What is the most scientific way to kill over 6 million people?

What is the most scientific way to kill over 6 million people?

Asking for a friend.

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ignoring environmental impact of greenhouse gases

Genetically engineer a deadly virus that only kills people with a certain genetic trait (hooked noses for example)



nice try, not-hitler

Global warming isn't real.


using them for research of course, why waste 6 million test subjects

Nukes. The most scientific way ever. Thanks to Einstein & Oppenheimer.

Already done by USA on Japan.

Old age. Or rather, natural causes. It is the leading cause of death, all other sources considered

Gas chambers

Hitler's kills per year > Stalin's
Also Kim is a fucking noob

Reading /r9k/.

Agent Orange

So which is it, communism or asian dictatorship in general?

Hitler was at war for a much larger percentage of his reign.

a Titanic tour

The Cambodia Commie Pol Pot killed about half of Cambodia population (1.6 million kills over 3.2 millions)

Cambodian Skulls & Skeletons are spread all over country's ground not yet buried.

A good percentage.

Global warming is happening. The causes are up for debate.

>Global warming isn't real


Stalin's repressions count is 25 millions, but were condemned to death penalty only 0.7 million.


a row of guillotines

Alarmist Environmentalist Scaremongers predicted thousands of times that Most of Major Cities like New York should be already Underwater now.

Politician Scaremongers are doing it for decades since 1989.

Al Gore Predicted in 2009 that Polar Ice Will Melt Completely in 2014 (didn't happened)

One of oldest predictions I found was:
"on June 30, 1989 a senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.""

Also this ABC News 2008 prediction about climate in 2015:
That Major Cities should be Underwater, Famines, Droughts, Floods & FIres all around the World.


Freeze yourself for 100+ years.

Nukes, engineering a vaccine resistant virus and releasing it in some assbackwards country.

climate change is real, whether or not it's a remote threat is the debate

>people are actually responding to this

It's real
It's caused by humans
It's a threat to worldwide food and water security

Socialism and communism

Precisely, shit's inportant.

Use the butterfly effect.

Go out in your yard and wiggle your hands around slightly. Watch the news until the resulting Hurricane has formed. Note how may people were killed. Repeat until the total surpasses 6 million.

We're going to need a bigger boat.

You might find this interesting.


Ok thanks for letting us know.

Pandemic bioweapon.

reminder that basic laws of thermodynamics disprove any claim that the amount of bodies burned could of happened

Reminder that they weren't literally burned.


>It's summer 2017 and the Arctic was supposed to be ice-free, hurricanes were going to be more frequent and more deadly, and sea levels should be rising alarmingly.

>Al Gore swore in his 2006 science fiction movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," that within a decade there would be a "true planetary emergency."

>"Unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes," said Gore in the movie's introduction.

>The grand storyteller also predicted in 2011 that "there will be no more snows" on Mt. Kilimanjaro "within the decade."

Conclusion: Scaremongers should stop.

Even if Global Warming is real & is caused by CO2 at current rate centuries would be needed to have any significant change in climate.

Trees, Algae & Plants traps CO2, so even if CO2 level rise, the Plant Growth will make CO2 levels turn back to the equilibrium.

Environmentalists are *always* exaggerating. Annoying as fuck.

Is Ironic that Politicians defending CO2 Reduction like Al Gore are emitting lots of CO2 by using Planes, His Private Jets & Cars.

>could of

My nigga Genghis Khan wiped out more than all of these faggots combined:

So this is just a /climate change/ board now huh you fucking mongoloid subshit

>a meme politician was wrong therefore we should ignore actual scientists


Exactly this. Politics tries to make it an issue that will take place within 10-20 years so they can 1) benefit off the scaremongering and 2) push things through because if they say things will happen over the span of a span of 50-100 years then nobody will care.

>Pol Pot


>Pol Pot
>not a commie
I guess """real communism""" has never been tried, eh?

There were many deaths both in the USSR and China, but those figures are excessive

It's counting indirect deaths caused by starvation. While not actively trying to kill people, they did put in place certain conditions that led to many excess deaths, eg. collectivisation, then demanding higher agricultural outputs during the ensuing chaos, then confiscating goods when the targets weren't met, then prohibiting and suppressing peasants from moving to cities to find additional work when they were starving.

There is evidence that they were or should've been aware that their policies were killing people, the contentious part is, what percentage of blame you assign to the leadership, what percentage is considered man-made vs a natural catastrophe, do you assign blame to central leadership the actions of regional leaders, etc.

Same can be said for the Belgian Congo, the Irish Famine, Native Americans, and most of the more contentious things declared genocides or man-made catastrophes.

Selling them "clean coal" and "clean coal jobs".

Lol at the butthurt Slavs trying to compare Stalin to Hitler.

There is no fucking way they are even on the same level.

Stalin is not all that different from any other authoritarian leader who caused lots of deaths as a consequence of their rule. Heck, fucking Churchill caused the Bengal famine. 2 million deaths. Nobody gives a shit. That's just ruling with an iron fist. It was par for course in those days.

Hitler killed out of hared and ideological reasons. Completely different animal.


>Heck, fucking Churchill caused the Bengal famine.
Pretty sure he was busy doing something else around that time. What was it... Around 1942 you say?

Japs caused it, the local British administration exacerbated it, but you can't really put too much of that on Churchill, and you definitely can't say he caused it.

>defending a murderer because you share the same ideology
You tell them user. Only a sick fuck would think like that.

drop a few rods from god in Tokyo,where the population is 37,833,000+

0.05$ have been added to your account.

The """real communism""" has never been tried meme.

So by Commie Logic:

(1) There was no "Real" Communist State even in Entire Human History.

(2) None of the following were Commies:
Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Hugo Chaves, Engels, Trotsky

(3) "Muh Karl Marx" was the Only Communist which ever lived in entire Human History.

(4) All Interpretations of Communism were Wrong until now (oh no! not again!)

not a cringe thread, slave


You might be angry and that will work for now, but in the long run it's better to face the facts and change your viewpoint rather than keep being angry and triggered by reality


Look at the absolute state of /leftypol/ memes.

propaganda , will kill us all.


>a man with wide hips

Holy fuck. Tbqh if you are man with wide hips literally consider suicide because you are an evolutionary mistake.

That or at least have the fucking decency to transition.

>capitalist imperialism
kek, you're practically a deluded north-korean. also who the fuck makes these shit memes?

Why are you not even trying to hide your very obvious poor posting style

>u mems ar shit
triggered much? this is a science/socialist board, capitarrays please go back to fiddling your private property to pictures of ponies

>he thinks this is a clever comeback
The absolute state of (You)

nothing? you have really nothing? okay.
remember to spread your wagecuck asscheecks for jewish bankers when you go to sleep tonight, they like to have their useful idiots ready and waiting for them when they take what's theirs

>he thinks this is witty banter

>he doesn't know what banter means

Fucking finally. Jesus you're one spergy cunt. Stop with the walls of bullshit no one is going to bother reading.

>one line of text
>walls of bullshit
why are capitalist brainlets allowed on a science board

>calls someone else a brainlet
Loving every laugh bro. You finish school yet?

sorry that's too much text for me to handle rn, I need to spend more money on mcdonalds burgers before i can handle such an almanach