ITT: Veeky Forums approved films

ITT: Veeky Forums approved films

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its a good movie

to be fair these 3 women would be seen, legacy wise, on the same level as Einstein if they were not discriminated against

It's an okay film. The rest of your post is shit.

They wouldn't quite be seen as einstein, but you do have to be seriously historically illiterate to think there wasn't significant sexism and racism in the seventies

how many people landed on the moon ever since sexism and racism went out of fashion? huh?

they were human calculators

they obviously had great calculating ability, but its not like they were massively better than their other counterparts at NASA

they did not fundamentally change science like Einstein did

>same level as Einstein
>same level as the man who won a Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect
>same level as the man who established the theory of relativity
>same level as the man who predicted gravitational waves a century before their discovery
>same level as the man who furthered the then fringe field of old quantum mechanics
>same level as the man who contributed heavily to statistical mechanics
>same level as the man who, along a collection of a few others, shaped what we now consider to be modern physics

The film annoyed me -- in compressing the story to get it into a film's running time, they fucked up the history of what actually happened, plus they messed up some of the technical stuff (what a go/no go point is, for example.) They also had Katherine running computations for Glenn's orbits while he literally waited at the base of the rocket -- in reality, Glenn wanted a human to check the computer's calculations, and she spent several days in the weeks before the flight doing this.

The book was better. It recognized the difference between the relatively menial "computer" jobs the women in East and West were offered, and the mathematician/engineer jobs a few of them were able to move up to. It focused more on the work they did on aircraft during WWII, where they played a more prominent role.

The book did fuck u the number of orbits planned for Glenn (3) but lots of books and sites about it misunderstand the "GO for seven orbits" from Trajectory, and what that meant (orbit confirmed stable for longer than the three planned orbits they intended to fly, so all was well for the mission as planned.)

Wasn't Einstein opposed to Quantum Mechanics

Do not know yet, we'll find out when they go out of fashion.

"Opposed" seems the wrong word. He did not accept it as a theory.

They were more than that, they developed algorithms:
Look up "Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite over a selected Earth Position" on NTRS because apparently Veeky Forums thinks links to NTRS are spam

Agreed. If black women ran NASA maybe we would still explore space

that might be true, but i dont see how this puts her on the same level as fucking Einstein

That was just an user baiting.

What does Veeky Forums think of p? Do the bits they had to fudge ruin it for you, or can you live with them in exchange for a enjoyable adventure flic with a Veeky Forums theme?

Also, did not read the book -- was the Veeky Forumsence better in the book?

>They were...

Worth remembering that there were a number of women in West Computing (and white women in East) and they were not all identical or uniform in their training and education. Some went on to become engineers or mathematicians, others were at about the top of their game working a calculating machine.

the film was pure cringe for me, had to stop midway
>yfw a 20 year old explains to NASA's top officer how slingshotting works

It's not a well written book, but the content is interesting. Goes into the numbers and chemistry much more than in the movies.

The 20 year old is explaining it to the audience, not actually anyone at NASA, the choice was to either break the fourth wall or ask some of the audience to give them a touch of suspension of disbelief for the benefit of the rest of the audience.

A Story of White Girls which self-identify as Blacks

yes, i understand how "science" films work, but he could have explained it to literally anyone else, maybe his mother?

Got him.

the state told them they were black

>"they were equal to Einstein!"
>"wtf no"

>ITT: sci doesn't know what a octaroon is
do you brainlets even understand fractions?

Kerbal space program

Pretty much this:
It's like reading a series of story problems and their solutions. His writing technique- of (iirc) posting the latest chapter on the internet and editing it according to the feedback of his pedantic nerd boy fanbase- is really apparent throughout the whole thing. I got the feeling it would have been a lot more fun to be a part of that process than it is to read the outcome of it.

And if you've seen the movie, there's not really much more to get out of the book. Film version was pretty faithful.

>Veeky Forums doesn't understand fractions
Non sequitur.

We're talking about the fact that the state didn't understand fractions, so the argument that "she was white enough" is illogical on its face. It's not like the state had some fractional access policy for white-only privileges. Her birth certificate said "colored". Period. No amount of autistic flopping and mental gymnastics can change that fact.
Literally the law of the land. Pic related is Katherine Johnson's family, with mom and dad on the left.


Getting back on topic, which was which films are Veeky Forums approved, not a discussion of racial identity as defined in the 1960s, what does Veeky Forums think of pic related?

I have not seen it, because the cast does not appeal to me, but how is it, science-wise? Do they play it straight? And is it worth seeing?

Get on my level.