What are some books that argue against fascism?

What are some books that argue against fascism?

The Road To Serfdom, F.A. Hayek

Or really any of Hayek's work.

OP, meet Hannah Arendt

My diary desu

Starship Troopers

>Arguing against fascism
OP, you need more taste.
Besides, all arguments against fascism will be basically "muh freedom" and "muh brainwashing".

Slippery slope: the book.

This and based Erich Fromm

All arguments in favor of fascism will be "muh order" and "muh fear".

As an ideology, it is nothing but autistic self-soothing on societal scale.

Just look at this. The Germans were the best fascists, simply because they, as a people, are already heavily baseline autistic. Couple it up with the rampant Pervitin abuse, and you have the hyperautism of fascism.

germans weren't even fascist
nazism was just "MUH GENES" the ideology, whereas fascism actually had more depth in its rejection of modernity in all aspects that didn't rely on pseudo science

>rejection of modernity
meant to say rejection of the modern political world, divided between liberalism and communism

>psuedo science
>implying our definition of autism isn't relative to the cultural norms in our society

nothing wrong with autism

>germans weren't even fascist

Wilhelm Reich

they won't, nazism was a very specific ideology that did have similarities to fascism but was still so radically different in its justifications that branding it as fascist is false

the reason most people think of it as fascist is because during the war it was easy for governments to call all its enemies fascist so people understood they had to hate it

>they won't
Proof that fascists are mentally challenged.

How To Be A Cuck: The Argument for Democracy and Against Fascism, by Schlomo Goldberg Shekelstein

Another legendary post by /pol/, thanks cletus!

>can't even make a post without making a TV reference

>TV reference

>can't even make a post without making a meme reference

you can detect typing mistakes but you lack basic reading comprehension, why are you on this board?

>autistic self-soothing on societal scale.

If curb-stomping, rape and mass-murder was on that smooth self-soothing level of brewing a nice cuppa, or having a smoke and listening to Sinatra, you mean?

Come on, Musso was an entry-level Marxist before he read Lives of the Caesars, and Stalin had him beat on every level in recreating the glories of the Ivan Grozny imperial state, to say nothing of Hitler's Reich. Too bad they were all batshit crazy, huh?

Mussolini's ideas are still far more interesting to study than Stalin's or Hitler's, though some parts of what he says are clearly false

Any definition of fascism that isn't "literally Mussolini's Italy and nothing else" includes Nazism.

I agree that the term fascism can be applied too broadly to but not calling the Nazis fascist is applying it way too narrowly. Even if there were differences between Italy and Germany they were pretty dang minor in the grand scheme of things. Germany adhered to virtually all of the defined points of fascism but it was in addition to a racial component. Keep in mind that Mussolini's Italy was also racially tinged because they wanted to bring back the Roman empire.

you're correct, but the statement "the germans were the best fascists" is completely false because if one considers nazism as fascist, it is the ideology that diverges the most from fascism because of all the incredibly important yet also specific ideas unique to nazism

Fascism in Action - Wright Patman

Eric Hoffer: True Believer

Showed how facist and communist and even ecclesiocratic movements are made up of frustrated individuals.

It's a bit of a cynical take, but in a world where the most vocal fascists (and sjws, actually) also happen to be the most on the periphery of normalcy and who have the least to lose in a world where they're basically failures.

>inb4 some retard /pol/ack tries to call me out for thinking that not being a loser = not being cucked

Nationalism, in its current, observable form and judging by the characteristics of those who follow it most vocally, is certainly a mass-movement and thus has similarities to facism (and extreme socialism, for that matter).

I see you're familiar with my work.