Does GPA matter?

Does GPA matter?

No. Why would it?

inb4 a bunch of triggered losers who get their self-esteem from being nerds try to debate this simple answer

I hear in America it goes up to 4 only and anything else is basically a fail?

I was graded out of 100 and a few points on that definitely counts as the robots will bin your CV below a certain cut off.

Same in America. I know cs degrees that had shit GPAs and now they clean keyboards and reset routers for 25k a year because a human never even sees their resume.

From a grad school/employer perspective, GPA and standardized tests are the most important. If you think GPA doesn't matter you're a lazy dumbass that's lying to yourself.

Quantitative proof that you're hard working and intelligent matters much more than your subjective bullshit "I'm too smart for college so my gPA is a 2.0 hurr hurr I'm actually a creative genius"

I think it has more to do with what kind of person they are. Low GPA is just a by product of being lazy and unmotivated. You can absolutely get a good gig with average GPA if you put forth the effort and energy

To get into Grad School or Comfy jobs in Top Companies.

With Low GPA you can get into Smaller Companies.

But You can work as Code Monkey even as a High School Drop Out.

Yes, graduate with anything below 3.5 and you've wasted the last 4 years of your life

Yes. A thousand times yes, while you're in school and trying to get into grad programs, internships, or job hunting in certain industries. A shit GPA WILL ruin your chances for any of those.

People who say GPA doesn't matter are just lying. GPA is used to weed out the applicant pool, because a high GPA generally requires certain positive characteristics. If you think it doesn't matter, that might be because it doesn't matter to YOU personally many years after uni. But before you've built up job stability, you bet your ass the GPA will make or break you.

I think this is mostly correct, but I think reputation and connections are also important and can make up for a lackluster GPA. For grad school and jobs, I bet a student with a 3.3 GPA with a strong letter of recmmendation from a leading figure in the field might be better off than a student with a 3.8-4.0 GPA.

That's definitely true, but no one with a letter of recommendation from a leader in their field would be asking Veeky Forums if their GPA matters

My GPA sucked (2.something) and I live comfy. Your actual concrete experience and personality are much more influential factors on doing well in interviews.

Good question OP, I finished my undergraduate studies in Applied Physics (Netherlands) with a 2.85 GPA. It's bad if I stay on this board for a long time, but all my class mates are in the range of 2.6-3.43 on average so...

I think it also depends on the country and degree. I could have gotten a GPA of 3.5 in Economics with probably the same effort as a 2.85 in economics

applied physics* last word

Does it matter in highschool?

Yes, it's a major factor. In general the factors are considered as follows:

GPA > extracurricular > SAT

My 3.8 landed me a career that 99% of this board would murder me in my sleep to have, if they could. Ultimate comfiness with good pay and high status. But it's mine and not yours, because you didn't work hard enough.

yes, for college admission.
and in college, yes, for graduate school admission

I used to work as a biotech lab rat, but moved over to HR/recruiting side of things over the years.

At least for the firm I work for GPA is very important when hiring. If we get two candidates as follows for example:

- 3.99+ GPA at public university
- only 3.4 GPA at a "prestigious" university

We almost always will choose the former

A 3.0/4.0+ is fine for getting a job. 3.5+ is fine for most Master's admissions. A 3.7+ is fine for most PhD admissions. Hell, with good internship experience a 2.6 can get you a job. The benefit of a higher gpa is it allows you to get into more jobs and also makes it much easier to get into your dream job/company right out of college

Only one or two companies I've ever applied to have ever even asked for my GPA, and I don't have it on my CV/resume.

It was handy for getting into grad school and for getting scholarships though. I like in a country where university is really cheap and I still pulled in over 12k USD in a single year just on scholarships because I won almost every one I applied for/was eligible for.

I have a 4.0 at a top university though.
so yeah, it kinda matters if you want first picks of research opportunities or grad schools, but for a job nobody cares, they want to see stuff you've worked on not numbers on a transcript.

Of course. Do you seriously think you can get into MIT with a 2.0 GPA?

Yes and no. If you want to go to Harvard for undergrad, yes. If you just want a degree and a comfy job or wish to pursue graduate studies, you can go to a lot of state schools with a medicore GPA and they either have highly specific programs for industries (polymers at UT or TAMU because of big oil, e.g.) or if you apply to grad programs research experience matters the most.

>MIT grad with a 3.97 GPA
>not a 4.0

now completely useless, driving Uber for a living

Comfy to some people on this board is living in a shithole as long as they have enough money for their gayming PC and chicken tendies so...

In my country, employers only care about the degree, not the GPA equivalent

In high school it matters. In college not at all. The degree is all you need.

Yeah but if it's all relative who cares? I can afford the special hot n spicy tendies but I'm well aware that not everybody is lucky enough to be in such a position.

>paying for your own tendies
>not using good boy points

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.