
>favourite novel
>penis length
>book you're currently reading and how you like it

>Camp of the Saints
>Mein Kampf

It's great!

>At Swim-Two-Birds, by Flann O'Brien
>Murphy, by Samuel Beckett

My first Beckett. I gather it is nothing like the style he later mastered but he was pretty good at this Joycean shit too.

>Finnegans Wake
>7.5 inches
>Gravity's Rainbow, reading second time even more of a masterpiece than i remembered it noticing so much shit i missed first time round

>Prometheus Rising (tfw lit-let)
>7 inches last time I checked
>The Bible - God is scary

>Capital by Marx
>2 inches (i'm impotent as well)
>just read Mein Kampf, and it was so problematic and bigoted!!!

>Confederacy of Dunces
>20 cm

Mildly entertaining, weird writing style, captivating scenes, funny names.

>The Iliad
>The Metamorphosis. It's the first Kafka that I've read. Very strange, he does a good job of making me feel both disgusted by and sympathetic for Gregor.

As a female I refuse to participate in such thread

Apologies, meant to write "penis/labia length".

Oh. In that case:

>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
>Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I ship Snape so hard lol)

can i sniff ur butt, babygrill?

>Brave New World
>Thomas Carlyle: On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History
He's a verbose pathetic little shit. I have a feeling he could advance the same argument in a quarter of the pages.

>4" labia

Can you fly?


A lot of big guys on Veeky Forums. Will it grow if I read more?

they're self-measurements posted on a filippino churning board.

take away 3 inches on average for real data

>In Search of Lost Time
>n/a, or ~0.5''
>The Iliad

It's a reread, but it's been a long time. I appreciate it a lot more now.

>having a favourite novel
>6'5 length x 6' girth
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Enjoying it. Surprisingly easy to read for Joyce

>Veeky Forums complains most girls post face+book pics
>proceed to post dick length+book

Another reason the average user is as vain as the 'i'm addicted to books' special snowflake girl.

t. dicklet

>Brief History of Ancient Greece. Its good. Not too dense either.

>favourite novel
>penis length
>book you're currently reading and how you like it
Just finished reading The Fountainhead. By the time I was halfway through, I was already thinking of how it could be condensed without compromising the plot or central message.
1. Remove Dominique (so tsundere)
2. Cut out about 400 pages of word salad environmental and character descriptions ("his face cut into planes, his eyebrows were an enigma wrapped in a mystery embroiled in a scandal, an unending struggle against the tired lines of his nostrils, flared in their contempt for liberal scum")
3. Cut out the "no homo" shit at the end
That should bring it down to the length of a regular novel.
Hell, you could compress the whole book to a single sentence: "I, Ayn Rand, do not like columns."

Veeky Forums's had its fair share of genitals+book pic threads too.

It would be extremely painful

I read religiously between 12 and 16, and in that time my dick grew 3 inches. So yes.

>The Remains of the Day
>Crime and Punishment, Emma, Kiekegaard: A Biography
I should have read it before, as I have read other Dostoyevki's books. I like it so far, before I think it fall short to some of his other books (Demons for example).
Emma is alright. I like Austen's prose and her characters have very much defined personalities.
Kierkegaard's bio is interesting. The author does a good job describing Kierkegaard external (fun) personality and internal (agonizing) conflicts based on people's account of Kierkegaard and his persona journals. I'm half through it, he just ended his engagement with regine and move to Berlin to start Either/Or - as it turns out, the second part of Or as written first.

Micropenis detected

>The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
>A Smuggler's Bible

>a confederacy of dunces
>5.75 in
>the federalist papers
>mostly loving it

journey to the end of night
liking it quite a lot. Sometimes too verbose and bitchy, but i enjoy his colloquial style and he is my biggest current inspiration