Oh god help me. I'm constantly horny and sex and fapping doesn't solve it

Oh god help me. I'm constantly horny and sex and fapping doesn't solve it.

Please God what do I do? I'm willing to remove all my hormones if I have to.
It's not even a normal kind of feel, it itches and stresses me, I feel like I constantly have to pee. There's no emotion and real attraction, it's almost a physical kind of craving rather than psychological.

Ignore the Asian bitch in white panties in the ad at the bottom of the page, and you should be fine.

Chemical castration is the only option.

user that's the spooky /x/ thing. She doesn't turn me on. She. Doesn't. Make me. Horny.

I feel horny out of nothing. Constantly. And not the curious love fantasizing horny like a 12 year old. The oh god something is wrong with my dick, hormones and chemical compounds in my body kind of horny.

that's called puberty you also must be 18+ to post here

Meditation. Learn self-dicipline and control your desires.

There are also plenty of foods that diminish sex drive, like chaste tree berries or hops.

I'm 24, you no capitalizing and no punctuation-using newtard.

user it's not a desire. It's it's... come close to me my faggot. (I have in-grown hairs on my cockhead. It's driving me nuts up the walls.)

Well always being horny is something a lot of people have, but I never heard of that peeing feeling unless you're talking about how your dick feels after jerking off or sex? I don't think you are though


Veeky Forums is an 18+ only website, kid.

Mild urinary tract infection. Get medical attention.

That happens, I turn into a nympho sometimes too. One time I had sex every day for a week with 5 different girls and I was jerking off 3 or 4 times a day too. The feeling goes away eventually, now I haven't even fapped today and I'm feeling normal.

What are those windows 98 looking buttons?

>What are those windows 98 looking buttons?

Windows 7 with Windows Classic theme.


I'm a phone poster. Sue me.

Look up sex addiction (hypersexuality, nymphomania). You may have a very severe case of it.

You are HIGH TEST. Check into Veeky Forums immediately.

Pump iron and you will be pumping pussy instead of your lubricated palm, son.

I'm a phone poster too and I have no ads, are you an Android plebeian? Because iPhones have native support for content blockers

>Phone poster
>Not using an app
Apple scum

are you taking a ton of stimulants or whAt. If you are then you know EVERYTHING is fine

That picture really makes me hmmmm...
But I can't think of a situation where this applies to humans.


What about quarantines?

Having a genetic disease that can be passed to your children
Staying at home when you're sick
Going to a mental institution if you have severe mental problems
When you're at a sports team and you're really bad and you're dragging your teammates down
When you suck at cooking but people will still eat your food out of courtesy

>Having a genetic disease that can be passed to your children
in the image, there are more sticks to the right.
if you remove yourself from the genepool, there wouldn't be any more sticks.

I like your other examples though, also and



Cum in your mouth then you'll stop