Work and School: Poorfags Get in Here

Is it at all feasible to maintain a decent GPA in a non-brainlet major and work to help pay for your education simultaneously?

Basically got into a decent school but even taking out every loan offered would still leave me in the hole, even with the scholarships and aid available.

Anyone have experience studying as a poorfag? How deep in the hole, how does it affect your study habits and potential for success, how to work around it?

It absolutely fucks them sideways
you are genuinely better off just eating the student loan, studing your fucking ass off to get the very best GPA you can and paying the loan off with the job you get because of that stellar GPA
You need to be at your very best for school, or you'll fuck yourself hard

Shameless self bumping

What employer even looks at GPA. How is this not a meme?

This seems to be the generic advice but it looks like it just hasn't worked out for a lot of people.

The "work hard and get a gr8 job straight out of college to pay off debts" narrative seems to be a meme at best, even for STEM majors. The real results look like chronic underemployment. The kikes have got us by the balls

>work and study at the same time
>fail classes
>get stuck with a mcjob and debt anyway
while it's shitty, if you do manage to get a job in STEM, you'll be able to pay it off easy
the issue is getting that job, but you can go international for work if need be

it's not like you're going into liberal arts, and wont have a hope of getting a job whatsoever

the one that is grabbing graduates for shits and giggles, and wants to make sure the intern he hires isn't a crayon eater
training is expensive, might as well tell HR to go for the smart ones

how do you think you get work in a field in the first place?

Go to a cheaper school that financial aid will cover, or go to school part time


and how do you get those?
think user, think
connections do not sprout up out of nowhere, someone needs to make them at some point

if you wished your parents had them to help you, you can be the one to make them to help your children and grandchildren

Literally how i got my first STEM job as a 3.0 brainlet. If I were in HR i'd cringe if the applicant included their GPA on their resume.

>Going into physics for attention

That's dumb. You should've tried to be an actor instead.

Half the employers I applied to asked for transcripts, I'm sure they take a quick glance at your gpa in the process.

This meme makes no sense. Its supposed to go from fairly normal to absurd, but instead it goes from fairly absurd to normal and then to very absurd. Please apply yourself, 0/10

You talk to professors, be persistent. GPA is good for graduate school

The only time I was ever asked for my undergrad GPA (or transcripts) was applying to graduate school. The meat of your CV speaks for itself, and I am certain nearly every professional (at least in my field) would agree.

I get the feeling this is a thread filled with 20 year old college students, however.

I am a physics/math double major who's worked 50+ hours a week for the first three years and am on my fourth.

Over time its gotten easier and easier but I fucked up my GPA in the first year by getting a 1.5 GPA. After that I've improved and I'm about a 3 overall now (and since I'm double I have a lot of time to improve it higher) so its doable. But its not easy and you basically have to completely forgo any social life you have.

I assume if you're only a single major it might be easier.

Is it illegal to take your student loans and buy booze with it?

Literally nobody., not even some history major, should bother working while studying unless there is some super compelling reason to do so. The first 'real' job you get will pay more and have vastly better opportunites for advancement, and nobody in your technical field is going to give a shit about your 'work experience' making burgers.

Working to pay for it is even stupider. People fail classes doing that due to bad work ethic and time management, therefor creating more debt


The best way actually, is get a job at a university, like being the fucking janitor. As a benefit, you get free tuition so can sit in on classes. A number of people have put themselves through engineering this way by doing it P/T.

Failing that you could teach yourself depending on what it is, obv you can't self teach yourself anything that req credentials such as MD or Chemical Engineering. If I were you I'd get into any university just as a trashman or something, it could even be fucking Liberty christian university, anything. Then sit in on math classes P/T until you have a bachelors in math (and save your money) so you can go to grad school.

Same major duo actually. I don't have much of a social life anyway due to le 'tism, though.

Thanks user at least it's possible: I don't really have any other option, as said above: even the loans I was offered don't cover me fully

Thank god I live in Europe, I have no such worries.