Is it scientifically possible to modify human brain so it is capable of feeling more pain than it is normally possible...

Is it scientifically possible to modify human brain so it is capable of feeling more pain than it is normally possible? Can you have infinite pain?

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is this bdsm related

I am do not know much about biology, but maybe you could modify the DNA of the cell so that the cells become more sensitive. Or put some chemicals that make the nerve sense more sensitive.

Does not local anethesia do the opposite by making the nerve cells less sensitive.

By "more pain" do you mean an increased subjective experience of pain or do you mean a more rapid response to painful stimuli? In the latter case, yes, this is possible. Different people have different response speed to pain and in theory you can increase this. As for subjective experience of pain, it's tough to say, but for example depressed people tend to report a higher subjective pain level on average than non-depressed people, so it could be possible but it's tough to remove all the confounding variables.

it depends on what your definition of the word 'is' is.

Ya it's called marriage but it's not a modification it's and institution.

Ask the CIA

No, nerves have maximum capacity.

as you lower the adequate stimulus threshold you can even make sensations that are not painful to be registered as pain through inflammatory signaling molecules or if your nerve endings are degenerating until you reach because an action potential has a set duration and refractory period so there's a cap to the AP frequency

i feel unclean answering that, please don't post on Veeky Forums

>Can you have infinite pain?
you can't have infinite anything you retard.
>so it is capable of feeling more pain than it is normally possible?

You can't have infinite anything.

Machines are finite.
State is finite.
The universe is made of arbitrarily subdividable state machines.
The universe is a state machine.
The universe can only have finite states in an arbitrary region of space.
The universe is finite, so it itself also has finite possible states.


finite state machines aren't even turing complete though

pain cant even be misured, it's a subjective feeling that in the end is the usual movement of currents in the brain
you can simply stimulate the pain area in the brain, that will give the maximum input, but that would be far from infinite since most people would die of shock in a pretty short time

All machines are finite state machines.
Some machines are Turing complete.
Therefore, to be Turing complete is also to be a finite state machine.

I mean, if for a normal person pain goes from 1 to 10, can you make it so it goes from 1 to 20? It is my understanding that at some point neurons can't fire fast enough because neurotransmitters get depleted.

I think a better question would be can we modify the brain so that it feels substantially more pleasure than possible under normal conditions.


Don't, this bothers me

Yes, you could wire the thalamus and limbic system to enhance pain reception and process all touch signals as pain.

Although, there is a threshold where the individual will lose consciousness. There is no "infinite pain," just a maximum and individual can experience.

It would basically just turn them into a vegetable.

You suck fuck

The other day I realized that machine isn't all that much different from the body we already have.

I don't think so. I think there only so much electric current in body. When overload it will just shut things down. I think this can cause dead by pain and is the most common cause of dead.