I find Sartre's ideas very interesting but I'm not smart enough to read his complicated prose...

I find Sartre's ideas very interesting but I'm not smart enough to read his complicated prose. How could I learn about him without having to read his actual books?

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you already know enough to discuss him on Veeky Forums

read camus

Existentialism is a humanism is easy to read as are his novels. Start small then work up to b&n

What ideas?

His whole philosophy is one profound misreading of Heidegger.

As if a guy who smokes a pipe like that could be wrong about anything.

le dreyfus meme

Christine Daigle's Sartre book is incredibly straight forward and covers how his phenomenological ontology grounds consciousness and freedom and how that develops into his theory on personal relationships, etc. It's arranged thematically and charts the development really well pointing out where his fiction intersects with his essays. It helped me actually understand what the fucking point of Nausea was and I found it incredibly helpful during my undergrad course.

Iv read Nausea. Could you please enlighten to what its core message was?

it's just "life is what you make of it" 2bh

Being-in-itself (ie stuff without consciousness) is fundamentally characterised by complete contingency. It just exists, without meaning. Roquentin's illness is his realisation of this and that it is consciousness alone that negates being-in-itself, produces 'nothingness' and ultimately any meaning that the phenomenal world has.

So the illness is fully realising and processing what Sartre's ontology actually says: contingent being-in-itself is meaningless.

>wasting time on Sartre

>No Exit was a bigger waste of time than browsing Veeky Forums


This guy was rightHe really didn't understand Heidegger.

You may be right in that I am stuck here forever with you assholes.

95% of philosophers ars useless the only philosophers that matter are the ones that stray the furthest away from the discipline


If I dont understand this reply should I stop reading and apply for a job and the local factory?

Im beginning to lose hope that I will ever jettison my plebian genetics


There's a weird thing on Veeky Forums with philosophy. People treat it like something that should be understood without much education.

Nobody expects somebody to understand papers on particle physics without education, but people think they should be able to understand Aristotlean metaphysics on first read after reading the equivalent of a primary school book on philosophy.

Here ya go bud


you could always google him

Sartre is a fucking existentialist
nuff said