It's easy in principle, but it's constantly repeated. I want to see if someone on Veeky Forums would actually waste their time doing this arbitrary problem.
The answer is fuck off.
Integration by parts and trivial induction. Happy homework, OP.
Do it by hand bitch with all the work.
It's not homework faggot it's summer.
Would this be a bad calc 2 homework problem? Maybe with the 20 toned down to 10
This would be a shit calc 2 homework problem, it would take forever to do. As said, it's easy in principle it's just constant repeated integration by parts. Even 10 is a little much. x^5 would be good.
on what lol?
>Would this be a bad calc 2 homework problem?
Yeah, for many reasons. The first is that 20 is not a prime number. I hope that if you are professor then you at least have the fucking decency of giving your students nice numbers like primes. 3, 5 and 7 are the best prime numbers by the way.
If you, for some reason, can't do that then at least give them other cool numbers like squares or cubes. They will appreciate it.
And 20 is too much. You just want to test them to see if they have mastered the subject. x^3 is enough and 3 is a prime number. And if you, for some reason, already gave them the x^3 example worked out then x^5 and 5 is also a prime number.
It's easier to prove the general formula by induction on x^n my sweet summer child.
thank all for wolfram
I want to see someone do it by hand.
>I want to see if someone on Veeky Forums would actually waste their time doing this arbitrary problem.
Do it faggot.
>It's easier to prove the general formula by induction on x^n my sweet summer child.
[citation needed]
>It's not homework faggot it's summer.
Why the homophobia?
because faggots are 9 times out of 10 scum.
Because faggot and dykes are fucking degenerates who do nothing but destroy civilization. They are starting to make their way into STEM too and fucking everything up. They're unnatural and must be exterminated from the planet.
Shut your mouth you fucking jew kike nigger lover. Get off of Veeky Forums.
>They are starting to make their way into STEM too and fucking everything up.
I'm sure Turing will have contributed 10000x more to STEM than you ever will.
Fucking neck yourself.
Who the fuck cares? any random victim could be the next x. The wants of the individual dont outweigh the needs of society
>Shut your mouth you fucking jew kike nigger lover. Get off of Veeky Forums.
Indeed, Comrade
Nigger faggot.
sure, im the communist, lol
>Nigger faggot.
The homophobia was already unnecessary enough, now why the racism too?
but most niggers are scum too lol
You fucking jew bitch newfag, get the fuck off of this site right now. STEM belongs to the west!
>You fucking jew bitch newfag, get the fuck off of this site right now. STEM belongs to the west!
But I've been here for years
Nigger IQ is 70
>Nigger IQ is 70
Because of socioeconomic factors, not genetics.
>No, you're fucking retarded.
Any sources in the scientific literature? I.e. work done by actual scientists, not Youtubers
Watch the first video fag.
1/21 * X^21 * cos(x)
>Watch the first video fag.
No thanks, it's 13 minutes long, but you can give me a tl;dr if you want. Feel free to come back if you ever find some scientific literature to back up your claims.
That literally is scientific but I'm guessing you yourself are a nigger.
>That literally is scientific but I'm guessing you yourself are a nigger.
Link to the publication?
Please kill yourself nigger monkey.
>Please kill yourself nigger monkey.
>46 replies
>no one mentions tabular integration
Considering you'd have to integrate by parts 3 times to get the full pattern, you're not saving mitch time.
Kill yourself.
>Kill yourself.
he's right though.
Because everyone here are a bunch of displaced /pol/ fags
[math] 20 x \left(x^{18}-342 x^{16}+93024 x^{14}-19535040 x^{12}+3047466240
x^{10}-335221286400 x^8+24135932620800 x^6-1013709170073600
x^4+20274183401472000 x^2-121645100408832000\right) \sin
(x)-\left(x^{20}-380 x^{18}+116280 x^{16}-27907200 x^{14}+5079110400
x^{12}-670442572800 x^{10}+60339831552000 x^8-3379030566912000
x^6+101370917007360000 x^4-1216451004088320000
x^2+2432902008176640000\right) \cos (x) [/math]
>forgeeting the constant
how embarrassing