what is meant by mathematical maturity, and unfortunately the only way to develop the maturity is to work in hard math problems. I would try a simple proofs book, so that you can learn some logic and structure of proof, then come back to your pic (assuming that is what you are reading)
What exactly am I supposed to be finding in differential equations. I don't know any application besides flow rates.
Undergrad Differential equations are like 100+ year old maths
Don't worry about it
I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you frame this into a question?
There is not a single correct sentence in this post. If a field is not conservative, then by definition it produces work in a closed loop. Magnetic field exists and is conservative.
Work is defined as force times distance. As long as your magnet is just sitting there levitating and not moving, there is no work being done. When it moves, then someone is moving it and this someone is introducing energy into the system.
Magnetic field can't produce work because it's always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle in motion you brainlet. Not being conservative was to illustrate that there is no such thing as magnetic potential enegry.
Not the magnetic field, but the loretnz force law. My bad
Equations of motion, optimization, basically all of physics. It is one of the most interesting parts of applied mathematics. When I studied it first I didn't get it either, it is something you learn to like as you find fieldservice to apply it. I'd start with Classical Mechanics and the Euler-lagrange equation.
It's hard to ask a question. It may be something wrong with me.
I would ask you "why have I never been able to think normally". But you wouldn't be able to answer it. No one has, not even my family. I am so lost in this world but poetry is just a release. I am not good at expressing my thoughts verbally or written.
I don't mean to think and type to you this way but I don't know anyway differently because I have always done this since I was 3-4 years old. I was considered a genius but never could relate or trust anyone. It's sad.
My question is:
Why do I think this way (without another fucking label like schizophrenia or autism) and what could I do to help it stop?
That is what I'm reading.
Ok thanks, I'll try find a video or two, if it doesn't become apparent I'll go even lower level and go simple proofs before tackling concepts.
>Magnetic field can't produce work because it's always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle in motion you brainlet
Sure, if there is no external forces acting it will produce no work, just like every other conservative field out there. Now take the particle and force it to move not perpendicular to the field: work!
>no such thing as magnetic potential enegry.
Wrong again. Potential is simply the difference in the value of the field in two different positions. As long as the field isn't the same in all of space, it will have a potential. Seriously, stop posting.
You don't know what you are talking about. No, in no circumstances can the magnetic field produce work. There's no configuration where this is the case.
God Dammit are you trolling me?
Why does this work?
Magnetic field's work is only zero on charge particles moving freely along the field lines. If you have a particle restricted to move on a path, it will produce a work on that particle. What the fuck is the problem?
No, whatever is constricting the particle is the thing producing the work. For example, in an electric circuit that's being pulled by a force caused by a magnetic field, it's the tendency of the current to maintain its trayerctory using the energy given by the battery what actually causes the work, not the magnetic field. Just fucking google the proof.
Your brain may be wired very differently from neurotypical people. This is why you think so differently and it's probably why you got a diagnosis of schizophrenia, assuming you are the person that mentioned that.
Schizophrenia doesn't require auditory hallucinations, it can have other symptoms, and one of them is the rambling pattern of speech and thought.
You won't ever be normal, but if you see a psychiatrist, you should trust him. You probably feel as if the world is trying to rig everything against you, or that people are in on some secret against you, trying to make you feel like this, but it's not true. You need medication.
In my experience, if you are not familiar with proof structure and strategy, why even basic proofs work will not be apparent. I would definitely take some time to learn some mathematical logic and proof. "Book of proof" is short, online, and free. Work through that then approach an analysis book. By the time you finish both, you will have WAY more mathematical maturity, beyond much of your physics peers
I have medication, I don't take it because it's literal poison that gives me dystonia and other problems.
>You probably feel as if the world is trying to rig everything against you, or that people are in on some secret against you, trying to make you feel like this, but it's not true.
But it seems true though, but I can't make an observation whether it is true or not because I'm told not to trust myself. You could actually be an Artificial Intelligence program designed to make inadequate assumptions about my life to confuse me and make me afraid. It likely could be true, but you have to insult me every fucking chance I try to prove you wrong.
But is it even an issue when I could just ignore everything an live in absolute filth for the rest of the life, knowing people don't actually care if I'm successful and want to use me for their greed? You think I want to be apart of a community that outright shuns people just for thinking differently, and at the same time shuns people for thinking similarly? Why don't you people make up your fucking mind already?
I'm not really scared, but I'm afraid of being scared. It's some surreal shit. I don't even want to kill myself because I don't want to burn in hell, but I don't want to go to heaven because no one will recognize me.
I can't prove if you are actually conscious or not, I don't know how you feel and never will because I don't know how I feel and neither do you. Humiliate me if you will. I always feel like people are either laughing at me or are ashamed of me. It's torture.
What if I'm constantly thinking people are out to get me and I always disregard it and it always ends up being true? So many times I've been saying to someone or they say to me yeah I bet they're gonna do whatever and they do. Or even worse you have a feeling this nigga thinks you're fuckin dumb because you're trying to pretend like you're not suspicious even though what he's doing is as obvious as could be. And then you talk to someone else and they're like nah dude chill but then you're suspicious of them. And then that turns out to be true. And you're just standing there with your thumb up your ass cuz you just got played by some dumbfuck. And they even give you that look, that devilish grin with them cheatin eyes like yeah, I got you ya fuckin retard. I think this might be a dumb question because I live in a small town full of druggie losers. But the people who make the most sense look insane. They'll tell you you're an idiot for trusting anyone but to you they seem paranoid. And then any time you look a little suspicious everyone is super suspicious and they 'know' you did whatever and there's nothing you can do. I hate being so paranoid but fuck even in school it seemed like I could just look at a teacher and be like yeah this bitch is gonna go out of her way to fuck with me for no reason. Like I just look like a liberal and I'm in a really conservative town. I'm fairly conservative myself but it's like they'd come at me with an argument against liberals and I'm just like uh okay. I feel like Stan in the South Park episode about Aspen. Constantly being Stan Darshed. I'm somewhat convinced I'm completely surrounded by psychopaths.
And I can always guess who's gonna be a good friend and who is just twofaced. I think I'm just in a bad environment but I worry if the same shit happens everywhere.
How would I go about changing the dt to a dx so I can apply the fund theorem of calc here?
>How would I go about changing the dt to a dx so I can apply the fund theorem of calc here?
you don't
For trig identities how do I prove that (secx+cscx)/(tanx+cotx) is equal to sinx+cosx?
Are explosions physical changes or chemical reactions?
What is the derivative of a constant?
Chemical reaction that releases enormous amounts of energy
What would a metal projectile the size of a pencil moving at Mach 7 (2382m/s) sound like as it passes by 5 feet in front t of you?
That's not a constant
>Mach 7
Sound wave would have the same energy density as if it was going mach 1/7. Faint whoosh maybe.
(t + root(1)) dt
So breaking the sound barrier doesn't create any noise?
Yes but this thing didn't accelerate up through mach 1 in the question it's just going at mach 7 already.
And at mach 7 the sound waves from it aren't overlapping like they would be at mach 1 so it's actually pretty quiet.
Im a high IQ social autist.
I was never great at essays no matter how hard I try, so I'm at a second rate uni.
I'd like to transfer out to a better uni by the end of the year but the science department here is very bad. Units are run in a very unproffessional manner and its very obvious that none of the staff want to be here teaching.
What kinds of units can I take that dont involve artys crap that I can get distinctions in without having to "feel" and "think the right way".
to add to this im looking for units that wouldnt be taught by science department, but this isnt entierly a requirement if they cant get their stuff wrong no matter how lazily they attempt it.
So far Ive taken anatomy and bio units and done well but I really don't enjoy them in the slightest.
Each of those four functions can be expressed in terms of sin(x) and/or cos(x). Substitute, simplify, and you'll end up with (sin(x)+cos(x))/(sin^2(x)+cos^2(x)). And the denominator is equal to 1.
For the same reason people believe in gravity, which is also """"only"""" a theory.
"Theory" means a very well documented (with a lot of evidence in favor and very little evidence against it) and commonly accepted explanation for a phenomenon. It is the strongest thing you can get in a natural science.
You are confusing "hypothesis" and "theory". A "hypothesis" is a possible explanation for a phenomenon not yet well researched with little evidence supporting it. Evolution is not a hypothesis, it is a theory.
I'm calculating the maximum length of any sequence below a number
I have had similar paranoia issues in the past. Trust me, noone is out to get you.
Everybody worries to some extend what other people think about them, but you have to realise that other people are simply too busy with their own problems too be able to form a collective plot against you.
I started to tell myself that these thoughts are simply stupid, then i started to work out and and engange in hobbies (archery and judo) this has increased my confidence to a point where even if i start getting these thoughts, i shrug it off like "I dont care what this dude thinks about me"
Hope this helps. Best wishes.
Are there any paradoxes that do not reduce to Russel's Paradox?
Just because a magnetic field is non-conservative, doesn't mean that the Lorentz force does not produce work. A rail gun could not function if this were the case.
Such as?
Surely there's some sort of miraculous polymer they could make roads out of that can stretch so you don't have to repave the roads every damn year in Minnesota, and the only reason they don't use it is to make construction jobs? Right? If not, why is asphalt the best we can do in *current year*?
I am going to assume that if there is such a material, it is because it costs more in the foreseeable future repave a road with such a polymer instead of just repairing the road with asphalt.
Can anyone post the math textbook list which starts at brainlet tier and ends with bourbaki?
Hello everyone, could someone explain this to me?
I dont understand why "because there is no value of z that satisfies the equation x + y = z for all values of x
and y."
Can someone please explain to me what steps are generally taken to entangle two particles ?
Pic related
That explains everything thanks.
you would get water in your bum, crazy i know
What is a better school:
> University of minnesota
> Renesseleaeaer polytechnic
University of minnesota has higher rankings but I have a feeling those are a bunch of shit
Why does this board have so many threads starting with Pepes? I feel like it shouldn't happen here
> if someone is on Veeky Forums they must be stupid
Let's say someone got into an acid accident, could I use salt water instead of water to stop it? Like if he had a splash of acid in his face and I put him into a bath tube full with water to neutralize it, would adding salt to the water help?
Magnets, how do they work?
>Londonistan problems
No not really. Better to put something like baking soda. Or better yet go to a doctor who can treat the acid burns effectively beyond stopping immediate chemical reactions.
I wonder how many people who ridiculed this knew how magnets work
is salt water a buffer?
The magnetic field component doesn't. The work is done by the electric field that mantains the current.
I mean depends on the salts and the concentrations of each kind. For example tossing in NaCl makes equimolar amounts of NaOH and HCl so no change. Toss in a bunch of chlorine and suddenly there's a bunch of extra HCl that's liberating ions from regular water and vice versa. Buffers are better at resisting changes in pH and usually require either an acid and its conjugate base or a base and a conjugate acid.
Why do you spend so much time on this website instead of doing the things you will want to have had done when you are too old to do them?
Is safe?
Will I be cloned?
f(t):=the integrand
d/dx of that whole thing thing = f(2x) (2x)' = 2 sqrt(4x^2+1)
Evaluated at sqrt(2):
forgot to multiply by 2.
the answer is 6
>NaOH and HCl
>an acid and its conjugate base or a base and a conjugate acid
isn't NaOH and HCl a base and it's acid? they dissolve dont they?
Thats what the universal quantifers make precise. The statement says "there exists a z, such that for all x and y, z equals x+y". Consider z=3, clearly not all values of x+y equal it.
Posting this here where it belongs. Can someone explain how you resolve this?