Let's do a quick survey, what's your IQ and which school are you in?

Let's do a quick survey, what's your IQ and which school are you in?
(real IQ scores on real IQ tests only, obviously)
I'll start 131, studying math at pic related.

>in b4 everyone has 170 and is at community college
never change Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Official IQ score is 97. Study at Princeton. Doing pure maths.

People say my IQ score isn't accurate but Veeky Forums says along IQ scores are accurate.

Why the fuck is this board so obsessed with IQ
If anything it's just a good indicator of conscientiousness


this is the french guy from the other thread isn't it

Who's obsessed? I'm just asking for two separate things, see if they correlate.
for instance
is interesting, see.

i don't know which thread youre referring to. there's probably more than one frenchman on Veeky Forums.

le epic troll xD

>If anything it's just a good indicator of conscientiousness
How the fuck can you post on Veeky Forums and be this ignorant about psychometric research?

go ahead and give me a totally inflexible and invincible definition of intelligence then
i'm waiting

170, and self-made millionaire obviously. Why do you have to go to learn when you're already so smart?

We don't even have an "inflexible and invincible" definition of time.

You're a retard who isn't as smart as he thinks he is. If you were, you'd realize that terms like intelligence are operationally defined in the development of these instruments (not to mention it does vary between instruments) and pains are taken to see if they measure what they claim to measure (you know that whole precision versus accuracy thing?).

intelligence is what's measured in an IQ test
are you a brainlet or something?
when will you ever learn?

are there really people on Veeky Forums to whom being a millionaire is an accomplishment? I thought most of were out of high school already.

i asked for a definition, not a personal attack
you gonna give it to me or not? don't you want to educate me, you darling little thing?

>are there really people on Veeky Forums to whom being a millionaire is an accomplishment? I thought most of were out of high school already.

>he wasn't a billionaire since pre-K
Can't believe losers like this even visit Veeky Forums

That was not me (i.e. )
I think you're not worth bothering with. You're the typical ignoramus. You know nothing and are unwilling to learn, but pretend otherwise.

I meant not

Seriously though, I'd rather be a genius researcher with 2k/months than any kind of millionaire. I really don't care for any more money than that, I don't know what I'd spend it on.

>educate me
>you're an ignoramus
only one of us is feeding ignorance here

Your facetiousness is blatantly transparent. You don't actually want to know anything about psychometrics research, you're here only to astroturf anti-science bullshit.

my facetiousness? that's some incredible projecting you're doing there

120, pic related my nigga


je pensais être le seul

Iq is between 100-105. Studying physics at Harvard

PhD in mechanical engineering from a top 5. IQ was tested to be about 96

If those are not brainlets lying to feel better about themselves, that's extremely interesting.
But it probably is brainlets.

IQ is 85. I made all As in high school.

Georgia Institute of Technology. Took a standard Stanford-Binet IQ test in their school of psychology as part of one of their research projects and scored a 144. This is fairly recent.

There are a few professors that I've had here that might be straight-up genius.

Intelligence is the speed at which one is able to draw connections between different pieces of information. That's to say that more intelligent people are faster learners and more critical thinkers because they can meaningfully integrate information into wider contexts.

It doesn't necessarily mean that an intelligent person has more knowledge than a less intelligent person. A 20-year-old will not have the knowledge of a 50-year-old, even though the 20-year-old may be more intelligent by my definition. Whereas knowledge is the amount of information available to a person, intelligence is more closely related to the first time-derivative of knowledge. Intelligence is not about how much one knows; intelligence is about how well one is able to learn.

IQ = 115(iqtest.dk)
Doing phd in algebraic topology at stony brook.

Tested at 95 recently. Froze up on the block design test and arthimetic. Couldn't recite any numbers, so memorization was poor.

Doing PhD in math

I got a 75. Dropped out of high school. Failed all my classes. Got called stupid all my life. Started my own business. Just pulled in $500,000

105. Doing a PhD at MIT in chemistry.

Good for you man, srs. but what does that have to do with anything?
that fucking block design. I got like a 90 on it. Fortunately everything else was high, so I got 142.
Studying math at a no-name college

I've always been curious, what do anti-IQ tests shills think IQ tests are exactly? Do y'all think they just ask you the meaning of some fancy words and then have you do a book report?
Every single time IQ is brought up there's always a kunt who goes
>"It doesn't mean anything it just measures how BOOK smart you are, it favors educated people waah"
no it doesn't you fucking idiot. IQ tests measure intelligence in its purest form, i.e. what
deal with it.

seriously it's like some of you have never even thought about it or documented yourselves, and yet you shamelessly spout your unadultered bullshit garbage opinion.

99. Study physics at Penn

> anti iq test shills
Soros is now funding iq deniers, kek. Let me ask you, why are you so invested in iq?

IQ test are not accurate if tester is anxious and if there an obvious difference between test scores and Academic performance. Being 142 you should have figured that out. Likely an example such as the 95 guy wouldn't be an accurate IQ score.

Studying computer science at Princeton

IQ is 87. Studying at Brown. Want to get into theoretical CS

i'm assuming you mean "testee". and I think everyone is equally anxious. I know I was.

>implying everyone suffers from same level of anxiety.

No, IQ results are not accurate for all people. There are various factors that can suppress a score from the true score. Their 95 isn't accurate if they are OCD/ADHD/highly anxious.

I'm a naturally anxious person, I panicked like a motherfucker during the test and still got 142. So it can't be that bad.
>in b4 maybe your real score would be 160
I think I'd have noticed that by now

>implying you really panicked.

You're trying to discredit a person's score as not being their true score. There are gifted people with LDs and those LDs like ADHD or even high anxiety disorders will suppress their scores. This is evident if their academic accomplishments and/or intellectual assessment don't align well with their IQ scores. There are studies that confirm what I am writing. You being a 142 should help you realize there are factors that can suppress a true score and not everyone takes the exam the same way.

I've gotten various results from reliable online tests (i.e. tests that have been normed) and consistently get scores from 115-120, usually on the "higher end" of that range. Highest I've gotten was on a test called Numericore, in which I got 127. I'm attending my local community college.

I also have ADHD, so that could affect my score too.

Last time i took a test i got a 120, but i took it in a noisy living room with my roomates. I go to university of the sciences in philadelphia

>You're trying to discredit a person's score as not being their true score
no I'm not, what I'm saying is, if someone is gifted enough to study theoretical physics at Princeton (and let's cut the crap, you have to be hella gifted to do that), then no amount of anxiety will make them have a score as low as 90 something.
Hence I strongly suspect people here who reply "Doing a math Phd at Cambridge, I have 87 xD" are degreelets trying to convince others and themselves that there's no like between intelligence (i.e. IQ) and academic pusuits. Which obviously, there is.

palms sweating, heart doing 100+ bpm, still remember it but whatever. It wasn't even that it was an IQ test, this even happens when I'm doing an exercise at home. I'm always scared I'll be a brainlet.

>that there's no like between intelligence
no link*, sorry

You're not correct. There exist such people called "twice exceptional". No longer relying to you or this thread

It affects your score as much as being dumb affects your score (not saying that's you case, obviously)
But attention is part of what the performance component of the test is meant to measure, since if you have no attention span you'll never be able to focus, and you shouldn't get the same score as a guy with equal abilities plus the ability to focus. Get it?

$2000% IQ
Studying at Space Harvard

Did it age of 9, scored 125
I often feel stupid
I suck at maths
The only thing I know is how to cook drugs

ADHD doesn't mean the inability to focus in all subjects. They can have intense focus on areas that interest them like pure mathematics. But be disengaged while taking an IQ exam, hence the inaccurate score. Fuck off with your shitpost.

why is Veeky Forums so reddit

College dropout btw. I was too bored and refused to study. I oftenly missed class
Average grades were some 11-12/20 except for analysis where I could score more
IQ seems bullshit to me, or I didn't understand what's measured

IQ is 87. Got a 2300 on SAT. Study at Dartmouth in math

52. MIT Pure math

iq=250, am janitor at MIT impressing people around me by solving elementary graph theory problems

See pic.

OP here. Can a burger explain the SAT meme to me? What is it exactly? Is it the only thing colleges look at or do they still look at your high school grades.
Seems incredibly easy t b h

>implying you aren't delusional
>implying you had an omron machine with you

well you can feel your heart pounding when it does, can't you


T'es loin d'être le seul. De temps en temps y a des circlejerk sur les prépas où les normalcucks se plaignent du fait qu'être chercheur en France revient à se tirer une balle dans la tête.

The SAT is an intelligence test, it correlates almost perfectly with IQ.

I got a 1540 on the SAT, back when it was out of 1600. IQ is 148. Got a masters in cognitive science, then was a heroin addict for 10 years.
Currently unemployed.

It's not the only thing they look at. They also look at your high school grades, essays, recommendation letters from teachers, and your personal achievements

I've always said... I wish I could trade IQ for "happiness". Bring me back to the character creation made... I need to even out my skills a bit.

UMass, never cared enough to find my official IQ, majoring in Chem and Biochem

>tfw raté le train des prépas
>tfw rédoublé+réorientation, je vais avoir ma licence en 5 ans
>tfw les AST donnent 15 place par an par école
>tfw même avoir une petite mine ou une centrale de province c'est foutu, le mieux que je peux espérer c'est une CCP pourrie et encore. ou sinon je rate ma vie en fac.

Also, undergrad at the University of Vermont, and grad school at IRCS@UPenn

I've been clean now for 2 years.

85, stanford.
thank god for affirmative action. you mad, honkeys?

more people who claim high iqs should give well-thought-out ideas to show it

Les bonnes CCP sont cool pour l'info. Après si tu veux faire de la méca ou de l'élec, t'as déjà raté gros oui.

Cambridge and I haven't tested my IQ after doing some shitty online tests as an idiot teenager.

I don't think I'll diagnose mental retardation that way and beyond that it won't help me so why bother?

Also can you French maths wannabes contain your autism and stop making IQ threads.

I've never tested my iq officially, but I've gotten a 140 of iqtest.dk and the ~125-150 on a variety of online iq tests. I just graduated from asu with a Masters in compsci.
What's a reliable online iq test anyways? Are ravens progressive matrices any good cause i seem to do decent on those.

It doesn't correlate with IQ anymore.

Which asu?
There was a thread on this test a couple days ago, not 100% reliable but might be in the ballpark of real IQ.

Arizona state

What did you say? Couldn't hear you over the sound of my Fields medal hitting my custom-made jewel spider. :^)

raven matrix's online are fairly accurate for measuring fluid intelligence. they are like the ones you'd see on any raven matrix section of an actual IQ exam

lol I believe this one. Fuck Brown.

A lot of my friends are going there even my brother but I'm stuck at Phoenix College, you've probably heard of it.

cedric is the worst