What happens inside?


From our perspective, nothing.

>What is a singularity

dont touch it it makes you spaghetti

So do you see shit infront of it or no?

Probably stuff. Like lots of jostling and jockeying around. In fact it might not even be a true singularity in the mathematical sense. But if light isn't escaping (at least any time soon) then no consequences of whatever jostling around is going on is escaping either. So best to ignore it and consider it what it is: a black hole..

Angry superdense particles. Far from a singular point, but still squished enough.

It's basically a time machine( only if you can get through alive), time gets distorted to the point where you can travel through it. It's interesting

An orderly matrix that produces the logic that drives another universe.

Like in the Interstellar movie? I mean I understand that if you get close to the black hole time distorts and you'll travel "forwards" in time but you can't travel to the past, or can you?

thats a retarded way of saying more gravity = faster time

is it tho?
Isn't space super stretched the 'closer' you get to the singularity so no matter how far you fall in you still have infinitely far to fall and everything that falls in never clumps up anywhere?

with huge amounts of anti gravity / mass

Speed is just a localized distortion of time relative to the universe's realtime "tick rate". Motion is just change in location. Location change requires speed.

Of course you can


A Fourier transform happens at the boundary.

>time gets distorted to the point where you can travel through it

get this interstellar shit outta here. time running backwards inside a black hole is still unfounded. also, time looks like it's running normal to every observer. the person closer to the black hole would perceive the person farther to have a faster clock until the point where the clock is infinitely fast, and the person away from the black hole would view the other person's clock to stop

of course, none of this would ever actually happen as everything would be ripped apart

I theorize it could be a whole entire another universe separate from this one. It would be so incredible I struggle with it.

Thats not what happened with interstellar, the tesseract shit was constructed by future humans.

Where in interstellar was there a black hole? I'm not talking about interstellar, time is distorted in a blackhole

Bugs Bunny is in there.

Wouodnt it have been easier to fix the duststorms and corn virus instead of finding a way to manipulate gravity and moving to a death planet orbiting a blackhole?

I have a theory that every black hole is a "scaled down" version of out universe. Kind of like the brane theory of the multiverse in a sense.

what do you mean faster time? how does time have speed? how do you compare time without using time itself? isn't that circular reasoning?

Would it make sense to you if I said "more time"

General relativity bro.

Have you seriously still not gotten an answer this is like your 4th thread


If the black hole itself is just a point in space how can they spin?

Used to think black holes had a compressed sphere hard surface inside the event horizon like any object but but someone pointed out the black hole itself is just a point of mass without size, only the horizon itself can grow or shrink.