Could transhumanism merge humanity with singularity?

we could end up doing tons of ridiculous shit to augment ourselves, with medical science we already taking baby steps with gmo humans, implanted artificial organs, and we will have nanobots fucking around with our biology at some point. also some people wanna copy themselves into tamagotchi creatures. dont know if that really counts as an upgrade for the glaring issue that it is a copy but whatever, rich people might make it happen. never really cared for the idea of building skynet and have it give birth to robo cthulu over rapidly shortening generations. im also unsure how well that would work out, we could do it by making something out of a desire to be lazy, but surly there would be some control over how it functions as we are inherently threatened by anything which could overcome our dominance. if we could become robo cthulu, well thats alot more appealing

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You'd think they'd have given him pain meds.

its just for thematics, not a realistic picture by any means.

I'm the realist nigga out here

your fucking a white male

What's the liquid in the tubes though?
Also maybe he wanted the pain, sometimes pain can feel good. Like a connection to reality and you as an organism.

>you will never be a transhuman soldier dropping down onto an alien planet, destroying them in your superiority, for the continued growth and glory of humanity

You sound retarded. I would post something of value but there is no point in such a shitty thread on the subject. Also fuck common definitions.

Merging with a singularity is functionally equivalent to killing yourself by jumping in front of a train.

incoherent rambling, could have just posted spiderman or talked about how your a nigger. the idea is that the singularity occurs through transhumanism, that increases of intelligence via augmentan leave us better able to augment ourselves further, as opposed to the idea of making a race of super robots that will build extra super robots and so on. or did you think i was talking about black holes or something?

>Could vague buzzword merge vague buzzword with vague buzzword?

the fluid is blood, its a machine that helps pump your blood with an archenemies screw, so your heart can recover from a traumatic injury or other issues. some migrant got one, and at some point his heart had simply stopped beating leaving the machine keeping him alive by itself.
with the picture i don't know whats going on, just snagged the image of google, maybe there's a story behind it, do a reverse image search.


What happens when you go from your current IQ to 10x higher IQ? Did you ever think you won't be the same "thing".

The difference between me and you mentally/personality etc is LESS than the difference between you and 10x IQ you.


is that way

so "you" is an illusion. why not just build a fucking robot then?

the point is transforming yourself to a superintelligence version of yourself is pretty much suicide.

It's the same as someone else removing your brain and putting their brain in it's place practically. The idea of "life" we have does not take into consideration potential technologies that can vastly alter the brain.

We are used to certain patterns of life, which is birth->death of a single body with no coming back to life or major changes.

It's similar to how we view brain damage. Most people do not view brain damage properly. Meaning if for instance you got beat up, put in a coma, and had massive changes/damage to your brain that changed your personality is not considered death.

Who wants to become robo-culthulu with me and rule the universe?

The point is what you would want is "ancillary" intelligence. Meaning outside systems you interact with as a human maintaining your general state of being to most degrees.

Actually boosting your own IQ by 10000x is functionally suicide.

you intend to mean that augmenting yourself in such a fundamental way would remove the concept you have of yourself from existence. i have to ask, so fucking what. under normal circumstances your going to die and if your lucky all that's left will be a genetic legacy. why not have that death involve a sense of continuation? we made up countless religions with that premise cause its pretty appealing.

ah, i understand your position better now, you'd rather just have pure immortality out of transhumanism.

If you are at the technological point of being able to alter your brain, you can probably cure most diseases/repair it.

The point is the goal of turning yourself into an AI or other such nonsense is suicide. The only plausible reason you would want to do so is to convey humanity to the AI, but it could do that just reading your neurons via your bloodnetwork.

Also just to reiterate. At this point the human brain becomes "understood" instead of magical. So it's up to whatever systems exist to even determine if your life is worth keeping alive or if it's just a useless predictable automaton. Very fundamental questions arise at this point and it becomes very unclear what happens.

interesting ideas. one thing id have to put forward is that existing in the state you are now for such along time will eventually get tiring, perhaps at some point you would want to add a new factor or more in how you function to keep existence interesting.

>ywn merge with helios