Why do brainlet science-illiterates think that "the elites" are more advanced?

This is a common belief that is rampant, and is especially strong on /pol/. People believe that the rich, the elite, the "illuminati", whatever you want to call them, are somehow decades more advanced than the rest of the population and that they are pulling the strings of everyone. Alex Jones is a good example; His ideas of AI are way off, he thinks that there are tiny nanobots in all our food, that every single electric device is recording everyone all the time, etc.

Why do people do this? The way the "elite" rule is simple; they have the property and a shit load of money and they fly around on private jets so most people never see them. Shit, most of the "elites" are technologically illiterate boomers who can barely use a computer without their kids' help. Where did this shit come from? Why do people believe this?

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Alex Jones is either mentally ill or an actor.

Man I really wish there were nanobots even if they were in my food...

Inb4 bacteria. Fuck that I want human designed ones. No brewers yeast does not count

But it's not just Jones. I talk to otherwise reasonable, educated people who legitimately believe that big pharma has a cure to cancer but won't release it because it's less profitable, that Google already has a general AI that's watching everyone and putting out propaganda to certain demographics to manipulate everyone, that there are underground nazi research camps where they already have supersoldiers, that colonizing mars is not only possible, but that they've already done it. These are people who have grown up in a big city, who aren't ignorant, and many have degrees (non-stem). I try to explain to them how the complexities of these problems are so great and that the availability of information in the internet age means that it is both impossible at this time to solve them and that if anyone DID everyone would know about it within 10 minutes. They just say things like "that's what they want you to think" or some other mindless platitude. What do?

they are dumb, it's that simple

there's a meme out there for example that a CEO "works harder" than a single mom who works 2 jobs to put food on the table

They don't, but they still deserve far more money. At least hundreds of times more than their average worker.

what about a CEO that does nothing but lose money for the company ? do they still deserve more money than their average worker?

This remind me of a teacher I had that said "if you get to cheat in the exam and get away with it, you were smart enough to deserve it".

The reality of the world is made by those who can, not those who "deserve", so yeah, the CEO who makes a lot of money and does nothing and even loses money in the company, can do it because fuck you, he pulled it off, theres no "god" in the sky rewarding good boys.

>babby discovers showbusiness

>get handed a company
>run it into the ground
>get paid millions as you go out

you're the one that first used the term "deserve", not me.

That wasn't me (the OP).

Don't derail the thread please we're trying to find out why people believe this shit. Also nice digits.

>prop up failing company's stock price long enough for a buyout by Verizon

She got millions because she made shareholders money. That's the only thing that publicly-traded companies need to care about these days, unless you're Google/Facebook and your founders have majority voting control.

Because super-advanced technology is a prerequisite for a lot of wacky conspiracy theories. And because the technology in question is "secret", it can have any abilities the theories needs, and can't be proven not to exist.

I thought that the top was reached with "turning the frogs gay" and "Pizzagate", but seeing their latest "Child Slave camp on Mars"-piece i'm beginning to wonder if it will ever peak

Bogdanov Twins are more advanced.

They have PhDs in Math & Theoretical Physics.

Most of Veeky Forumsentists are Brailets when compared with the Bogdanov Twins

Can you give me a quick rundown about these dudes?

Because they're bitter. I've known people from permanent benefits claimants to being family friends with an ex goldman sachs CEO and knowing a couple of deBeers.

The wealthier are ALWAYS nicer and harder working. The poor are usually stupid and bitter, always more concerned with getting superficial "one ups" than just getting on like normal humans.

Obviously there will be some shady billionaires and some decent hard done by people, but by far and large the poor are just bitter and short minded.


This meme is funny AF. 1st I'll give you the non-meme answer

The twins made a hoax research paper as a joke, intentionally filled with meaningless non-sense bullshit that got peer-reviewed by respected physicists published by a reputable journal.

That damaged the reputation the peer-review system in the academic publishing.


This became a Media Scandal in France.


the 2nd half-meme answer is:

The extreme plastic surgery that deformed them make the Twins looks like Aliens.

So Veeky Forums created a meme around them that They are "Redpilled" Aliens that helped Trump to win the Election against the "Reptilian Illuminati" Establishment.

They are now being humorously regarded as "The Most Powerful Brother's In the World"

The full 100% meme answer is:

Quick rundown on them:

Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control france with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
These are the Bogdanoff twins
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
Trump is rumoured to be an agent of the Bogdanoffs
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

Obviously technology is 20 years ahead of what it seems, that's how technology works in general, first it's expensive hi-tech that only few can afford or is kept secret for security reasons until it becomes cheaper and common among plebs

The best thing is that you could sell this to InfoWars-users as genuine truth.
Something that manages to amuse, scare and worry me at the same time

Because they're delusional

These aren't informed beliefs based on logic, these are transmitters-in-my-teeth schizophrenic belief systems.

Not really

>"Child Slave camp on Mars"
wait, what?

>This is a common belief that is rampant, and is especially strong on /pol/
You started spewing out bullshit and ended up making an obvious statement.
Alex Jones =/= /pol/.

Not really, you're exaggerating a lot because you disagree with the right wing.
Don't do that.

yes really
internet existed for decades before normies got to use it
US military has technology far ahead any other country
flexible touchscreens have existed for a decade but are still not in stores

>At least hundreds of times more than their average worker.
t. someone who's never been in business

I love when the NEETs and 30-40k per year anons of Veeky Forums are libertarians, it's really cute

It's a modern version of "muh invisible and omnipotent god". Easier to explain shit.

This meme is funny & obviously it's a joke.

According to this Meme Joke the Bogdanovs are "the good aliens" have supernatural powers that's "protect the world" against the "bad Illuminati Elite Reptilians".

Meme Jokes like "Illuminati almost started a Nuclear War, but a Bogdanoff phone call saved the World from destruction."

they aren't sapient
that's all there is to it
recall that /x/ exists, and actively resists all evidence that disproves them

Because what alot of conspiracy theorists want to do is present a fact and the snowball of it without imperical evidence. Like the afformentioned fluoride in water thing that Alex jones has, a perfect example where they present a fact "The is fluoride in the water" wich is true but then they ramp off it and claim it causes a myriad of sideffects without any backing to their claim and because they can't take 10 minutes out of their day to not circlejerk other conspiracy theorists and go to a library and actually study the topic at hand they use "the elite", "the jews", "the state" or any other percieved authoritative figure to be a god of the gaps.

>we're trying to find out why people believe this shit.
i think it's desperation at this point
they have to believe it because it's easier to blame the man for your problems

Well it's completely true that powerful organizations have technology not available or announced for public use; that's the point of black ops and aecurity clearances.

But to assume it's world-breaking tech is also wrong. We might have a refined but still probably not functioning emdrive for example lying in a secret base, but we probably don't have Tesla's free wireless energy transfer device gathering dust. A nation can and will sit on technology that disrupts society more than it benefits it, but it won't lock up something that makes you jump a century ahead of other nations.

wtf is a Woke filter?
Is Infowars just some kind of TV-shop, but for crazy people?

>release super high tech stuff to the public
>China reverse engineers it in a month and makes it better and cheaper
>you are back to square one

It's one of the ways he makes money -- selling herbal supplements, mind enhancement pills, water filters, etc. that the globalists don't want you to know about.

Once you've been redpilled on the evils of fluoride (i.e. that it was placed in the water supplies, using fake science, by the globalist bilderberg elites to damage your brain so you can't fight their illuminati agenda), you'll want to go to the InfoWars store and buy some filters to protect yourself.


>that Google already has a general AI
But this is true.
Why the fuck you fill out picture captcha every time you post here?
Its all training for the ai.

Because it's true. If the only barriers to invention are money then the government probably has it before the public R&D does.

Yes, they have lazer gun ufo dna machines in a DARPA black site somewhere.

those brainlets, being ignorant of language,
do not know the meaning of the word "élite",
and merely use it as other brainlets use it,
in the echo-chamber of their discourse


Tell you what the Snowden leaks with prism and what not were really really scary and if you had told me beforehand about the scale and scrutiny with which US intelligence agencies conducts mass surveillance, I would have thought you're loco too. Or like when german Stasi revealed their protocols and you find that thousand of people were treated to the Zersetzung measures. When you read gut wrenching stuff like that, I no longer think ill of even the most spaced out tinfoil hat wearers because we do live in a freaky world

This is what America is coming to.
Rome. We're falling.


It's usually a self esteem issue. The ones who are into that shit are usually poor, bitter, and not where they want to be in life so it's a way to say "Everyone else is a sheep but me. I'm the enlightened one!"

They're just as insufferable as the vegan/crossfit cult fanboys but you don't seem them in public because

a) they can't talk about it openly


b) they're usually in their mom's basement all day


Maybe it will cheer you up to know that TeamTrump has given Infowars press credentials?

Depends of the size of the company, most CEO's are not exactly billionaires.

When you realize that the goverment lies and has been lying for several years one can finally start piecing things together.
>Quick rundown
>Pizzagate was just a cover for something bigger
>Pedogate is real but you need to understand why all the cover up and why children
>Make the connections, research in what the people involve believe in
>Learn that they are all satanists, look at bohemian groove and the statue they worship, it's moloch
>Find refrences of child sacrifice to moloch in the bible of all places
>Look more into moloch, satan, gnositcs
>Satan comes from Saturn, Look at the Saturn gas formation forming a hexagram
>Hexagram forms the shape of the star of David, the jews, all starting to make sense
>Bible warns against those who say they are jews but are really those of the syngagoue of Satan
>Learn that History books are written by the winners, and they have been free masons all connected to Rotschilds
>Hitler was blood related to Rotschilds
>Learn about three world wars letter from Albert Pike, head freemason of the USA
>Connect all the dots, the bible is literally the word of God
>THey beleif that Adam and Eve were trapped by God and Lucifer freeded them with knowledge
>Lucifer means light, illumanti means the englighntned ones, the light they are seeking is Lucifer, all leads back to Saturn
Don't go down th rabbit hole if you are not ready for it friends, it's very hard and tough to accept.

>that colonizing mars is not only possible, but that they've already done it.

not so fast

ITT: bluepilled idiots not ready for the truth.

The rich are generally more intelligent, but aren't necessarily rich because they are more intelligent. Even still iq is the single best predictor of success.

The super wealthy and powerful have always been leagues smarter than the commoners. Deal with it.

I have no idea what you're trying to say


lol: source both photos

you see - it would be so much easier just to post a .gov link to one photo and a .potato link to another